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Gastroenterologist told about the causes of swelling

Malkov: the cause of swelling may be hidden food intolerance
Photo: Getty Images/bymuratdeniz
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Edema is a buildup of fluid in the tissues of the body that manifests as puffiness and weight gain. The causes of edema are diverse and can be associated with various diseases, including heart failure, kidney disease, allergic reactions, as well as with a lack of protein in the blood (hypoproteinemia), Roman Malkov, a nutritionist and gastroenterologist at GASTRO CLINIC, told Izvestia on January 18.

However, according to him, one of the less obvious, but still significant causes of edema - hidden food intolerance. The doctor noted that food intolerance is different from the commonly known allergy.

"An allergy is an immunologic reaction that often manifests quickly and violently, including skin rash, lacrimation, nasal congestion, and anaphylactic shock in severe cases. This is allergy of the first immediate type, which is based on an increase in the production of antibodies of the IgE class," Malkov said.

As the expert explained, intolerance, on the other hand, often has a slower and more hidden course and is a delayed allergy, the symptoms of which may be nonspecific and may not manifest themselves immediately after consumption of the product.

"It is a third delayed-type allergy. It involves antibodies of the IgG class. Several days or weeks may pass between the time of contact with the allergen and the manifestations. For this reason, it is difficult to establish causation, leading to misdiagnosis and inadequate treatment," he added.

The gastroenterologist noted that swelling in this case may be one of these symptoms, often accompanied by abdominal bloating, digestive disorders, headaches, chronic fatigue, joint pain and skin problems. Skin rashes don't always appear.

"Swelling can also be a manifestation of other conditions, such as genetic gluten intolerance (celiac disease). Swelling in this case is a result of inflammation of the intestines and 'leaky,' or leaky, gut syndrome, which occurs due to inflammation of the intestinal wall. It must be remembered that sometimes there is a non-celiac gluten intolerance that does not have a genetic predisposition. In addition, swelling can also be a manifestation of lactose, fructose or histamine intolerance," added Malkov.

The nutritionist said that the diagnosis of hidden intolerance of products requires a comprehensive approach. Simple exclusion of products from the diet may be ineffective due to the difficulty of establishing cause-and-effect relationships. More accurate methods include tests for IgG antibodies to foods. These tests do not always give correct results and require evaluation by an experienced gastroenterologist or immunologist.

"Treatment of edema associated with food intolerance consists primarily of eliminating the identified provocateur foods from the diet. But this is not enough! The main role is played by the elimination of the syndrome of "hole", or leaky, intestine, because it is the basis for the emergence of complications in the form of chronic inflammation, edema, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases of the brain, "- Malkov emphasized.

He drew attention to the fact that almost all modern people have this syndrome in varying degrees of severity. This is due to intestinal dysbacteriosis, chemical substances in food, taking dietary supplements and medications. He specified that in the last century there was not such a prevalence of this syndrome precisely because the food was more natural, medicines and antibiotics were not used as actively as at present.

"Under the influence of these negative factors, the wall of the small intestine becomes inflamed, the cells separate and gaps are created through which the intestinal contents enter the bloodstream. This causes the immune system to react in the form of the production of antibodies of the class. IgG, which leads to delayed type allergies," explained the doctor.

The expert added that the correct diagnosis and timely treatment will help to avoid serious complications.

Earlier, on December 19, therapist of JSC "Medicine" (clinic of Academician Roitberg), Dr. Olga Sharhun told "Izvestia" that fluid retention in the body can arise due to various diseases, including heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, endocrine disorders and infections. According to the expert, one of the most common diseases leading to edema is heart failure, when the heart is not able to pump blood, which leads to fluid accumulation in the tissues.

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