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A psychologist recommended restoring sleep patterns after the New Year's holidays

Neurocoach Yakimov: after the holidays there is a dopamine pit effect
Photo: Global Look Press/57stock
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After New Year's holidays, one is sometimes left feeling tired and broken instead of the expected burst of energy. Psychologist and neurocoach Nikolai Yakimov told about the reasons for this effect of a long vacation in an interview with Gazeta.Ru on Saturday, January 11.

"Holidays, despite all their joy, can cause post-holiday exhaustion. Violation of the usual rhythm of life, late feasts, abundance of heavy food and lack of physical activity overload the body. This is complemented by biochemical processes in the brain: a sharp rise in the level of dopamine and serotonin on the background of the holiday is replaced by their decline, which leads to apathy, low mood and lack of motivation, "- explained the psychologist.

According to him, the already broken state is additionally aggravated by the entry into the working rhythm: there are a lot of plans and tasks, for the fulfillment of which it is necessary to undertake as soon as possible. Coupled with the pre-holiday abundance of work, when before the new year, many companies finish unfulfilled for the year, the level of fatigue becomes even higher.

"Under stress, the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands begin to actively produce stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol helps mobilize energy and resources to solve tasks, but with prolonged exposure it leads to impaired concentration, cognitive decline and even depletion of neurons in key areas of the brain, including the hippocampus," Yakimov said.

In order to recover faster and enter the working rhythm with new strength, the psychologist recommended to first restore the sleep schedule and get a good night's sleep. This will stabilize the hormonal balance. Walks in the fresh air, as well as sports, preferably in nature, will not hurt.

"It is important to add to the daily routine simple rituals that bring pleasure. For example, a cup of your favorite beverage, reading a book or a gratitude journal. Such "fast dopamines" activate the brain areas responsible for pleasure and will help you move more quickly from the holidays to the working mood," Yakimov advised.

In addition, the psychologist noted the importance of competent time management and advised to take breaks of 5-10 minutes every 25-30 minutes of work.

"To start the year without emotional exhaustion is really possible. The main task is to take care of yourself, prioritize and give yourself time to rest," he concluded.

Earlier, on January 6, the chief physician of Palmira Clinic, candidate of medical sciences, psychotherapist Yanina Fedorenko said that after the New Year holidays, plenty of food and late awakenings, it can be difficult for the body to switch to work mode. She advised to include in the diet vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, as well as protein food.

Before that, on January 9, a psychologist, associate professor of the Department of Psychological Counseling of the Faculty of Psychology of the State University of Education Angelika Polina told Izvestia how to cope with stress when going to work after the New Year holidays. First of all, she advised to establish a daily routine.

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