Aging overnight: how stress triggers disease mechanisms

The expression "all diseases are caused by nerves" is not meaningless: stress is considered to be one of the factors that "trigger" serious illnesses. Experiences are always bad, but they are especially destructive when a person has a predisposition to certain diseases. How to protect yourself from negative emotions, what problems are manifested on the nervous ground and how the stress hormone cortisol affects health - in the material "Izvestia".
What is psychosomatics
Associate Professor of the Department of Osteopathy NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov, osteopathic physician, neurologist Vladimir Belash draws attention to the fact that health directly depends on the balanced and effective work of two regulatory systems of the body - nervous and hormonal. Failure in the functioning of this "mechanism" triggers a whole cascade of disorders.
From a scientific point of view, the nervous system is a complex morphological and functional set of various interconnected nervous structures, emphasizes clinical psychologist, specialist in biofeedback therapy Olga Umanova. It together with the endocrine system provides regulation of the activity of all body systems, adaptation and response to changes in the internal and external environment. Thus, the somatic nervous system is responsible for coordinating body movements and receiving external stimuli.
- Diseases that arise due to the interaction of mental and somatic factors are called psychosomatic. They are most often caused by chronic stress, psychological traumas, chronic fatigue and other psychogenic influences," Umanova comments.
The clinical psychologist notes that by understanding the essence of psychological problems, we can more effectively cope with somatic disorders. Stress and negative emotions contribute to inflammatory processes and reduced immune function, increasing susceptibility to various diseases.
- It is necessary to consider the patient as a holistic individual, with somatic and mental health in close relationship. Patients who actively participate in their treatment are more likely to achieve positive results," Olga Umanova continues.
The list of such diagnoses includes essential arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma, thyrotoxicosis, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodermatitis, type 2 diabetes, obesity, ischemic heart disease, radiculitis, migraines, psoriasis.
The last stage
According to Vladimir Belash, if there are constant stresses in a person's life, such as conflicts at work or family problems, the body is in constant overstrain.And then stress hormones are produced, muscle spasms occur, internal resources are depleted. This can lead to the development of a number of problems, diseases and pathological conditions.
The so-called clinically latent (hidden) form of the disease can exist for years. In this case, a person has a health disorder, but without significant problems and manifestations (clinical picture).
- A stressful situation is the moment that triggers a full clinical picture, i.e. it transforms the disease from the latent to the latent form," explains the neurologist.
For example, constant worries can contribute to the debut or exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum. Or stressful situations provoke arterial hypertension - hypertensive crisis occurs when people are very nervous.
- Stress aggravates some problems with the musculoskeletal system: patients get muscle spasms, people start complaining of neck or lower back pain," says the neurologist.
As for oncology, then, according to Vladimir Belash, genetic predisposition, that is, the hereditary factor, comes first. In such cases, there are already prerequisites for the development of diseases, and stress only accelerates the inevitable.
- Fatal role is played by such factors as heredity, bad habits, carcinogenicity of food, harmful working conditions and other problems. That is, everything in the body is ready for the manifestation of the disease, because it was preceded by a long process of accumulation of pathological moments. And stress was the last drop," says the expert.
Stress hormone
How do worries become one of the provoking factors that trigger a cascade of health problems? Sometimes the slightest stimulus can cause an overreaction of the nervous system and excessive synthesis of cortisol, which is considered a marker of stress.
The level of all hormones, especially adrenaline (fear hormone) and its precursor, noradrenaline, depends on the level of cortisol. Thyroid hormones are also related to the activity of cortisol. And, if a person has prerequisites for diseases of the endocrine system, stress can trigger the disease process in the same way as the fall of a single stone provokes an avalanche in the mountains.
- When we have excess cortisol, our blood pressure rises and our heart rate increases. There is also a tendency to muscle spasm," says the expert.
For example, in the case of the gastrointestinal tract, there is an acceleration of peristalsis, i.e. intestinal contraction, which can increase the release of enzymes and stomach acid," continues the neurologist.
Since all hormones are in a single chain, against the background of stress in women, for example, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle and, accordingly, difficulties in pregnancy, the expert notes.
It is generally believed that the experience of a person is reflected in the state of his skin. In the past, when a person in response to a stressful situation noted skin rashes, redness or rash, such a condition was labeled by the term "neurodermatitis". Nowadays, it is considered a form of atopic dermatitis.
- Yes, indeed, psoriatic disease after a period of remission can be exacerbated against the background of stress. The trigger in this case is again a change in the hormonal background. Therefore, it is recommended that such people really lead a measured lifestyle, learn to work through their negative situations, more adequately respond to stress mechanisms,- comments Vladimir Belash.
