Adequate Stage: the most anticipated theater premieres of 2025

Following the New Year expansion of "The Nutcrackers" and other fairytale characters, the heroes of our time, favorite classics and musical eccentrics will return to the capital's stages. Theatergoers are looking forward to new roles of favorite artists and the main intrigue - the first premiere in the status of the actor of the Theatre of the Army Alexander Domogorov. The audience is also waiting for Vladimir Mashkov's announced "Call Sign Silence" at the Oleg Tabakov Theater. And also watch what will be the debut on the stage of the Maly actress Vakhtangovsky Lydia Velezheva. "Izvestia" compiled its waiting list, which included the top of the capital's premieres.
"Call sign Silence", Oleg Tabakov Theater
On the stage of the theater "Sovremennik" February 22 and 23 actor TOT Sevastyan Smyshnikov will present his directorial debut. The idea for the performance "Call Sign Silence" was born in the laboratory of the art cluster "Tavrida". There Smyshnikov and his colleagues met with participants and veterans of the special military operation. Playwright Oleg Antonov formalized these stories into the author's version. Scenography and costumes by Irshat Azikhanov.
The production is a monologue-confession. Artem left as a volunteer for a special operation. Everything that followed changed the guy's life: betrayal of a close person, the very battle and the main decision in life - to surrender or to fight, to survive or to die. Artem did not just survive the battle - he performed a feat for his friends. And as a reward - in the hospital he met his true love, Katya. And when, it would seem, everything terrible is over, the hero again finds himself on the battlefield - now with himself and with the black abyss, lurking in the recesses of the soul after the experience. How did the battle with it end? Artem will tell about everything that he felt and experienced. At the end of this confession, the viewer will be left with only one question: "Would I have been able to do that?"
-When I traveled to military hospitals, met with the wounded, I every time said to them: "Guys, you have an incredible personal experience. In these borderline-life situations you've been in, the higher meanings of human life are revealed. Write down everything you remember. Here and now you can pass on your memories to your contemporaries and the next generations," said Vladimir Mashkov, Artistic Director of the Oleg Tabakov Theater.
"Call sign Tishina" - the first performance, which will be attended by artists of two theaters under the direction of Vladimir Mashkov - TOT and "Sovremennik". The main role will be played by "Sovremennik" actor Nikolai Klyamchuk.
"Roman", Theater of the Army
The long-awaited premiere based on Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" will take place on January 23 and 24. The performance of the main director of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Lazarev decided to call "The Novel". For the production he chose the story of Pontius Pilate, who made a decision on the 14th day of the spring month of Nissan. This side of the novel is usually touched upon in glimpses, superficially or not at all. But although it is not so attractive and spectacular, it makes you think, empathize, and, most importantly, have compassion.
For the role of Voland, the director invited People's Artist of Russia Alexander Domogarov. Pontius Pilate will be played by People's Artist of Russia Alexander Baluev. In line with him on stage as the Roman Prefect of Judea will be an actor of Mark Zakharov's Lenkom, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Maxim Averin. According to the decision of the production designer and costume designer Olga Nikitina, the entire Bolshoi Stage and all the machinery will be involved: plunger lifting and lowering platforms, two turntables to create a constantly changing relief and volume, the air for which this stage was created. For the first time in many decades, a tank driveway will open up, and from there, the crow horses will emerge. In everything, from the costumes to the details of the props, there is sophistication and brevity to match the great work. Composer Nikolai Parfenyuk, who worked with Mark Zakharov for more than 30 years, wrote the musical score of the performance.
"Lady with a Dog", Moscow Gubernsky Theater
Director Alla Reshetnikova on February 13 and 14 will present the MGT audience the premiere of the play based on the story by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Drama about how a resort romance of two seemingly prosperous people broke the whole course of life. The eternal story about a man and a woman turns into a bitter and complicated revision of the former life, an attempt to escape from the endless series of "not my" events and "not my" people.
In Alla Reshetnikova's performance, this love story becomes a reflection on finding one's true self. Having met a really close person, the characters of the performance ask themselves and us a question: how to accept this love that happened for the first time in their lives - as a gift or a curse? And how to bear this feeling that has fallen on you, if it brings only a bitter realization of emptiness, reveals the unhappiness of all the previous years lived without true love.
- Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - the genius of Russian literature, writes this story in the last, Yalta, period of his life, and through his characters, he asks the main questions of existence to us and to himself, having no time to sly and deal with the secondary,- said Alla Reshetnikova. - In fact, it is a story of love, which became for the heroes the road to the true self. A difficult, but necessary for each of us path. This event will cause in our characters the desire to thoroughly understand themselves: who I am, what I live, what I want. Am I living my life, or is it imposed and has nothing to do with me.
Starring: Anton Sokolov, Natalia Shklyaruk, Andrei Isaenkov, Diana Egorova, Kirill Novyshev, Dmitry Vorkunov, Sergei Rensevich.
"Don Juan. New Myth", Moscow Gubernsky Theater
And on March 8 and 9, the MGT troupe under the direction of People's Artist of Russia Sergey Bezrukov will make a gift to beautiful ladies. The premiere of the play based on Jean-Baptiste Moliere's comedy "Don Juan". Director Maxim Melamedov staged one of the most popular plays of the world theater repertoire.
- Our hero is not just a seducer of women, a cynic and a charming mind catcher, he is a broken man who does not believe in people, love, God or devil," Maxim Melamedov confesses. - Next to him is the devoted Sganarel, the voice of conscience, who saves but does not save. It seems to me that this is the main theme that we want to talk and argue about today without moralizing - about the charm of evil, about the weakness of virtue, about us, whose faith in God, in art, in man, in love is always being questioned and lost.
Anton Khabarov plays the title role. The play is occupied by Mikhail Shilov, Elena Khabarova, Yuri Kolganov, Nikolai Baskanchin, Natalia Kachalkina, Valeria Minina, Irina Tokmakova, Polina Galkina.
"Guilty Without Guilt", Maly Theater
Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky's play "Guiltless Guilty" returns to the repertoire of the renowned theater. For the production took the director, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Beilis. Premiere on February 22. In the 1980s, the audience went to the performance of Alexander Bourdonsky with the People's Artist of the USSR Elina Bystritskaya in the title role. It was filmed on tape. The TV version can be found on the Internet.
Lyubov Otradina was deceived and betrayed by the heartless egoist Murov. Leaving the past behind, she started a new life and became a famous provincial actress Elena Ivanovna Kruchinina. One day she agrees to come with a performance in the city, with which she has heavy memories. A surprise awaits her there - a son. The boy she left many years ago due to circumstances. Having grown up, he found his calling on the stage.
For the role of Kruchinina Vladimir Beilis invited the actress of the Vakhtangov Theater Lidia Velezheva. This is the debut of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation in the Maly Theater. The play is occupied by People's Artists of Russia Alexander Vershinin, Vladimir Dubrovsky, Honored Artist of Russia Andrei Chubchenko, Polina Dolinskaya, Maxim Putintsev, Mikhail Martyanov.
"The Key on the Pavement, or The Husband Behind the Door," Helikon OperaHouse
Helikon awaits on March 4, 5 and 6 the audience for the premiere of the operetta in one act. "The Key on the Pavement, or The Husband Behind the Door" to the music of Jacques Offenbach is directed by Olga Melkumova. The play will be performed in the White Pillar Hall of Princess Shakhovskaya. Artem Davydov is conducting the orchestra of the theater. Art director - Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Rostislav Protasov.
For the first time "The Key on the Pavement, or the Husband Behind the Door" by Jacques Offenbach was shown on June 22, 1859, in Paris on the stage of Bouffes-Parisiens theatre. The libretto is by Laurent Morand and Alfré Delacourt.
A pompous composer, who composes operettas, escapes from the furious husband of his mistress and escapes on the roof of one of the neighboring houses. Through the window he enters the bedroom of Susan, who has just married Deputy Sheriff Henri Martel. The girl is chatting with her friend Rosita and preparing for their wedding night. Now they have to get rid of an unexpected guest. He'd love to jump out of the window, but it's the fourth floor.....
And on April 10, 11, 12 and 13, the Helikon Opera celebrates its 35th anniversary. For the anniversary, the theater's artistic director, People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Bertman is preparing a musical performance entitled A Place for Special Meetings. The conductor-director is Valery Kiryanov.
