Apples in the snow: why fruit is best not frozen
In winter, Russians more often than at other times of the year prefer to buy frozen vegetables and berries. Housekeepers prefer such products in order not to buy fresh fruits treated with various substances for long-term storage. In favor of preparations says that after shock freezing in the crop retains the maximum vitamins and minerals. In addition, for this method of preparation and storage, the ripest and best quality products are selected. About these and other advantages of frozen fruits - in the material "Izvestia".
Vegetable symphony
Director of the Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Food Engineering named after Academician I.A. Rogov, head of the Department of Biotechnology and Bioorganic Synthesis Dmitry Kulikov believes that frozen fruits, vegetables and berries can really compete with fresh products, if these fresh fruits have been processed to extend shelf life.
- Freezing preserves vitamins and minerals that can be lost during transportation and storage of fresh produce. However, it is important to choose quality frozen foods without added preservatives, " emphasizes the scientist.
When choosing such preparations, it is also necessary to take into account certain properties of products. For example, according to the expert, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, green peas and carrots are excellent options for freezing, as they retain their nutrients and texture even after defrosting.
- But potatoes are not recommended to be frozen raw, as they can lose their texture and flavor," warns Dmitry Kulikov. - Also do not freeze those vegetables that contain a lot of water - cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, etc. After defrosting, they will change shape, become soft and watery.
If the hostess plans to freeze vegetables herself, it is necessary to make sure that they are fresh and of good quality. Before freezing, they should be washed, dried and cut, if necessary. Dmitry Kulikov advises storing vegetables in airtight bags or containers to prevent ice formation and preserve the flavor and texture of the food.
Olga Lushnikova, a nutritionist and therapist, calls frozen vegetable mixes a lifesaver when it comes to side dishes.
- Frozen vegetables are a great way to diversify your diet. They retain their nutrients even after heat treatment. But it is best to steam or bake such products to minimize the loss of vitamins. It is not necessary to defrost vegetables before cooking, - cautions nutritionist-therapist.
Frozen broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and spinach combine well with meat, fish and cereals, emphasizes Dmitry Kulikov. Such products can be added to soups, stews, casseroles and side dishes - while preserving most of the nutrients.
According to Olga Lushnikova, frozen fruits are less common compared to vegetables and berries. The reason is the higher wateriness of fruits and shorter shelf life. When frozen, fruits lose texture and become less attractive. And apples and pears tend to form ice crystals inside the cells, which worsens their flavor and consistency after defrosting.
However, this doesn't detract from the benefits of frozen fruit either - they can still serve as a great source of vitamins and minerals. The most popular options for freezing are bananas, mangoes, pears, and citrus fruits. They retain most of the useful substances, but it is worth remembering that some vitamins, such as vitamin C, can be partially destroyed by freezing, notes the scientist.
- Today, the industry uses the technology of acoustic freezing, which allows to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances and vitamins. Also, many models of modern refrigerators have a fast freezing function," comments Dmitry Kulikov.
To preserve the usefulness of fruits, it is equally important to defrost them properly, emphasizes the scientist. It should be done slowly - in the refrigerator to maximize the texture and taste and minimize the loss of vitamins.
- Frozen fruits such as strawberries, bananas and mangoes are great for smoothies, yogurts and desserts. They add sweetness and flavor to dishes, and enrich them with vitamins and antioxidants," says Dmitry Kulikov.
What berries can be frozen
Berries are the most popular fruits for freezing. And, perhaps, the most suitable due to their dense structure and high concentration of useful substances, emphasizes the scientist.
- Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, currants and sea buckthorn stand out among the berries that tolerate freezing well. They retain their flavor and texture after defrosting, which makes them an ideal choice for smoothies, desserts, porridge and baked goods," says Dmitry Kulikov.
However, there are some fruits that are better off not subjected to freezing. According to Kulikov, forest strawberries, cloudberries, grapes and watermelon contain a lot of water and after defrosting become soft and watery, losing their original texture and flavor. Therefore, it is better to use them fresh or canned in other ways.
- Grapes, cranberries, raspberries, though they retain their flavor after defrosting, but under the influence of cold their texture changes. Therefore, it is better to use these frozen berries as additives to dishes where the flavor component is important, or to prepare drinks, sauces and desserts," says Dmitry Kulikov.
According to Lushnikova, all frozen berries are a source of vitamins: C, A, E, K, as well as group B. They contain minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber in varying amounts. The most valuable in composition are considered blueberries, raspberries, black currants, strawberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn and cherries.
Thus, blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which support eye health, improve memory, have an anti-inflammatory effect, support heart health. Cherries, raspberries and strawberries contain ellagic acid, a substance known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, as well as its ability to eliminate heavy metals from the body.
- The antioxidants we get with cherries help improve sleep quality and reduce inflammation. They can even relieve arthritis symptoms due to their anti-inflammatory properties," comments Olga Lushnikova.
In order to maximize the benefits of eating frozen berries, the expert advises not to subject them to heat treatment, and eat them immediately after defrosting. And it is better to defrost berries, as well as fruits, in the refrigerator, not at room temperature - so they will retain their properties.
Before making compotes, the expert advises to defrost berries and put the fruit in boiling water. Boil the compote should be literally a few minutes, be sure to cover the pot with a lid and let insist for two hours.
Dmitry Kulikov recommends using frozen blueberries, raspberries and blackberries in kisses, pies and smoothies. They will add bright shades of flavor, aroma and useful antioxidants and vitamins for the body to the dishes. These berries can be healthfully combined with yogurt and breakfast cereals.
Dill from the freezer
Frozen herbs such as dill, parsley and other herbs have a number of advantages over dried herbs, says Dmitry Kulikov.
- It retains much more aroma and flavor, as when freezing the structure of the cells of herbs is practically unchanged, unlike drying, in which there is a significant loss of essential oils responsible for the flavor. In addition, frozen herbs retain more nutrients and vitamins, especially water-soluble ones," comments the scientist.
Frozen herbs are more convenient to use, as they can be added to dishes without pre-processing, which saves time.
- Properly frozen greens can be stored in the freezer for up to a year without losing their qualities, while dry ones lose their aroma and flavor over time, especially if stored incorrectly," warns the expert.
Kulikov advises to place cut or whole greens in airtight bags or containers, removing excess air. Store it in the freezer at a constant temperature of -18 °C or less, avoiding re-freezing.
How to choose frozen food
According to Olga Lushnikova Lushnikova, you should choose in the store products frozen in the production method very carefully. It is important to look at the date of production - it should correspond to the season when these vegetables or berries ripen. For example, a bag of frozen blueberries should say July or August. If it is December, then there are questions: where this berry grew, how it was stored and transported, whether at the time of freezing it remained any useful substances.
In addition, when choosing frozen foods, the expert recommends paying attention to the composition. Added sugars, preservatives and artificial colors should be avoided.
- Another important point: in order to preserve the benefits of frozen foods, in no case should not be allowed to defrost and re-freeze, - warns Lushnikova. - In the store, it is not always realistic to figure out whether the product has been re-frozen. But if the packaging is transparent, you can visually assess the quality of the product.
In this sense, home-made preparations are more reliable, emphasizes the expert. But the enterprises use shock freezing - products are frozen in just a few minutes. This preserves the useful properties and reduces the contamination of products (contamination with microbes, bacteria, pathogenic cells).