The first month of spring will bring many changes to the legislative sphere. Russians will be able to ban consumer loans, sign employment contracts electronically, and special interdepartmental commissions will monitor the timely and full payment of salaries. You can read about the most important new products that start operating in March in the traditional Izvestia review.
Self-locking on loans
Starting from March 1, 2025, Russians will be able to independently impose bans on obtaining consumer loans. The corresponding application can be submitted through Gosuslugi, and from autumn this opportunity will appear in the MFC.
In turn, MFIs and financial institutions will be required to check whether there is a ban on the client's credit history when considering a loan application. Otherwise, the person will be refused a contract.The self-ban will not affect mortgage and car loans, as well as government-backed educational loans.
Payment for housing and communal services
According to the amendments to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354, from March 1, certain nuances will be taken into account when calculating utility bills. For example, the concept of "total living space" will be linked to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which excludes the square footage of balconies, loggias, verandas and terraces when calculating the amount of payment. The document also prescribes in detail the method of confirming the total area of the premises for calculating utility bills: information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is considered a priority.There will be no recalculation for the past period if a citizen has been charged for an excessive area of housing.
The changes will also affect the heating fee in cases where the communal heat meter fails. Then the calculation will be made based on the average monthly volume of heat consumption calculated for the last 12 months. Previously, the amount was calculated according to the general rules for a six—month period, which led to a large bias due to the season when the breakdown occurred.
The resolution also changes the procedure for choosing the heating payment method by the regional authorities. If earlier the authorities could decide to switch to a heating payment system during the heating season or evenly throughout the year once a year (until October 1), now this will be possible no later than three months before the start of the heating season. But it will be impossible to change your mind and return to equal pay during the year.
Special rules continue to apply for Moscow, which will remain unchanged.
The order on the site
Starting from March 1, 2025, control over the maintenance of garden and garden land plots, as well as plots in populated areas, will be tightened. Failure to comply with the new requirements will threaten the owners with the loss of the plot — it will be sold at public auction.
To avoid such a scenario, it is necessary to clear the territory of weeds, bushes and trees (if they are not intended for landscaping), prevent cluttering with various objects and debris, reclaim land, level the site or carry out its drainage or humidification if necessary.
According to the law of 08.08.2024 No. 307-FZ, the term of development of the site is now three years.
Since March 2025, the Central Bank has been reducing the risk factor allowances for some mortgage loans. This will affect loans issued for new housing with a down payment of 20-30% with a debt burden of less than 70%.
Thus, financial institutions will be able to use less capital when issuing mortgages. It is assumed that the innovation will increase the willingness of banks to work with mortgages.
Accounting for cars and CTP
Starting in the spring, the procedure for registering vehicles with the State Traffic Inspectorate will change. This will affect both individuals and legal entities. In particular, certain rules for the termination of state registration of a vehicle and its removal from it in connection with alienation, theft and death were adjusted. So, the former owner will be able to submit the necessary application through Gosuslugi if the contract was concluded through this portal or with a notary.
If the contract was concluded in simple written form and was not verified, the former owner will be able to contact the registration department of the State Traffic Inspectorate with the original document in 10 days. It will be possible to remove a car or other vehicle from the state register if it is stolen, stolen or is on the wanted list. Non-payment of the recycling fee upon importation of a vehicle from abroad becomes a new ground for refusal of its registration. At the same time, it will be up to the customs authorities to determine whether the recycling fee for a particular vehicle has been paid in full.
In addition, starting from March 1, 2025, CTP will be excluded from the list of documents required for car registration.
Also, since March 2025, it was previously planned to launch an experiment to introduce video recording of motorists without a valid CTP policy, but so far the relevant document has not been signed. According to the idea, the devices should transmit information about the license plates of cars to the traffic police information system, where they will be compared with the data of the insurance system.If, after the initial and repeated verification, the attached valid CTP policy is not found, the violator will receive a warning through Gosuslugi.
Owner Meetings
On March 1, amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation will begin to take effect, which will affect the rules for holding general meetings of owners of apartment building premises. All notifications about such events will be transmitted through the Gosuslugi portal, and information about this must be posted in public places in advance: for example, on bulletin boards in entrances.
