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Trekhsvyatie: what Church holiday today, February 12
Traditions of the Feast of Trichsvyatie, or St. Basil's Day
Trekhsvyatie on February 12: what to pray for today
What you can and can not do on February 12 on Trekhsvyatie, or Vasiliev Day
Trekhsvyatie, or Vasily's Day, in 2024: folk omens
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On February 12, Orthodox believers commemorate three saints at once - John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian, and Basil the Great. In the church calendar, the feast is designated as the Council of the Three Saints, or Trichsvyatie. The folk name of the memorable date is Vasily's Day. In 2025 it falls on Wednesday. Read more about the history of the holiday, as well as what you can and can not do and what to pray to the saints on this special day - in the material "Izvestia".

Trekhsvyatie: what Church holiday today, February 12

Trekhsvyatie, or the Cathedral of the three saints is celebrated every year on the same day - February 12. In 2025 the date falls on Wednesday, but in the old style the holiday fell on January 30, that is, the last day of the first month of the year.

The date was not chosen by chance. The fact is that during January are celebrated days of remembrance of many hierarchs of the Church, and Trekhsvyatie summarizes the honoring of those who stood at the origins of the Christian Church. In Russia, the holiday was called Vasily's Day, singling out Basil the Great among the three saints of the Church.

The feast of Trichsvyatie arose in the XI-XII centuries, during the reign of the Constantinople emperor Alexis Comnenus. Then a dispute broke out between believers and theologians about which of the Fathers of the Christian Church and Ecumenical teachers should be honored more: Gregory the Theologian, Basil the Great or John Chrysostom. The saints lived and preached at about the same time, in the fourth century, and made a significant contribution to the formation of Christianity.

Икона «Избранные святые: Параскева Пятница, Григорий Богослов, Иоанн Златоуст, Василий Великий». XV век

Icon "Selected Saints: Paraskeva Friday, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, Basil the Great". XV century

Photo: RIA Novosti/V. Druzhkov

Thus, Basil the Great was bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom were archbishops of Constantinople. They openly fought against the heresies that were spreading in the church and left behind many theological works that are still honored today. Gregory the Theologian and Basil the Great were close associates and together they served as hermits and compiled a collection of excerpts from the writings of the church teacher Origen, the Philokalia.

However, the question of which of the three to honor more, led to a serious split among the faithful in Constantinople. Some argued that Basil the Great was more worthy than all of them, since his virtues had raised him to angelic heights. This saint is called the organizer of monastic life, he was strict and demanding of purity of morals, was an opponent of everything earthly and earthy.

Others believed that honors are more worthy of John Chrysostom, who with his eloquence fought vices and called sinners to repentance, applied the Word of God in everyday life. Finally, the third group believed that the main universal teacher should be St. Gregory the Theologian. After all, he was also characterized by eloquence, purity and depth of language.

Прихожане в храме
Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

The confrontation between the admirers of the holy church fathers came to the point that in heated disputes they forgot about reverence for the saints, quarreled and argued among themselves.

According to the belief, the disagreement came to an end when the three saints appeared in a dream to Metropolitan John Mavropod of Euchaita.

"As you see, we are all together near God and no rift or rivalry divides us. Each of us, in the measure of circumstances and inspiration given to him by the Holy Spirit, has written and taught what is necessary for the salvation of people," the trinity said. The Ecumenical teachers commanded that quarrels be stopped so as not to create schism in the Church, and that a single feast be established.

Metropolitan John Mavropod was respected for his virtue, and the power of his eloquence made it possible to convince the faithful that they needed to be reconciled. Officially, the joint veneration of the saints was established in Constantinople in 1084.

On icons the saints are depicted in threes - in episcopal vestments and with the Holy Scriptures in their hands. In the center is usually depicted John Chrysostom. The icon with the holy images is referred to as "The Council of Ecumenical Teachers and Saints" or "The Three Hierarchs".

Traditions of the Feast of Trichsvyatie, or St. Basil's Day

The main tradition, as on any church holiday, is to visit the church or pray to the Ecumenical Teachers at home in front of an icon. At the saints usually ask for help in prosperity and achieving mutual understanding with loved ones, as well as well-being in the family. It is also possible to address any of them individually with a special request.

Another important ritual on Trichsvyatie was and still is reconciliation. If there are disagreements in the house or among friends, everything should be settled on the holiday. It is better to spend the church celebration in the family circle. Noisy festivities, as a rule, are not organized on this day. Special attention is paid to children, and it is customary to give them small gifts.

Подарок в руках женщины
Photo: TASS/Mikhail Tereshchenko

In the old days on Vasily's day young girls held rituals to attract a lover. The saint, as a rule, patronized families, so unmarried women tried not to miss an important date. They hung colorful ribbons on the trees, saying aloud the name of the young man. Our ancestors believed that soon after the ritual an engagement should take place.