"Good photos from the wake", New Theater
On the stage of the New Theater under the direction of Eduard Boyakov on March 19, 20 and 21 will be the premiere of the play by Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina. "Good photos from the wake" - a story about Russian fighters-participants of the NWO. In the work of modern playwrights, this theme has already managed to take a prominent place.
- The plot of the play is taken from life, its heroes are combatants who fought in different units, - shared the author of the play, Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina. - I even kept the characters' real names, and Kolya Chernobrovkin - the prototype of the main character - today continues to help the front, carrying humanitarian aid.
The peculiarity of the New Theater production is the involvement of actor Pavel Ustinov as the performer of the main role. Pavel was drafted during the partial mobilization and took a direct part in the SWO. His personal experience largely coincides with the experience of the characters in the play. Therefore, the high degree of documentary nature of the play will be complemented by the truthfulness of the performance. The play is performed by Evdokia Germanova, Mikhail Sivorin, Svetlana Motolygina, Nikita Lukin and Eren Gadzhiev.
"Shchastye!", Mossovet Theater
Alla Sigalova's play "Shchastye!" will premiere on the main stage of the Mossovet Theater on January 25. The main reference was the text of Mayakovsky's play "Klop", written in the fall of 1928. The poet's work received its first stage realization on February 13, 1929, directed by Vsevolod Meyerhold. The genre is designated by the author as "extravaganza comedy". Poet Yuli Kim and composer Vladimir Dashkevich created a musical performance.
The production tries to give an answer to a simple question: "What is happiness?" In our culture, this concept implies something lofty, hard to achieve, unrealistic, instantly elusive, completely exotic. Roughly like the Firebird. You can see it, but you can't catch it. Thus, the characters of the play, living through a tragic turning point in the history of the country, try to feel, realize, formulate what for each of them is the meaning of the word "happiness", what is this dream to which each of them aspires, and how different these aspirations, roads and destinies are.
Theater and film actor Mikhail Troynik was invited to play the main role . Also involved in the production are Anastasia Svetlova, Daria Balabanova, Oleg Ots, Anton Anosov, Mitya Fedorov and Anastasia Belova.
"Eldest Son", Gogol Theater
On the main stage of the Gogol Theater on January 23 will be the premiere of the play based on the play by Alexander Vampilov. This season, "The Elder Son" is an exceptionally popular material for the capital's stages. Oleg Tabakov's theater has returned this title to its playbill. Recently the premiere took place at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.Anton Yakovlev, the director of the Gogol Theater, invited Kirill Pirogov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, to stage Vampilov. His viewers know him as an actor of Pyotr Fomenko's Workshop. Alexander Samoilenko will play the role of Sarafanov. Busygin will be played by Ilya Antonenko.
- "The eldest son" is a comedy reminiscent of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's plays, - said Samoilenko. - The text and the situations that occur in it are very Chekhovian. And at the same time, it sounds relevant and modern, just like the problems Vampilov writes about - they concern the relationship between children and parents. But, most importantly, the whole play is permeated with love. Love binds the relationships of all the characters.
Maria Lisova, Julia Maksyutina, Alesya Alisievich, Anton Lyzo, Egor Popov, Alena Goncharova, Alexander Denisov and Pavel Komarov are involved in the play .
"Courier", Center for Dramaturgy and Directing on Sokol
Vladimir Pankov's long-awaited premiere based on Karen Shakhnazarov's story "Courier" will take place on February 3 and 4. The story, primarily familiar to the audience from the 1986 cult film, will receive a new reading on stage thanks to the staging method of the SounDrama team and the CDR, in which music becomes an independent and equal participant in the action.
- Based on this material, our performance raises the eternal question: how can a young man find himself and his place in this life? - said director Vladimir Pankov. - It is especially important that more than 40 performers are involved in the production, and among them there are both very young - yesterday's graduates of the Faculty of New Directions of Stage Arts of GITIS, and adult artists and already real maestros. The mood of the 1980s era will meet the present day through the musical composition of the performance, in which familiar motifs will intersect with author's music.
Starring: Alexander Fokin, Natalia Shchukina, Sergei Yushkevich, Andrei Zavodyuk, Dmitry Mukhamadeev, Anastasia Tsvetaeva, Viktor Maminov, Ivan Valkov, Dmitry Lysenko.
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