A nutritionist talked about nutrition after the holidays
On Friday, January 10, Rimmarita Clinic's chief physician, candidate of medical sciences and nutritionist Rimma Moisenko told us how to start putting our diet in order after the New Year's holidays full of food.
"The first thing to start with is cleaning out the refrigerator and all the cupboards where food products that give us extra calories are hidden," Moisenko said in a conversation with Radio 1.
She noted that you should give up alcohol, as it increases the permeability of cell membranes and accelerates the absorption of food that people consume with alcohol. Due to active absorption of food and alcohol, all human organs are overloaded, including the liver and intestines, which negatively affects the body.
In addition, Moisenko noted that in order to recover from the holidays it is important to establish a daily regimen and go to bed no later than 23:00, as the renewal of cell membranes occurs at night.
If you intend to lose excess weight and detoxify, you should get rid of fatty, spicy, fried foods. In addition, you should give up sweets and fruits. It is better to give preference to berries or vegetables, the expert added.
According to the doctor, the human body is very wise and is able to determine by itself when it is necessary to stop consuming certain foods and drinks.
"We take a 300 g glass and fill it with everything we want: vegetables are fine. If it's chilly and cold, it can be all kinds of soups, mashed potatoes," - said the nutritionist.
In addition, you can add different cereals, greens and protein to the diet.
It is also useful from time to time to conduct mono-unloading days, for example, during the day to eat boiled chicken or boiled rice.
"You have to prepare your brain for the fact that it may not taste good, but it's going to be beneficial. This benefit will provide us with prevention of at least colds, keep us away from infections. Mono-nutrition is fine, without salt is fine, drink plenty of water," concluded the medic.
Earlier in the day, nutritionist Mariana Dzhutova told in a conversation with RIAMO that to lose extra pounds gained during the New Year holidays, you can with the help of regular split meals and refusal of salty foods.
The doctor advised eating five to six times a day to reduce hunger and improve metabolism. In addition, drinking is extremely important - water helps to eliminate toxins and accelerates detoxification processes in the body, noted on the website kp.ru.
In the diet it is necessary to include a large number of products rich in fiber. Among them - oats, quinoa and brown rice, specifies 360.ru. You can also pay attention to steamed vegetables and fresh avocados.
January 4 in the press service of the Department of Trade and Services of the capital reported to the agency of city news "Moscow" that the favorite meat product, which is more often purchased by Muscovites, is sausage.
Earlier, on January 8, Olga Ulankina, a medical expert at the Gemotest laboratory, told Izvestia that in order to help the brain to adjust to productive work, it is important to prepare psychologically. You can make a plan of tasks for the next week or month, write out everything that requires attention in the first days at work, outline goals for the year or quarter. This practice helps to reduce anxiety.