In addition, the people called Vasily's day Wolf's matchmaker. It was believed that on this day the forest animals begin the "wedding season" - there are fights between males, animals are looking for a couple. That's why it was necessary to put on the table a dish of game - for example, wild boar. Hostesses often stuffed it with mushrooms, apples or cabbage.

Trekhsvyatie on February 12: what to pray for today

Before reading the prayer, you need to clear your head of worldly cares, and then pray at the icon. Address with requests can also be addressed to any of the saints separately.

To St. John Chrysostom prayers are offered for him to protect a person from deceit. According to beliefs, he spiritualizes believers and helps them not to go astray from the right path.

Traditionally, St. Basil the Great is asked for deliverance from temptation. It is believed that the saint can strengthen the strength of the human spirit and his chastity. It is especially important to address him to those who bear the name Basil.

St. Gregory the Theologian is prayed to for guidance on the righteous path, so that a person mastered prayers and stopped being a non-believer. Sectarians and schismatics often appealed to the saint with requests for the edification of sectarians and schismatics.

"Izvestia" cites the text of the prayer to the three saints, which can be read on Trichsvyatie in the church or at home (published with abbreviations).

Прихожанка в храме
Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev

"O illuminators of the Church of Christ, Basil, Gregory and John, by the light of the Orthodox dogmas all the ends of the earth illuminated and by the sword of the word of God blasphemous confusion and vacillation of heresies extinguished. Forsaking your mercy, with faith and love from the depths of our souls we cry out: May He strengthen us also in Orthodoxy and unanimity, and in our confession of the faith of Christ unshakable even unto death; may He strengthen us from on high with power against all our invisible and visible enemies; may He preserve His Church unshakable from unbelief, superstition, heresy and schism; may He grant our archpastors health, prosperity, and in all things good hope; to our shepherds may He grant spiritual sobriety and zeal for the salvation of the flock; to rulers judgment and righteousness, to soldiers patience, courage and overcoming enemies, to the sick healing, to the orphaned and widows intercession, to the young good growth in faith, to elders comfort, to the afflicted intercession, and to all all things necessary for temporal and eternal life, howbeit in peace and repentance, burning with the desire of salvation. Glory be to the Most Holy Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen."

What you can and can not do on February 12 on Trekhsvyatie, or Vasiliev Day

On St. Basil's Day, or Trekhsvyatie, it is good to do household chores, that is, to do a general cleaning, to put things in order. It is believed that if on this day to free the house from everything unnecessary, the year will pass easily. With this belief was associated with a special ritual: people collected all the old shoes and put them on the threshold. Together with it from the house, as it was believed, went away former offenses and quarrels.

Vasily's Day was also a good time for men's work. Our ancestors believed that hard work on the holiday would be rewarded generously.

Мужчина за работой
Photo: TASS/Yuri Smityuk

In spite of the fact that in comparison with other church feasts, there are also prohibitions on Trekhsvyatie. Thus, first of all, one could not go to the forest and hunt because of the beginning of the "mating season" of animals. And to put game on the table, it was necessary to go for it the day before.

Women were forbidden to do laundry on Vasily's Day, otherwise they risked to spill their health and luck together with water. It was also inadvisable to do needlework, such as sewing and embroidery. That is why in the people the celebration was called the Day of the three saints-no spinners. It was undesirable to wear new clothes, especially red. Bright color symbolizes not only passion, but also anger, which could not be shown in the Orthodox holiday.

Жительница деревни вышивает наволочки для подушек
Photo: TASS/Alexander Kolbasov

It was believed that the quarrels that began on St. Basil's Day could drag on for a whole year and grow into enmity, so it was necessary to avoid any conflict situations. In addition, on this day it was better not to deal with money matters and not even to return debts, otherwise financial difficulties awaited ahead.

Trekhsvyatie, or Vasily's Day, in 2024: folk omens

Since ancient times, different omens have been associated with the holiday. People considered it a bad omen to bring stray dogs: there was a belief that at this time, under the guise of harmless animals, evil spirits could walk around the yards.

Бездомная собака
Photo: RIA Novosti/Ilya Naimushin

Many omens were also connected with the weather. For example, a strong wind on this day heralded strong frosts. On the contrary, if the trees were covered with frost, it meant that warming would soon come.

A snowstorm on Vasily's Day promises a rainy spring, and low clouds that hide the sun - a cold snap. If the red moon appeared in the sky at night, the next day there will be a strong wind. The restlessness of birds means a coming snowfall. Frost heralds clear weather, and hare tracks in the garden - a long cold winter.

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