A nutritionist has listed the beneficial properties of apples

Nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg told about the unexpected useful properties of apples. According to the specialist, apples contain many useful substances that help prevent a number of diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, oncopathologies and hypertension.
In a conversation with the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva" on Sunday, January 19, the nutritionist pointed out that apples are useful due to the dietary fiber they contain. Ginzburg explained that dietary fiber are prebiotics, "feed" microflora and cleanse the body, and the combination of quercitin and ascorbic acid improves microcirculation, protects the vascular wall and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, apples have a positive effect on dental health.
Ginzburg also said that apples significantly contribute to the improvement of health in hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Meanwhile, warned nutritionist, in some cases, apples can be harmful, for example, people with gastritis and peptic ulcer disease in the acute phase. In this case, apples can be consumed only in the form of mashed potatoes or baked. In diabetes, apples can be eaten only after meals. The doctor emphasized that an apple of a sweet variety with an equal amount of sugar will be more useful than sweet tea or cake. The nutritionist added that you should not eat apple pips, as it is an inedible product.
In October, experts noted that red apples, watermelons and tomatoes contain flavonoids that protect against free radicals and inflammation. Green vegetables and fruits such as kiwi and spinach are rich in chlorophyll, magnesium and vitamins that aid digestion, 360.ru reported.
In September, Irina Lyalina, acting dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the State University of Education, advised eating two or three baked apples a day in a conversation with Life.ru. According to her, they help fight oxidative stress and inflammation, RT writes. Baking apples can increase the amount of sugar in them. This increases their calorie content and is unhealthy for people with diabetes or those who monitor blood sugar levels, Lyalina warned.
Also in September, nutritionist Elena Solomatina told how to reduce the harm from charlotte. According to her, instead of sugar it is better to add sugar substitutes or choose sweeter apples. You can also make charlotte from flour denser, adding burnt flour, rye flour and bran, or use breadcrumbs, reports NSN.
In August, therapist, nutritionist Elena Ustinova said that allergic and diabetic people should eat apples with caution. It is highly undesirable to eat them for those who are allergic to plant pollen.
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