The nutritionist named the necessary number of meals per day
Nutritionist Alena Kapustina told how many times a day one should eat.
In a conversation with RuNews24.Ru on Thursday, January 23, the specialist noted that three meals a day has always been considered the norm, but this regime is not suitable for everyone.
The doctor explained that "the amount of food intake should be taken into account in accordance with the requirements of a person, his lifestyle, physical activity and state of health". She noted that people have different metabolisms and digest food differently. Three meals are enough for some people, while others need more. People who lead an active lifestyle, do hard physical labor or sports, need more frequent meals. People with certain diseases, such as diabetes and GI diseases, also have to follow a strict diet.
According to Kapustina, the popular in recent years fractional diet, which involves five or six meals a day, has advantages and disadvantages. For example, such a diet prevents blood sugar spikes, which is important for people with diabetes. Small portions help control appetite, preventing overeating. Also with such a diet, food is better digested.
On the downside, nutritionists include the same risk of overeating if a person does not control portion size and the number of calories consumed. Also, not everyone has the opportunity to eat five or six times a day. In addition, fractional eating requires more careful planning and food preparation.
Kapustina noted that in the matter of the number of meals per day it is important to listen to your body. It is best to be guided by the feeling of hunger. Meals should be balanced and varied, and include all the necessary nutrients and essential food groups: vegetables, fruits, cereals, proteins and fats. The specialist advised to choose natural, unprocessed foods. You should also drink enough water during the day.
January 21 Pravda.Ru with reference to experts wrote that Rospotrebnadzor recommends three to five meals a day, but the exact number depends on lifestyle and individual needs of a person. Three main meals cover the basic needs of the body. Snacks between the main meals help to maintain stable blood sugar levels and prevent overeating. For snacking, it is better to choose fruits, nuts, yogurt and vegetable sticks.
Earlier, January 18, cardiologist Ksenia Eruslanova in a conversation with the site warned that the refusal of breakfast threatens stroke and heart attack. Japanese researchers say that without a morning meal a person's blood pressure rises. Regular skipping of breakfast in the body produces stress hormone - cortisol, reports
On January 16, nutritionist Natalia Kruglova warned that daily consumption of ready-made breakfasts can lead to obesity and vitamin deficiency.
Before that, on January 9, nutritionist Antonina Starodubova said that food should be tasty, balanced and varied. It is worth limiting the consumption of dietary salt, saturated and trans-isomers of fatty acids and added sugars, RT writes. During the day, three main meals are recommended, two or three snacks are also acceptable. It is advisable to refrain from fasting.
In November, nutritionist Natalya Baranova said that protein products can help curb the feeling of hunger in the fight against excess weight, which will make it possible to control the diet. According to her, protein is important not only for maintaining muscles in a normal state, but also for the production of hormones that are responsible for the feeling of satiety, writes NSN.