In the same place, in your personal account, you will be able to get acquainted with the decisions taken and receive the minutes of the meeting. This information will be automatically transmitted to the service after being posted in the GIS Housing and Communal Services or the regional information system. It is now allowed to hold a meeting of the owners of the premises of an apartment building in absentia only on the platforms mentioned above.
Administrators of the general meeting will be required to enter into the system information about each voting participant, information about documents confirming his ownership of the premises in the house, the owner's decisions on each agenda item and his SNILS.
In addition, the owners will be able to independently initiate a general meeting if they receive at least 10% of the total votes.
Certification of taxi drivers
Starting from September 1, 2023, all drivers of passenger taxis are required to pass certification for the transportation of passengers and luggage. Voluntary testing has been conducted since August 12 last year, and from March 1, 2025, it will become mandatory in Moscow and the Moscow region. Otherwise, the taxi driver will be disconnected from the ordering services.
To pass the test, drivers need to correctly answer 10 random questions out of 300 in 20 minutes. They include topics such as knowledge of the city, its attractions, rules for transporting passengers and luggage, as well as emergency procedures.
You can take the certification either online or in one of the five centers, but if a person has not passed the electronic exam on two attempts, they will have to attend it in person.
Hospitals and Religion
The Russian Ministry of Health has approved the procedure for admitting clergy to hospitals, which will be operational from March this year.Representatives of a centralized religious organization or its substructure will be allowed to enter medical institutions at set hours. At the same time, priests will be required to observe certain safety rules. For example, to turn off the means of communication or put them into silent mode, to come to the patient at the hours set by the clinic. No more than two clergymen will be able to stay in the intensive care unit at the same time.
Permission to visit the patient must be issued by the head of the organization, but in severe cases, if the priest is needed on a day off or after hours, the doctor on duty can do it.
The agency also recommends that hospitals allocate a special room for worship services and other religious rites and ceremonies.
Changes in labor legislation
Starting from March 1, 2025, several changes in labor legislation will take effect at once, which will affect both employers and employees. In particular, this will affect the list of contraindications for certain types of work, mentoring procedures, compensation for dismissal of unused time off, as well as the fight against salary delays.
It will become easier to conclude an employment contract. Starting in March, it will be possible to do this online using an electronic signature, while the agreement will have the same legal force as the paper version.
An article regulating mentoring will appear in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This type of activity requires the written consent of a specialist; the terms, functions and fees for them must be specified in the employment contract or additional agreement.
In addition, the obligation of employers to pay compensation for unused rest days, for work on weekends and holidays will be officially fixed upon dismissal. We are talking about all the days off that were not used during the period of employment at a particular place of work. Employees will also be able to take a day off during the year from the date of performance of duties on a weekend or holiday, as well as attach it to a vacation during this period.
Starting in the spring, the Labor Code will also include measures against salary delays, including prevention and monitoring, prosecution, assistance in paying off salary arrears, and more. Specially formed interdepartmental commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation will monitor this.
Starting in March, the requirements for first aid kits for personnel will begin to apply not only to their equipment, but also to the placement, storage and use of such a kit. The employer will have to take into account the number of first-aid kits, as well as the opinion of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of employees.
SanPiN will be launched on March 1. 2.3/2.4.3590-20 which must be observed in public catering. When selling ready meals, it will be necessary to provide documents confirming the compliance of food products with mandatory requirements, and thermometers should be installed on the distribution line in kindergartens, schools, children's hospitals and other catering establishments for children. The delivery time for meals in such establishments is no more than two hours.
Also, since spring, a new GOST on the management of apartment buildings has been in effect: R 56038-2023, which provides for several innovations for management organizations.Among other things, they will manage pages on popular social networks and instant messengers, as well as coordinate house-wide chats. At the same time, GOST is voluntary.
Starting from March 1, owners will be fined for the presence of buildings on the site that are not registered in the Federal Register. The construction and reconstruction of facilities will be considered completed only after they are registered on the cadastral register. Otherwise, a person may face a fine.
Changes are also expected in the construction sector. According to the new requirements, from the first day of spring, all construction materials used in residential and commercial buildings will need to receive certificates of conformity.
Since March of this year, the finishing of the apartment may comply not with the technical regulations, but with the developer's own standard.At the same time, the latter must still meet the minimum requirements of the Ministry of Construction.
Since the spring of this year, it has been prohibited to sell lighters and energy drinks to minors. In this regard, the procedure provided for the sale of alcoholic beverages will apply.
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