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Where to rent a house for daily rent
Which tourist sites are popular
What are the risks of daily rent
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During the year, the demand for daily rent increased by one and a half times, market participants told Izvestia. It jumped most significantly in Adygea, Dagestan and the Magadan region. This type of rental remains consistently popular in the capital region, Krasnodar Territory and St. Petersburg. The average cost of such housing in Russia was 3 thousand rubles. It is most expensive to rent an apartment for a day in Zelenogradsk, Kaliningrad region, and in Sochi. Demand for tourist apartments and country houses has also increased. About why this happens and what risks should be considered when renting daily housing, see the Izvestia article.

Where to rent a house for daily rent

Russians' interest in daily rent has grown by 51% over the year, market participants told Izvestia. Moscow and the Moscow Region, Krasnodar Territory and St. Petersburg are among the most popular destinations in February 2025, according to the Avito Travel service. The demand for such rentals has grown especially noticeably in Adygea (2.2 times), the Magadan Region, the Trans-Baikal Territory and Dagestan (2.1 times), as well as in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Omsk Region.

— When assessing the demand for daily housing from year to year, it is worth considering two points. Firstly, the holiday in honor of February 23 was postponed to May this year, so Russians did not have long days off," said Artem Kromochkin, head of the service. — This usually contributes to more active travel and a surge in bookings. Secondly, last year was a leap year, which added an extra day. Taking into account these facts, the real dynamics of demand for daily rental housing is even higher than indicated.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Most often, users watched rental ads in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Sochi, said the head of Cian.Analytics" by Alexey Popov.

— Kazan, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Rostov-on-Don were among the top ten locations, - the expert explained. — Relative to the previous months, demand grew most noticeably in Tula and Yaroslavl. These sightseeing centers are also easily accessible as part of a weekend trip.

On average, the supply of daily housing in Russia increased by 34% compared to February last year. Of the most popular regions among tourists, the most increased choice was in the Samara, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov and Moscow regions. The one-and-a-half-fold increase in demand was also confirmed to Izvestia by the marketing director of the Russian online housing booking service "Daily.<url>" by Airat Musin.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Eduard Kornienko

— The average cost of renting a house has become 14% more than a year ago, — he said. — On average, people rent a house for three days and pay 12.7 thousand rubles. The most popular destinations in February were Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. Dagestan, Adygea, Kaliningrad region, Nizhny Novgorod, and Vladivostok are also rapidly growing in popularity. The most expensive rentals in February were in the ski resorts of Sheregesh, Krasnaya Polyana and Arkhyz, where the average rates were 9-10 thousand rubles per day.

The average cost of daily rent of an apartment in Russia in February was 3 thousand rubles. According to Yandex Travel, it is most expensive to rent an apartment in Zelenograd, Kaliningrad region and Sochi, the average cost of a day is 7 thousand and 6.5 thousand rubles, respectively. Next are Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Krasnodar, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Yaroslavl and Volgograd — here the price varies from 4 thousand to 6 thousand rubles.

Which tourist sites are popular

Suburban properties in February 2025, on average, could be rented across the country for 9.8 thousand rubles per day, Avito Travel noted. Among the popular regions, the most affordable prices were in the Chelyabinsk region, Bashkiria and Stavropol Territory — an average of 8-9 thousand rubles. The highest rates are in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region.

In addition, in 2024, the demand for tourist apartment rentals increased by 70%, according to the data from the platform. and the RealtyCalendar service. Most of them were rented in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Krasnodar. But the leader in terms of growth rates last year was the village of Sirius, where the number of orders increased almost fourfold over the year. Ivanovo is in second place in terms of apartment bookings, and Magnitogorsk is in third place.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Natalia Seliverstova

The average cost of living in an apartment in 2024 was 3.2 thousand rubles per night. The most expensive apartment rentals were for tourists in popular resort locations. The village of Sirius is also in the lead here — the average check for a night there amounted to 6.7 thousand rubles. Accommodation in Zelenogradsk and Miass cost an average of 6.6 thousand rubles per night, in Gelendzhik — 5.5 thousand rubles, in Sochi — 5.1 thousand rubles.

— The demand for daily rent of apartments and apartments is growing year by year. This is due to their accessibility and convenience for large families, car travelers and guests with animals, a wide geography of accommodation — from the center to areas near the objects that are the purpose of the trip, as well as the possibility of contactless check-in. We expect the trend to continue this year," said Ilya Formalsky, co—founder of the RealtyCalendar service.

Photo: Getty Images/imaginima

The demand for rental apartments for business trips has also continued to grow intensively — the number of business bookings has almost doubled over the past year. The average check in them is comparable to the prices for private travelers, but the average booking duration is noticeably higher — five versus three nights.

Moscow also leads the top cities in terms of the number of business bookings of apartments, Yekaterinburg is in second place, and St. Petersburg is in third (4%). The top 10 is occupied by large industrial and business centers of the country.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Andrey Erstrem

The growing demand for daily rental housing is directly related to the increasing popularity of domestic tourism, says Fyodor Sidorov, founder of the School of Practical Investment. Russians began to travel around the country more often, choosing both traditional destinations — Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar Krai, as well as previously less popular regions such as Adygea, Dagestan and the Magadan Region.

— This is due to several factors: restrictions on foreign travel, the popularization of domestic tourism through social networks and the development of infrastructure in the regions, — said the expert. — The average rental price of 3 thousand rubles indicates the availability of daily housing for a wide range of travelers. This makes short-term rentals competitive compared to hotels, especially for families and groups.

In the future, we can expect a further increase in demand for daily rentals, especially in regions where tourist infrastructure is developing, Fyodor Sidorov believes.

What are the risks of daily rent

The risks of daily rent as part of the development of domestic tourism in various regions of our country exist for both tenants and homeowners, Ekaterina Kosareva, managing partner of the analytical agency VMT Consult, recalled.

For tenants, the main risk is unreliable information about housing. There may be cases of fraud when an apartment is rented to several people at the same time or does not match the description. There are also situations when the owner unexpectedly changes the terms of the lease or requires early departure.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Dmitry Korotaev

— Additionally, it is worth considering legal restrictions, — she said. — In some regions and residential complexes, there are bans on daily rent, and violation of such rules can lead to litigation. In addition, if housing is rented through intermediaries, it is important to check their reliability in order to avoid inflated prices or problems with the repayment of collateral.

To minimize risks, tenants should check their documents in advance and read reviews. According to the expert, the main risk for property owners is unscrupulous tenants.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Andrey Erstrem

— Property can be damaged, and it is not always easy to recover compensation, — Ekaterina Kosareva noted. — There is also a risk of illegal use of housing, such as active, noisy gatherings, which can lead to complaints from neighbors and fines. Another important point is tax obligations. Owners who rent out their homes without registering and paying taxes risk facing claims from tax authorities and fines.

To minimize the risks for landlords, it is worthwhile to carefully select tenants: use questionnaires, conduct interviews and check the reviews of previous landlords, said lawyer Oksana Grikevich. This will help you choose responsible tenants.

Photo: Getty Images/Kentaroo Tryman

— It is necessary to obtain full passport data of tenants for a potential dispute in case of damage, to conclude protective agreements: include provisions on collateral, liability for damage and rules of accommodation in the agreement, — she noted.

If the apartment owner does not have the opportunity to constantly monitor the condition of the apartment, then you can hire a management company. They will take care of all aspects, including finding tenants, maintenance and solving problems.

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