To a steamer and a man: in Moscow they showed "Chelyuskin. The First."

The premiere of the series "Chelyuskin. The First" about the real disaster of the infamous ship during the passage of the Northern Sea Route in the 30s of XX century was held in Moscow on February 12. A week later the project will start on Wink. Many scenes were filmed in the Far North in extreme weather conditions, sometimes it was a real feat. The first spectator show was attended by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the Chelyuskinites, and the showrunner and general producer of the project Fyodor Bondarchuk called the project the most difficult in his life. On how the premiere was held - in the material "Izvestia".
The latest technologies of virtual production
Projects, presented to critics and industry at the festival "New Season" in Sochi last September, finally begin to come out to the audience. No sooner had the premiere of "Outsource" thundered in the "October" movie theater on Tuesday, than the next day the social Moscow already moved to another location to watch the first episodes of a new large-scale drama. In the Cinema Park Mosfilm showed "Chelyuskin. The First." On the stage under the frames of the "movie about the movie" rose impressive scope of the crew, including actors. And it was clearly not the entire team of the project.
Production of "Chelyuskin" stretched for two years. Serial-catastrophe filmed in Chukotka, in the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, where the temperature dropped to -50 degrees Celsius and actors had to work in extreme conditions.
In the story, scientists fought for their lives for two months on a drifting ice floe in the Chukchi Sea on the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The cast is stellar: Stasia Miloslavskaya, Gleb Kalyuzhny, Dmitry Chebotarev, Alexander Loye, Alexei Rozin and Dmitry Kulichkov. Heading the expedition "Chelyuskin" Otto Schmidt played Kirill Kyaro.
- I would like to thank the whole group for being with us all this time, for being alive, and that some of you still say you enjoyed this work, - said Fyodor Bondarchuk during the performance. - I have produced a lot of movies and TV series. This is the most difficult project in my life.
The idea to create "Chelyuskin. The First" belongs to the general director of "NMG Studios" Dmitry Tabarchuk, who called the shooting an incredible and complex adventure. "Chelyuskin. The Firsts" is a test to pass, and you pass it still, because the work of post-production continues, there is work on computer graphics, voice-over and music," he added.
Shared Dmitry Tabarchuk and the story of a "mini-catastrophe" on the set of the series, when the ice simply could not withstand the massive sets. The creators had to rework the technology of filming on the icy surface. Help came from the virtual production studio XOVP, which launched and showed the Russian market a new technology. From the point of view of serial production, it is in "Chelyuskin" that it will be presented for the first time.
- And, of course, I, as well as Fyodor Sergeyevich, thank the relatives of the Chelyuskin crew. Special thanks for helping to create this story and advising us," Tabarchuk added.
Actors in extreme conditions
The performer of the main female role in the series, actress Stasia Miloslavskaya, said that at first she even thought of refusing to participate in the series. "My first thought was: "God, how will we shoot it." It had to be constantly in the cold, freezing. And I can not stand it all, so of course I was horrified. No cold and no winter," she shared.
But the actress set aside all her prejudices and preconceptions because of the interesting and complex story. "I thought at the time: probably life is giving me some kind of challenge again. I resist all the time, and fate gives me a chance, tells me to reconsider my views a bit and get out of my comfort zone. We shot almost two years with breaks, but I never regretted," she told "Izvestia".
In the series Miloslavskaya plays a meteorologist. Even in an interview with "Izvestia" at the festival "New Season" she said that for this role specially visited the Department of Meteorology at Moscow State University, where she was shown and told how all these devices work.
At the same time, Miloslavskaya called difficult not the weather at all, but the layers of clothing that had to be worn in order not to freeze. "My stage costume itself is very heavy. The first is a heavy flight suit, although I don't play a pilot. The second is a tulup, ounts and sometimes a reindeer skin. And all this when you have 12-hour scenes. Gleb Kalyuzhny and I have a scene where we are with him on snowdrifts on skis. It was hard enough", - said the actress.
Another difficult scene Miloslavskaya called riding on a sled pulled by dogs. During one of them her partner in the series actor Dmitry Chebotarev saved her life. "My heroine and the hero Dima Chebotarev rode on the same cart, which was harnessed with husky dogs. When we were turning, then a little bit did not undercalculate the trajectory and fell into a snowdrift. It would be all right, we fell in the soft, but behind us there was exactly the same sled with dogs, and they did not stop. Dima's fatherly or heroic instinct kicked in. He literally dragged me away by the scruff of the neck," she said.
Chebotarev in "Chelyuskin" attracted the scale and history. And the fact that before filming he knew very little about what happened. Now he knows a little more, admitted the artist.
- In addition to the cold, we also struggled with the heat, because shooting in the pavilion was in the summer, and we are all this clothing. But on location shooting was so cold! We realized that the person had finished talking only when his lips stopped moving. We stood 50 cm from each other, but we could not hear anything, because the wind was 40 meters per second, it just blew the skin off his face, - he said.
According to the artist, on this show he realized that there is no limit to the human will, human strength, the sense of love, the sense of faith, the sense of duty and honor. Gleb Kalyuzhny on the set of "Chelyuskin" learned to manage a dog sled and realized that he can not even notice the "production" injuries, while the motor is going. The actor told reporters that during one of the scenes broke his finger, but did not give it much importance and finished the take. Even at the start of the project, the most Kalyuzhny worried that he would simply not be taken. "Chelyuskin" - this is the project that I really wanted to get into. It was an incredibly cool script," he added.
Stasia Miloslavskaya was delighted with the possibilities of visual effects and modern technology. Although the actress admitted that initially very upset when she learned that on "Chelyuskin" they will be used in large numbers.
- I then only tuned in to the fact that I will freeze, suffer and agonize. In the end we experienced all this too, but the efficiency factor on these LED screens was higher than if we were on an ice floe. - And, to be honest, when I saw the northern lights in person, they didn't seem as beautiful to me as they did on the LED screens," said Stasya.
What "Chelyuskin" will amaze the viewers, we will find out very soon. The first episodes of the historical project will be released in the Wink online cinema on February 20.
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