Otolaryngologist named the causes of sore throat
Sore throat is a discomforting sensation that can have different intensity, vary in duration and have a unilateral or bilateral character. At the same time, they can appear not only against the background of acute respiratory viral infections. Marina Yevsikova, an otolaryngologist at SberZdorovye medical company, told Izvestia on January 21 about the most common causes of sore throat, its treatment methods and what to avoid in case of sore throat in order not to worsen the condition.
According to her, depending on the duration, sore throat is divided into acute sore throat, which lasts less than one month, and long-term sore throat, which lasts from a month or longer. In addition, sore throat can be recurrent, when it recurs with a certain periodicity.
"When we talk about the causes of sore throat, it is necessary to distinguish whether the process we are talking about is acute or long-term. The most common cause of acute sore throat is a viral infection, such as acute respiratory viral infection, less often inflammation of a bacterial nature, "- said the doctor.
Acute pain in the throat is also the main sign of abscesses of the pharynx - a condition in which near the tonsils, on the sides of the pharynx or behind its mucous membrane forms a purulent cavity, said the expert. Such abscesses can occur, for example, as a complication of bacterial infection of the throat, and they are often accompanied by difficulty in opening the mouth, turning the head, as well as marked intoxication of the body.
As the otolaryngologist explained, a less common cause of acute sore throat is trauma, including mechanical injuries such as a fish bone, as well as physical or chemical burns caused by drinking hot liquids or accidentally swallowing chemicals not intended for ingestion.
Prolonged sore throat in turn is often caused by irritants to the mucous membrane of the back of the throat - such as dry air, tobacco smoke, dripping mucus from the nose or sinuses, as well as the throwing of gastric contents in the presence of gastroesophageal reflux. A less common cause of prolonged sore throat is chronic tonsillitis, and the rarest is tumor processes of the oropharynx or adjacent structures, the doctor added.
Yevsikova explained that if a sore throat occurs, one can consult a general practitioner, pediatrician, general practitioner or otorhinolaryngologist. She emphasized that it is important not to self-medicate, as there is a possibility of going down the wrong path: for example, start taking an antibacterial drug when it is not necessary, or miss the time, which in turn can lead to various complications depending on the cause.
At the appointment, the doctor will analyze the symptoms, assess the condition of the throat and, based on the overall clinical picture, decide what diagnosis is required for the patient. If indicated, the medic may prescribe a rapid test for beta-hemolytic streptococcus. In addition, he may prescribe control of the general blood test and the level of C-reactive protein - an indicator that helps to identify the presence of inflammation in the body. In some cases, a diphtheria swab may also be recommended, the expert added.
In case of prolonged sore throat, examination of related organs may be required, depending on the accompanying symptoms. This may be, for example, endoscopy of the nasopharynx - inspection with a camera, CT scan of the sinuses, MRI of the soft tissues of the neck. Also, if necessary, the patient may additionally appoint a consultation with a gastroenterologist.
As specified by the specialist, in acute sore throat associated with inflammation of a bacterial nature, the patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy. If the pain is caused by a viral infection, symptomatic therapy is recommended: copious drinking, gargling with sodium chloride solution, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the absence of contraindications, as well as sucking non-medicated lozenges.
Treatment of prolonged sore throat usually begins with the elimination of provoking factors. It is recommended, for example, to moisturize the air or gently clean the nose with a hypertonic solution. If diseases of the nose or stomach are detected, the patient is also prescribed appropriate therapy, clarified the otolaryngologist.
"With a sore throat, it is recommended to follow general recommendations. It is desirable to avoid the use of local antiseptic preparations, for example, various solutions for gargling, since many of them have a strong drying effect, which can disrupt the natural microflora of the throat. In addition, it is necessary to drink clean drinking water as desired. It is also recommended to exclude from the diet too spicy, salty or acidic foods to avoid additional irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. In addition, it is desirable to use a humidifier, and the level of humidity in the room should be at least 50-60%," - recommended Evsikova.
Earlier, on January 18, nutritionist, gastroenterologist at GASTRO CLINIC Roman Malkov told Izvestia that swelling can be associated with various diseases, including heart failure, kidney disease, allergic reactions, as well as a lack of protein in the blood. One of the less obvious causes is hidden food intolerance.