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The deputy proposed to add some companies to the register of unscrupulous

Mironov: companies that do not issue salaries should be included in the register of unscrupulous
Photo: IZVESTIA/78 TV channel
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Companies that do not pay salaries want to be included in the register of unscrupulous ones. As Izvestia found out on March 13, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Alexander Babakov and leader of the Fair Russia - For Truth faction Sergey Mironov addressed such a proposal to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

"Starting from January 1, 2025, the Russian Federation introduced a register of unscrupulous employers, which includes organizations that have been found to violate labor laws in terms of substituting employment contracts with civil law ones. Inclusion in the register is carried out on the basis of part 4 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation (Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), which provides for responsibility for concluding civil law contracts that actually regulate labor relations," the deputies said in an appeal to the head of government.

The document emphasizes that currently the register does not cover employers who allow non-payment or systematic delays in wages, which is an equally significant violation of citizens' rights.

"According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2025, overdue wage arrears reached 507.9 million rubles, an increase of 43.5% per month and 46.4% per year. The main part of the debt (77.7%) falls on 2024. At the same time, the highest level of delays was recorded in construction (53.0%), manufacturing (20.2%) and water supply and waste disposal (12.2%)," the document says.

In addition, the deputies propose to establish a ban for such companies to participate in procurement for state and municipal needs for organizations included in the register of unscrupulous employers.

"The inclusion of organizations in the register of unscrupulous employers should be considered as a basis for prohibiting participation in procurement under 44-FZ, since it records the fact of non-compliance with current legislation by an economic entity, characterizes the unscrupulous behavior of an economic entity, which is incompatible with the principles of sustainable and responsible spending of budget funds. The application of this measure will create a significant economic incentive for employers to comply with labor laws," the authors of the appeal are convinced," the document says.

"People don't know where to go to complain. According to Rosstat, the workers owed the most in the fields of construction, water supply and waste disposal. That is, they do not pay where there is nothing wrong with the money and there should be no difficulties with paying salaries," Sergei Mironov explained the need to take measures.

Earlier, on December 19, Yaroslav Kabako, director of strategy at the Finam investment company, said that fines of up to 50 thousand rubles were provided for violations of labor legislation for companies, as well as administrative penalties and, in some cases, criminal liability, the expert said. The most common mistakes of employers are salary delays, non-compliance with the rules of dismissal, informal registration of employees and non-fulfillment of the terms of the employment contract.

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