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The traffic police will conduct a three-day raid on drivers in Moscow

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In Moscow from January 24 to 26, the State Automobile Inspectorate will conduct a raid to detect intoxicated drivers as part of preventive measures and the fight against gross violations of traffic rules. This was announced by the agency in its Telegram channel on Friday, January 24.

The State Traffic Inspectorate said that since the beginning of this week, inspectors have stopped more than 280 facts of driving by drivers with signs of intoxication. The agency urged all road users not to ignore the problem of drunkenness at the wheel and report to the police about drivers who create a threat to safety.

"The traffic police reminds all motorists that the use of alcohol and driving - incompatible things that can lead to terrible consequences", - emphasized in the Department.

The day before it was reported that the State Duma Committee on the financial market recommended the adoption in the second reading of government amendments to the law on CMTPL insurance. The document assumes that participants of road accidents will be able to send to the portal "Gosuslugi" electronic notification of a minor accident without calling the traffic police using applications or websites of insurance companies.

Also on Thursday, the Russian Interior Ministry proposed to change the procedure for drawing up protocols when traffic inspectors detect drunk drivers. The draft federal law is undergoing a procedure of public discussion. Now, when detecting a driver with signs of intoxication it is necessary to draw up three to five procedural documents. Drawing up these protocols in a number of cases seems redundant, the Interior Ministry said.

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