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Skin problems can indicate various diseases - allergies, GI disorders and even oncology. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to changes in color, rashes, dryness, spots and seals. Doctors explained to Izvestia what such manifestations may indicate and what specialist to consult.

Body signals

Problems with the skin can talk about various problems in the body and dangerous diseases. Natalia Mikhailova, candidate of medical sciences, dermatovenerologist, scientific director of Martinex Company, told "Izvestia" about it.

- Skin is the largest organ of the body. Its main function is protective, and one of the most important is excretory. Skin, as a mirror, reflects diseases of internal organs and its condition can warn about many health problems, - she said.

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As the doctor explained, with each nosology in the body is a specific process and in addition to skin manifestations there are other symptoms characteristic of a particular disease. Therefore, it is important to look at the problem comprehensively and, if necessary, to visit not only a dermatologist, but also another specialized specialist.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist FNAC FMBA Russia Anna Esina called the skin is not only the outer shell of the body, but also an indicator of overall health.

- Its condition can indicate serious internal failures, and sometimes represents an independent disease. Therefore, when changes appear, it is important to closely monitor the body's signals and seek medical help in time, - emphasized the specialist.

Color change

One of the signs that a person may have health problems is a change in skin color. Thus, its jaundice indicates liver disorders. It occurs because the liver does not cope with the processing of bilirubin, it enters the blood and colors the skin, mucous membranes and sclerae of the eyes.

At the same time, pallor of the skin and lips can be a symptom of iron deficiency anemia and indicate a lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

- Red blood cells (blood cells that carry oxygen) become insufficient, so the skin becomes pale and may even have a bluish tint. Also pallor can be a symptom of low blood pressure, - says dermatovenerologist Natalia Mikhailova.

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Photo: Global Look Press/Elena Mayorova

The appearance of vascular nets or stars (telangiectasia) may be a reaction to the use of contraceptives, symptoms of hormonal disorders, liver pathologies, systemic diseases of connective tissue and problems with the pancreas. The vascular wall loses its elasticity and tone, while the surface vessels expand and show through the skin, sometimes even burst, explains the interlocutor of "Izvestia".

Appearance of rashes

The appearance of rashes on the skin also speaks of different pathologies. For example, a rash with blisters can be a symptom of allergies. You can also assume liver disease associated with a violation of its detoxification function or poisoning, intestinal disorders, in particular the presence of worms in the body.

- Parasites produce dangerous for the body substances and antigens that are involved in the formation of toxic and pseudoallergic reactions, - says Natalia Mikhailova.

Photo: TASS/Sergei Savostyanov

When a person has a hemorrhagic rash - small hemorrhages in the skin associated with a violation of the permeability of the vascular wall and damage to capillaries, it may be a symptom of insufficiency of vitamins C, K or rutin. Or even signal serious blood diseases - leukemia, thrombocytopenia and others.

- Especially should be alarmed if such a rash for a long time does not go away by itself and is not associated with traumatization of the skin. It can also be a symptom of autoimmune diseases, when there is inflammation of the walls of small vessels. Can be a sign of kidney or liver disease, infectious diseases and others,- says dermatovenerologist.

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Red rash on the face in the area of the wings of the nose, cheeks and cheekbones, similar to a butterfly, can be a sign of lupus erythematosus. This is a disease in which the body's immune system attacks its own cells. This rash occurs when UV light causes immune cells in the skin to produce specific chemicals that cause inflammation of the skin.

Dryness and flaking

Dry and flaky skin is sometimes a sign of many diseases of internal organs. These include endocrine diseases such as hypothyroidism and diabetes, GI diseases, autoimmune diseases, and skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, and others.

- It may be a symptom of a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, especially vitamins A, E, B group, which are directly involved in the formation of the epidermis and hydrolipidic mantle of the skin. Or it is a signal of lack of fat intake, when a sharp lack of lipids in the epidermis leads to loss of moisture and coarsening of the skin. And the banal dehydration of the body leads to dryness and peeling, - says the interlocutor of "Izvestia".

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Other noticeable changes, such as striae or stretch marks, not related to pregnancy and rapid growth, may be a sign of adrenal disorders, when they produce excessive amounts of stress hormone cortisol, and even a specific symptom of Icenko-Cushing's disease.

- They appear because the hormone suppresses the work of fibroblasts, collagen and elastin production suffers - the skin becomes less stretchable and is unable to recover. With this disease stretch marks can be much wider and larger and even appear in atypical areas - on the face and neck - says Natalia Mikhailova.

When you need a doctor

As noted in conversation with "Izvestia" dermatovenerologist Anna Yesina, many diseases begin with skin manifestations. For example, redness, rashes and itching can signal the presence of allergic reactions, eczema or dermatitis. In such cases, it is worth paying attention to recent changes in diet, the use of cosmetics or exposure to irritating factors.

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Pimples and inflammation on the skin are usually associated with hormonal disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or stress, and this requires a comprehensive approach.

- Particular vigilance cause changes in moles: if they begin to grow, change shape or color, it may be a sign of malignant process and requires immediate medical attention. Even such seemingly insignificant manifestations, such as dry skin or cracks, can be a signal of vitamin deficiency or endocrine system disorders, - says dermatovenerologist.

In some cases, she emphasizes, a visit to a specialist should not be delayed. If a person noticed strange spots, long non-healing wounds, itching, which is not removed by standard means, nodules, thickening or feels other unexplained changes in the skin, it is necessary to get professional advice.

- Going to a dermatologist should not be looked at as a last resort. You should consult this specialist for any symptoms that do not go away for a long time or cause discomfort, especially if the usual skin care does not work, - explains the doctor.

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If the dermatologist notices signs that indicate problems other than skin problems, he or she may refer you to other specialists, such as an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, allergist or oncologist.

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