Hunting the "beavers": how Russian air defense fights Ukrainian UAVs
In recent weeks, terrorist drone strikes by the AFU deep inside Russian territory have become more frequent. All of them, as military experts emphasize, are carried out by long-range drones of several types. Each of them can be countered by the Russian air defense system. About what models of UAVs now has the AFU, what they are and how the Russian air defense organizes the fight against such attacks - in the material "Izvestia".
The "fierce" messenger
In recent weeks, we often hear the name of the Ukrainian drone AN-196 "Lute". The UAV is assembled by Ukraine, but in the image and likeness of Bayraktar products - in the development was probably used Turkish technological experience. It is made according to the classic airplane scheme with a two-beam configuration of the tail plumage - what we are accustomed to call "frame". The aircraft is about four meters long and has a wingspan of about seven meters. Equipped with a piston engine with a pusher propeller, which provides the apparatus with a cruising speed of about 150 kilometers per hour.
The mass of the drone's warhead can range from 50 to 75 kilograms, which makes Lyuty the most powerful among Ukrainian long-range drones.
The UAV appears to have a range of about 1,300 to 1,500 kilometers, which allows it to appear over Tatarstan, Bashkiria and over Russian regions closer to Ukraine.
It is likely that Ukroboronprom's main emphasis was on mass production of the Lyuty. The reason is that this model combines a powerful warhead, long range and simplicity of design, which ensures easy production of components and its assembly.
The Lyutoy guidance system provides flight along a complex route using satellite navigation. In the final stage, the vehicle can utilize an optical system that automatically or with operator assistance allows the UAV to precisely direct the target of attack.
The control and guidance system also provides for countermeasures - disruption of satellite navigation in the target area, interference with radio control systems, impact on the drone's radio communications with the outside world.
And, of course, "Lyutiy" can be hit by any air defense systems that are able to observe it - it can be radar systems and optoelectronic means of detection and guidance in conditions where it is possible to see the attacking UAV.
The Beaver's visit
After drone raids in the Volgograd region, UJ-26 "Beaver" drones were found downed and shot down. UAVs of this type first appeared in early May 2023 near Moscow. It is a Ukrainian development and its production is also handled by Ukroboronprom.
The drone received a plastic construction and carries about 20 kg of explosives. The range of the "Beaver" is estimated at about 1000 kilometers, which limits the number of regions on targets in which it can be used. Although this, of course, does not make this UAV less dangerous.
The drone has reduced radar visibility and can fly along the route at ultra-low altitudes.
Apparently, "Beavers" are used in group strikes. Just like the "Lute", this drone flies autonomously along the route and strikes a point with certain coordinates.
What distinguishes the "Beaver" is the absence of an optical system for homing or correction at the end of the flight. Judging by the relatively simple design, and given the Ukrainian military-industrial complex's access to components, their production can be estimated at dozens of units per month.
Flying Fox's Behavior
In November 2024, drones converted from A-22 "Flying Fox" light-engine training aircraft were spotted in raids on Russian territory. This aircraft with a crew of two people was used for pilot training and was produced in Ukraine in quantities of about 1,000 pieces, and starting from 2022 in small quantities is being converted into drones.
An autonomous control system is put on the aircraft, the pilots' seats are removed, a warhead weighing several tens of kilograms and additional fuel tanks are installed. This ensures a range of more than 1000 kilometers, which allowed UAVs of this type to appear in 2024 over Tatarstan.
The drone is all-metal and should be well detected by radars - provided it flies above the lower limit of the detection zone.
One of the reasons for the increased activity of Ukrainian UAVs is that for a long time there was a ban on the use of Western weapons systems against targets on Russian territory. In fact, the Ukrainian armed forces have no other means at their disposal for strikes at a range of more than 300 kilometers, except for drones.
In conditions when the production of one drone can cost from 50 to 300 thousand dollars - several times cheaper than a cruise missile - the Ukrainian military-industrial complex began attempts to increase the production of drones. The drones can be produced in artisanal conditions - a small workshop or several garages are enough to produce different components. Assembly can be carried out at any industrial or simply transportation enterprise. This approach makes it possible to produce dozens and probably even hundreds of drones every month.
Fighting aliens
How to fight these ersatz drones? There are no revelations here - the complex organization of defense along the border with Ukraine, building intermediate borders and nomadic air defense forces, as well as direct protection of objects that could become targets, help.
The production of effective anti-aircraft missile and cannon systems such as Pantsir is in full swing, but it is obvious that it is impossible to cover all potential targets. But we are seeing notable progress here - a huge proportion of Ukrainian drones attacking our industry are being shot down.
It is also obvious that the Ukrainian armed forces often target oil and gas facilities and facilities related to the production of chemical products. It should be understood that the purpose of attacks is often not direct damage, but to influence public opinion and cause panic. This is probably the main task of Ukrainian UAVs. And in this case, these machines do not need to be very effective - it is enough to be visible.
Defensive "Sphere"
In the fight against drones, in addition to air defense, can be used and REB systems. Earlier "Izvestia" wrote that recently was successfully tested in the defense of mass urban events UAV detection and suppression complex "Sphere". The novelty is able to cover an area of several square kilometers.
The algorithm of the new system is simple. The complex conducts radio-electronic reconnaissance (RER), determines the channels of control and video signals from drones, after which the system in automatic or manual mode includes REB (that is, suppresses the control channels of UAVs). The system has no radar, but it can be synchronized with any radar station if desired.