According to the doctor, in severe exacerbations, patients are sometimes prescribed sedatives or even antidepressants, which help to get out of an unpleasant state faster. But initially and such diseases have a causative factor, and the impact of a strong emotional shock can only be the cause of exacerbation of skin diseases. For example, with psoriasis, genetic aspects are taken into account, but hereditary predisposition can "slumber" in the body for a while.
- Since psoriasis can not be completely cured, the main task of doctors and the patient - to achieve a stable remission. And it is precisely the stress factor that can be the trigger that will take a person out of remission and re-start the exacerbation," warns the neurologist.
Bear disease
The most innocent manifestation of the impact of cortisol on the gastrointestinal tract is the famous bear disease, which has nothing to do with disease. This is just an individual reaction to a psycho-emotional situation, emphasizes the neurologist. In humans, in response to a stressful situation, peristalsis simply increases.
- Here, in addition to changes in the hormonal background, the activity of our autonomic nervous system, which is divided into sympathetic (stress system) and parasympathetic (rest system), plays a role, " comments Vladimir Belash.
Since the predominant tone of the sympathetic nervous system, the result is accelerated and altered peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract - more frequent stools appear. But such a reaction in a pre-stress situation, according to the expert, even helps to mobilize.
- Thanks to this, we in a sense react better and faster to a stressful situation. Yes, a person has increased heart rate, respiratory rate, slightly increased blood pressure, increased muscle tone, but as a result, he mobilized and better coped with the load, - says Belash.
However, everything is good in moderation. If stress goes on for too long and is repeated frequently, Umanova says, the sensitivity of the stomach and intestines increases. This can provoke a decrease in the protective properties of the mucous membrane of these organs and increased sensitivity. And then there are pains, spasms and other uncomfortable sensations. Reduced protective properties of the mucosa increase the risk of erosions and ulcers.
- Increased permeability of the intestinal walls can contribute to the penetration of toxins and allergens into the body. There can also be consequences such as refluxes and biliary dyskinesia, which can cause pain and discomfort in the abdominal area, " Umanova comments.
Thus, it is important to maintain psychological calmness to keep the digestive system and other vital organs healthy.
How to get rid of stress
In the figurative expression of Vladimir Belash, it is important to observe the hygiene of the nervous system - to remain calm, react competently to stressful situations, avoid overstressing the nervous system. This will help it to work smoothly, and thus avoid provocations and subsequent exacerbations of diseases.
- For example, if a person has an initial form of arterial hypertension, then a change in lifestyle, normalization of neuropsychiatric activity will lead to the fact that the pressure will be normal, - says Vladimir Belash
Persistent remission can also occur in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer and gastritis, if the patient is not nervous and fulfills all the prescriptions of the doctor.
- In general, when a person takes care of himself and maintains a healthy lifestyle, does not stress, tries to adequately respond to incoming information, he better resists infectious processes, less sick, he has a more efficient production of serotonin, - says the neurologist.
Cheerful, cheerful people are more resilient than pessimists, they can avoid exhaustion of the nervous system. Neurologist recalls the famous phrase "got old overnight", when a person reacts with severe stress to some negative information. Appearance directly depends on the absence of worries.
- As a rule, with a well-balanced work of the nervous and hormonal systems, a person looks younger. He has a healthier skin color, there are no so-called visual changes, that is, signs of skin aging, which arise against the background of stress, - continues Vladimir Belash.
If worries take hold of a person, preventing him from living and undermining his health, doctors recommend to fight stress with the help of medical drugs and all kinds of techniques. Treatment of somatic diseases involves various methods. In particular, according to Umanova, relaxation techniques and stress management are recognized by the international medical community as important parts of successful therapy.
To begin, the clinical psychologist recommends going to a consultation with a physician for an initial examination and diagnosis. After the necessary examinations, stress relief measures are taken.
- In the case of psychosomatic disorders, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants, which alleviate symptoms of depression and improve the overall condition," comments Umanova.
According to the clinical psychologist, to change negative thoughts and behavior that can contribute to the development of somatic symptoms, helps cognitive-behavioral therapy. It is important to inform the patient and his family that depression and other mental disorders are treatable, emphasizes the expert.
Specialists attach great importance to lifestyle changes and various types of activities.
- Stress can be reduced by relaxation methods such as yoga, meditation or deep breathing. Regular physical activity also contributes to this and improves overall well-being. It is important not to forget to eat a balanced healthy diet, limit caffeine intake and get rid of bad habits," comments a clinical psychologist.
Psychologists attach special importance to support from family and friends. A favorable atmosphere in the family and society significantly increases the chances of successful recovery, psychological and physical rehabilitation. The clinical psychologist also advises finding support groups for people with similar problems, as well as monitoring the condition by visiting the doctor regularly to monitor and adjust treatment.
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