Almost a third of families in Russia named the problem of children's shopaholism as serious
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- Almost a third of families in Russia named the problem of children's shopaholism as serious
Almost a third (27.2%) of Russians with children consider online shopaholism as a serious problem for the younger generation. This follows from the results of a survey by the A2:Research analytical center, which were read by Izvestia on January 24.
The majority of parents (68.4%) indicated that their children first made an online order at the age of seven to 12 years old, 31.6% - from 13 to 15 years old.
At the same time, 62.2% of parents said that children rashly spend money on online orders. Of these, 28.8% said that at least half of such purchases were spontaneous. 27.6% of respondents named one-third of children's purchases as spontaneous, and 5.7% named every order as spontaneous.
Children most often buy hobby and creative goods (45.2%), digital goods such as games, online subscriptions and certificates (38.3%), as well as clothes and shoes (29.5%) and toys (24.8%).
Experts found that 23% of respondents disapprove of buying inappropriate toys -- for example, those designed for older children. 22% of respondents do not like the fact that children buy online subscriptions and certificates on the Internet. Another 19% of respondents named candy and snacks as inappropriate online purchases, and 18% named PC and console games as inappropriate.
Over a third (36%) of families surveyed said their children order monthly. 20% of respondents said that their child orders goods online once a week or more often, 44% - once every couple of months or less.
At the same time, 52% of parents said that small buyers spend an average of Br500 to Br1 thousand per online order, 24.6% - from Br1 to Br5 thousand, 23% - up to Br500.
In addition, 95.7% of parents control children's spending on online shopping: 33% give funds for purchases on the Web, 19% link the child's card to their own, 19% prohibit children to order some online goods, 11% set limits on the amount or number of online purchases.
Earlier, December 4, it was reported that in Russia 67% of parents surveyed transfer pocket money to their children on the card, while 33% prefer cash. These are the results of a joint survey by Roskachchestvo and the project of NIFI of the Ministry of Finance of Russia "Moifinance.rf". Most often children's bank cards are opened at the age of 11-12 years old (33% of respondents said so). The decision to get a plastic card for a child is usually made by parents themselves (59%), and less often it is the children themselves (41%).