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Psychologist named ways to get back to the working mood after the New Year holidays

Psychologist Tour: meditation and sleep can help you get back on track after the holidays
Photo: Izvestia/Anna Selina
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Psychologist, psychosomatologist Ekaterina Tur told on Thursday, January 9, how to cope with post-holiday apathy and return to work in a good mood.

According to the specialist, sometimes New Year's holidays are held in such a frantic rhythm that then the body clearly signals that it has not rested.

"We have already moved away from this, the holidays are finally over, and now it is just as necessary to recover. Only we also have work, and in fact it is such a favorable period, because now we have two days when we need to work, well, you can do it half-heartedly," - says the expert in conversation with "Radio 1".

She advised to work quietly for two days, and then on the coming weekend to allow yourself a break. You can sleep, watch TV or a movie, some good home comedy and really relax.

According to the psychologist, meditation works very well.

"We learn exactly to contemplate ourselves from within, because, in fact, the neurobiological meaning of meditation is the conscious contemplation of ourselves from within. And, by the way, for a modern person it is really a very good rest, because you with your attention can reduce the level of anxiety, and where the level of anxiety is reduced, there is a complex recovery of both the psyche and the body," - concluded Tur.

Earlier in the day, candidate of psychological sciences Zhanna Sugak said that it is necessary to prepare for working days in advance, reports One of the ways to ease the transition to the working mode after a long vacation - to make a plan of action. For example, you can near the end of the weekend to start waking up half an hour earlier and do exercises.

In addition, you should prepare clothes for going to the office in advance. So it will be easier to adjust to the working atmosphere, emphasized Sugak.

In turn, immunologist Andrei Prodeus said that to replenish dopamine, which is depleted in the body during the New Year vacations, it is recommended to listen to your favorite music, reports NSN.

The best option, from a medical point of view, is the music of Mozart, writes Life.Ru.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, family psychologist Ilya Slobodchikov advised in a conversation with after the holidays to be included in the work processes gradually.

Thus, one can do half of the work on the first working day, increasing productivity in the following days, RT reports. According to the expert, it is important to start the year with the right attitudes. For example, do not blame yourself for idleness during vacation and do not tune in to a boring work routine.

On January 7, Deputy Director of the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Social Work at Pirogov University Ekaterina Orlova told the Moscow City News Agency that a proper daily routine and walks in the fresh air will help a child calmly return to school after the winter vacations.

On December 31, 2024, Maria Kiseleva, director of the Institute of Psychological and Social Work at Sechenov University, told Izvestia about ways not only to try to follow useful habits, but also to implement them in life.

She emphasized that first of all, motivation is necessary for success. It is important to understand why one or another action is done, but it is necessary that the end result is aimed at the person himself, for his benefit. When we strive for a goal for the sake of someone, even the closest and most beloved, unfortunately, motivation does not always work, Kiseleva noted.

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