Astronomer reveals details of black plasma ejection on the Sun
Protuberance (emission of glowing gas) on the Sun of unusual black color, which was recorded by scientists on January 22, appeared right in the center of the star and received such an unusual color due to neutral hydrogen. The phenomenon will not affect the Earth. This January 23 told "Izvestia" founder of the project #KhabAstro, astronomer Vladimir Naumov.
As noted by the specialist, neutral hydrogen absorbs short-wave solar radiation, that is, it blocks the sunlight, because of which it seems black. For people, such an outbreak poses no danger.
"As a result of this emission, no one was or will be hurt. The substance that was ejected from the Sun, returned back to him in the photosphere and, in fact, nothing will fly anywhere, will not threaten anyone. Accordingly, magnetic storms and some other disturbances should not cause too," - said Naumov.
Astronomer emphasized that the magnetic field of the Earth is strong enough to protect humanity from the impact of prominences and other consequences of solar activity.
Earlier, January 22, in the laboratory of solar astronomy of the Institute for Space Research (IKI RAS) and the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch (ISPP SB RAS) reported that the Sun recorded the rarest phenomenon - a black plasma ejection, which lasted for three hours. Specialists noted that this phenomenon looks beautiful and at the same time "a little creepy".
On the same day it was reported that a new powerful flare lasting 40 minutes was registered on the Sun. It was also noted that according to forecasts, the Sun is possible flares of class X.