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- Sending companies: they offer to transfer information about rental housing to the police and the Criminal Code

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and management companies should receive information about rental housing and tenants. And apartment owners should be required to share such information. Deputies of the relevant State Duma Committee on Construction from United Russia addressed the head of the Ministry of Construction, Irek Fayzullin, with a proposal to make appropriate changes to the regulation. This, in their opinion, will help to increase the security of living in apartment buildings and protect against unscrupulous landlords.
Why it is important to monitor tenants
Apartment owners want to oblige to report information about rental housing and tenants to the Interior Ministry and management companies. Svetlana Razvorotneva, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Construction and Housing and Communal Services, addressed the head of the Ministry of Construction Irek Fayzullin with such a proposal.
In a document that Izvestia has, she reports that today a significant number of apartments are rented out in any building. At the same time, neither the neighbors, nor the representatives of the Criminal Code, nor the authorities know who lives in them.
"This situation creates a lot of problems. Often, neighbors and the management company cannot contact the employer in case of emergencies, identify those responsible in case of violations of the law on silence and other illegal actions," the deputy informs Irek Fayzullin.
In the document, she also points out that living in a house of unidentified individuals can lead to a threat to the safety of all residents. So, according to one version, the attackers who carried out the explosion in the residential complex "Scarlet Sails" rented an apartment in the same building, Svetlana Razvorotneva notes in the appeal.
In order to increase the security of living, she proposes to establish an obligation for apartment owners and citizens using residential premises under a social rental agreement to notify the management company and the Interior Ministry about the facts of housing rental and tenants. In this regard, the deputy asks for amendments to the order of the Ministry of Construction "On approval of the rules for the use of residential premises."
— Today the legislation does not regulate this in any way. Well, besides the fact that landlords must send appropriate notifications to the tax authorities. But from the point of view of information about those who rent housing, then there is a complete failure. Sometimes this results in a lot of problems when one of the tenants makes a lot of noise at night or there is a communal accident, and it is very difficult to contact the tenants," Svetlana Razvorotneva explained to Izvestia.
According to her, if damage to the common property of the house can be recovered from the landlord of the apartment, then for administrative violations — only from the violator.
— Of course, one such duty is not enough. Next, it will be necessary to introduce responsibility for this for not reporting such information, as well as to prescribe in the legislation a mechanism for proving that someone did not report. But you still have to start somewhere. Moreover, this measure will also make it possible to combat illegal migration and terrorism," the deputy noted.
The proposals submitted by the State Duma deputy are under consideration by the Ministry of Construction and will be worked out in accordance with the established procedure, the press service of the department told Izvestia.
The editorial board also sent a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request to express its attitude to the deputy's proposal.
How information about owners will help utilities
The initiative is ready to be supported by the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption.
— The offer undoubtedly deserves attention. Since this is a security issue. We are talking about increasing the anti-terrorist protection of citizens, as well as combating illegal migration and illegal actions of unofficial residents, and preserving common property in emergency situations. If such a mechanism works, then residents of apartment buildings will feel safer. However, it requires discussion and careful study," Anatoly Vyborny, the committee's deputy chairman, explained to Izvestia.
According to him, it is necessary to specify the control mechanisms in more detail: at what time, who should inform whom, and who will process and verify this amount of data. What are the penalties for failure to provide information or for incorrect information?
This opinion is shared by Oleg Nilov, the first deputy chairman of the Fair Russia — For Truth faction.
— I think it is possible to support the proposal. It is absolutely normal if apartment owners will provide such information. Another thing is that for this purpose it is necessary to introduce a convenient mechanism so that people do not go to police stations or administrative offices, but declare this, for example, through "State Services," the deputy noted.
Nikolai Arefyev, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, believes that it would be more effective to restore order in the field of migration in order to increase the security of Russians.
— We can oblige homeowners to provide such information, but what happens if they don't? Punish for this? Migrants themselves should be responsible for their presence in the Russian Federation and tell the police where they live," the deputy believes.
Tatiana Gotsulenko, Director of the Association of Management and Maintenance Organizations in the Housing Sector, on the contrary, believes that Svetlana Razvorotneva's proposal deserves support.
— Indeed, today we do not know who lives in the apartment unless it is the owner himself, who may be located outside the Russian Federation. In the case of a communal accident or inadequate tenants, there is often simply no one to turn to. And, for example, if the battery breaks, it can be a very important clock not only for the apartment, but also for the whole house," the expert explained.
According to her, therefore, this measure will really increase the comfortable living and safety of residents. Moreover, not so long ago, management organizations lost the opportunity to receive extracts from the Federal Register on owners, and this is also a problem both in terms of debt collection for housing and communal services, and in general in establishing contact with tenants.
Vera Moskvina, Executive Director of the Moscow City Housing and Communal Services Control Association, on the contrary, considers such a measure unnecessary.
— The apartment owner is responsible for everything the tenants do — floods, fires, and so on, unless, of course, other requirements are specified in the lease agreement. Tenants can't make any decisions about living space, management companies need an apartment owner anyway. Another thing is that such information about residents may be of interest to the Interior Ministry, the expert believes.
According to her, it will be especially important for law enforcement agencies when it comes to migrants from neighboring countries. Therefore, it may be advisable to narrow the topic down to a report to the Interior Ministry specifically about such individuals, the expert concluded.
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