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First class: Red Silk's fees exceeded 500 million rubles

The film was watched by more than a million viewers in cinemas.
Photo: National Media Group / NMG
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The most anticipated film of the year, the detective action film Red Silk, has surpassed the 500 million rubles mark at the box office, and more than a million people have watched the film since its premiere in cinemas. Meanwhile, last weekend, the Frog Princess displaced The Prophet with Yura Borisov from the top line of the national box office. The biopic "Rodnina" about the titled Soviet figure skater and fantasy with Milla Jovovich "In the Lost Lands" debuted with less success. Izvestia — about the results of the weekend at the cinema.

One million viewers watched "Red Silk"

The Trans-Siberian Express continues to rush through Russian cinemas. According to the EAIS, last weekend the action-packed Russian-Chinese detective story "Red Silk" credited another 91 million rubles to his account. Thus, the picture overcame the 500 million mark. Another point on the achievement map of the tape is more than a million viewers since the premiere on February 20.

The main action of the film takes place in 1927 on a train with secret documents, around which espionage intrigues unfold. There is an intersection of genres on the screen — an intriguing detective storyline, spectacular action scenes, subtle humor, and, of course, romance. The project directed by Andrey Volgin brought together a truly stellar cast - Milos Bikovich, Gleb Kalyuzhny, Elena Podkaminskaya, Yaroslav Mogilnikov, Dmitry Kulichkov, Irina Alferova. And for their colleague in the film, Chinese actress Zheng Hanyi, this work was her debut.

"The Prophet" lost to "The Frog Princess"

For several weeks, the Prophet remained one of the permanent leaders of the box office. The Story of Alexander Pushkin" with Yura Borisov, who recently shone at the Oscars. Last weekend, the film showed the highest performance — an average of 28 viewers attended one session. As for the fees, the film added another 150 million rubles to its account, but this was not enough to hold the position. The picture has shifted to the second line of the rating. The first place was taken by the debutant of the weekend — the fairy tale "The Frog Princess", although the reviews of some critics were not the most laudatory. At the start, she earned more than 200 million rubles.

— A critical look does not affect the demand for releases from a wide audience, and "The Frog Princess" is a mass cinema. Half a million viewers chose to watch the novelty, which is the highest figure of the weekend due to the family audience," Olga Zinyakova, president of the KARO cinema chain, explained to Izvestia.

The folklore plot in the film directed by Alexander Amirov comes to life in modern realities. The frog lives in the pond of the city park. He spends his days watching movies at the summer cinema, until one day he catches a golf ball and turns into a beautiful red-haired girl (Valentina Lyapina). In the image of Ivan Tsarevich's betrothed, he is the heir to a wealthy family (Alexander Metelkin). This version also has its own Koshchei (Nikita Kologrivy).

The sports drama "Rodnina" about the fate of Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion Irina Rodnina started from the fourth line of the box office. The biopic earned 76 million rubles at the box office in its first weekend.

— If earlier sports biopics bypassed all other releases at the box office, let's recall at least the "Upward Movement", now fairy tales take their place. At the same time, it cannot be said that "Rodnina" failed. The film has collected a good box office and will be able to stay in the top in the coming week. The same audience was shared by four leaders at once, and the competition prevented them from jumping higher. The short holiday weekend has reduced the box office potential of all films," Olga Zinyakova said.

Action movie with Milla Jovovich

Completing the top 5 is another new fantasy novel, "In the Lost Lands." The film brought in only about 40 million rubles. Neither the star cast (starring Milla Jovovich) nor the fan base of George Martin, whose fantasy story of the same name formed the basis of the tape, helped to rise higher. However, the film adaptation was also met with little enthusiasm abroad. She has only 22% positive critical reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.


— "In the Lost Lands" is a fantasy western based on a short story by George R. R. Martin, author of "Game of Thrones". The film targets fans of the legendary series and the Resident Evil franchise, but it only partially hits. In the niche of fighters, the film was overtaken and took away part of the box office by the still relevant Red Silk, whose marketing and PR were much broader than those of the novelty," said Olga Zinyakova.

Below are Alexander Kott's drama "North Pole" (35.3 million), "Monkey" based on Stephen King (35.1 million), the comedy with Nikita Efremov "Darling, I Won't call You Back" (26.2 million), "One Good Day" (24.8 million), in which the heroine Anastasia Talyzina gets stuck in the day surka, and "Manyunya: Ba's Birthday" (20 million).


Next weekend is rich in releases for a wide variety of audiences. The family-friendly cartoon "Zveropoisk", the thriller "Opus" starring John Malkovich and the star of the TV series "The Bear" Ayo Edebiri, as well as the drama "The Little Things of Life" starring Cillian Murphy and Emily Watson are being released. The latter was awarded the Silver Bear Prize for Best Supporting Actress at the Berlin Film Festival in 2024 for her work in this film.

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