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In the USA, a thousand "gold cards" with the right of residence permit were sold in a day.

Minister of Commerce Latnik: in the USA, a thousand "gold cards" with the right of residence permit were sold in a day
Photo: Getty Images/Evgenia Parajanian
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Over the past 24 hours, foreigners in the United States have bought a thousand "gold cards" worth $ 5 million, guaranteeing a permanent residence permit (residence permit) in the country. This was announced on March 22 by United States Secretary of Commerce Howard Latnick during the All-In podcast.

"By the way, I sold a thousand yesterday. If I didn't live in America, I would have bought six [cards] — for myself, my wife and four children. I want to have the right to come to America in case of war or other horror. I want to hear at the airport: "Welcome home, family of Soldiers," he said.

Thus, in just one day, the US government was able to replenish the budget by $ 5 billion from the sale of such cards. The initiator of such a program was the newly elected President Donald Trump.

At the same time, the Soldier stressed that the "golden card" can be canceled in case of violation of the law by its owner.

On February 24, American leader Donald Trump announced that it would be possible to purchase "gold" residence permits in the United States for $ 5 million in the near future. The president added that this measure would not be approved through the US Congress. Trump noted that this program is legally legal. According to him, all the money raised will probably be used to pay off the US budget deficit.

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