Unaesthetic manifestations of various diseases, such as skin rashes, make you think about the risk of possible infection. But not all scary-looking diagnoses spread to other people. Whether cancer is dangerous for others, whether it is possible to kiss if a partner has psoriasis, and how the delirium of a madman is transmitted in parental chats — in the Izvestia material.
Induced delirium
The well-known expression "they go crazy one by one" can be questioned. Daria Koroleva, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist at Dr. Isaev's Clinic, recommends paying attention to the phenomenon of delirium.
Unlike the misconceptions of healthy people, nonsense cannot be refuted with the help of facts and objective arguments, the expert warns. This phenomenon disrupts thinking: its course and form of judgments, logic, consistency, criticality. The patient cannot be persuaded. In addition, delirium can be very "contagious."
— Sometimes healthy people who live or work with such a person adopt the patient's ideas without even knowing about his illness. Being influenced by his delusional ideas and arguments, they begin to relay them," warns Daria Koroleva.
As an example, the psychiatrist cites the following case: a young woman was sure that a colleague was following her. The conviction was based on simple coincidences — the man often found himself in the places where she was: in the dining room, in the hallway, and left work at about the same time. The woman perceived these accidents as evidence of surveillance, although the explanation was much simpler — her colleagues had similar schedules and limited workspaces.
— After a while, the employee with whom the woman shared her suspicions also began to notice the "harassment". Everything went on until the friends were disconnected. Then the second employee realized that there was no surveillance. And her friend was already in such a serious condition that she needed hospitalization at the Neurosis medical center," says the psychotherapist.
According to the psychotherapist, induced delirium also manifests itself in closed groups, for example, in a parent chat. The expert warns: if an anxious interlocutor is in authority with other moms and dads, then his ideas can spread instantly.
— Parents of kindergarten students once discussed a case of chickenpox. One of the chat participants began to escalate the situation, stating that it was not just chickenpox, but some new, more dangerous virus. The other parents panicked too. They started looking for non—existent symptoms in children, took them to doctors, did unnecessary tests, suspecting rare diseases that were out of the question," says Koroleva.
In such cases, the psychiatrist advises to maintain critical thinking, check information, contact specialists, and not succumb to the emotions of others.
The delusions that appear in an induced ("infected") person fully correspond to the delusional ideas of the inducer, the expert emphasizes. For example, you can even pick up delusions of grandeur and persecution, jealousy and hypochondria.
— If we exclude the effect of the inducer, then in most cases the inducee gets rid of delusions on his own, since he is amenable to dissuasion. And the inducer itself needs medical treatment, psychotherapy is contraindicated in this case, warns the interlocutor of Izvestia.
Thus, it is quite possible to temporarily become infected with a mental disorder in the presence of predisposing factors and personality traits. However, such an imposed condition is reversible if it is diagnosed in time, the expert believes.
Is cancer contagious
Daria Koroleva also recalls a patient who was convinced he had cancer.
— The man took tests, underwent examinations, but all medical parameters were normal. Nevertheless, it was impossible to change his mind. After some time, his relatives, being under the constant influence of disturbing conversations, began to look for the same symptoms. They began to believe that the cancer had been transmitted to them, although this was impossible," says the psychotherapist.
Ruslan Ageev, a surgeon and oncologist at the National Medical Research Center "Treatment and Rehabilitation Center" of the Russian Ministry of Health, emphasizes that cancer cannot be contracted like the flu or tuberculosis. Cancer is not an infectious disease caused by viruses or bacteria that are transmitted from person to person. It occurs as a result of a complex interaction of genetic factors, lifestyle and environmental influences.
— Some viruses, such as human papillomavirus (HPV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), or hepatitis B and C virus, may increase the risk of developing certain cancers, but they are not the cause of cancer on their own. Viruses only create favorable conditions for tumor development by altering cellular DNA," Ruslan Ageev comments.
According to the doctor, infection with these viruses is possible through various transmission routes (sexual contact, contact with blood, airborne droplets), but prevention helps reduce the risk of developing related cancers.
Alexander Mikhailov, head of the surgical department at the Be Healthy Clinic, adds that cancer does not spread through kissing and intimacy, but through such interaction, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori can be transmitted to a partner — one of the main causes of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. This microorganism is classified as an infectious agent that is considered precancerous. And the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus causes cervical cancer.
Such risk factors should be taken into account and steps taken to minimize them. It is recommended to undergo regular medical examinations, observe personal hygiene, strengthen the immune system, treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in time, and get HPV vaccinations. This is important, as well as other precautions to help avoid the development of cancer, including quitting smoking, protection from ultraviolet radiation, a healthy diet, and more.
Ruslan Ageev emphasizes that the development of cancer is a multi—stage process in which the accumulation of mutations in the DNA of cells plays a key role. Changes can be caused by both a genetic predisposition (hereditary factors) and exposure to external carcinogens (tobacco smoke, ultraviolet radiation, chemicals). But there is no need to be afraid of direct communication with cancer patients — cancer itself is not contagious.
— There are studies that prove that even through blood transfusion, cancer is not transmitted. There are isolated cases of cancer in the world after implantation of a donor organ. Cancer patients cannot be isolated from others, on the contrary, they need the support of loved ones to make it easier to psychologically endure all stages of treatment,— adds Alexander Mikhailov.
Is it possible to get diabetes
Diabetes is also not an infectious disease, so they cannot be infected, doctors reassure. Anastasia Artemyeva, an endocrinologist at the National Research Medical Center of the Russian Ministry of Health, recalls that there are several types of this disorder, and each of them has its own causes. For example, type 1 diabetes occurs due to an autoimmune reaction when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks pancreatic cells.
Anna Abramenkova, a therapist at the Be Healthy clinic, explains that in this case, beta cells of the digestive system, which produce the hormone insulin, are affected.
— With a decrease in their amount, there is no longer enough insulin for the normal absorption of glucose. Beta cells can die in case of inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) against the background of a severe acute viral infection, in the presence of a pancreatic tumor, in case of malnutrition of the pancreas due to atherosclerosis, the expert listed.
Hereditary predisposition also leads to the development of type 1 diabetes.
According to Anastasia Artemyeva, type 2 diabetes is associated with insulin resistance, when the body's cells stop responding adequately to insulin.
— Type 2 diabetes develops when enough insulin is produced, but the cells of our body do not see it. Although there are options when insulin is produced, but its amount is not enough for normal glucose processing," comments Anna Abramenkova.
The therapist emphasizes that the cause of this disease is a combination of certain genes. But their carriers may not develop it if there are no provoking factors — obesity, poor nutrition, low level of physical activity.
— In both cases, the conditions are not contagious. Heredity and lifestyle play a significant role in the development of diabetes, but by itself it is not transmitted through contact with a sick person," comments endocrinologist Anastasia Artemyeva.
Is it okay to kiss if your partner has psoriasis?
Red, dry plaques covered with small scales - this is how unattractive psoriasis looks. But doctors reassure suspicious people: you can't get infected with this chronic autoimmune disease.
— Psoriasis occurs due to a malfunction in the immune system, which mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, causing their accelerated growth and, as a result, characteristic plaques. The appearance of psoriatic rashes can be really frightening for the uninitiated, but this is not a sign of contagiousness," says Angelika Blinkova, a doctor of the first category, dermatovenerologist at the National Research Medical Center of the Russian Ministry of Health.
The dermatovenerologist also emphasizes that the problem is not transmitted through touching, kissing, or sharing household items.
— Psoriasis is a chronic non—communicable skin disease. As indicated in Russian clinical guidelines, hereditary predisposition, impaired function of the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems, and the adverse effects of environmental factors are important in the development of psoriasis. A number of genes (PSORS) have been described, the presence of which predisposes to the development of the disease. No indication of viruses, bacteria, fungi, or protozoa. Therefore, you can't get infected," says therapist Anna Abramenkova.
How to protect yourself from atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is also not a contagious disease, Angelika Blinkova emphasizes. Despite its frightening appearance, this chronic skin inflammation is associated with a genetic predisposition and immune system disorders.
— The external manifestations of atopic dermatitis may be similar to some infectious diseases, but it is not transmitted from person to person. The itching and inflammation that patients experience are caused by a pathological reaction of the body, and not by external pathogens," explains the dermatovenerologist.
Therapist Anna Abramenkova notes that atopic dermatitis is a disease that develops due to several factors, such as mutations in certain genes, defects in the immune system, and allergic reactions. That is, the disease also has no infectious causes and cannot be transmitted from one person to another.
It is important to know that both psoriasis and atopic dermatitis require professional treatment. If any suspicious changes appear on the skin, doctors recommend contacting a dermatologist. Modern medicine offers effective therapies to control symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients.
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