Every fifth Russian stated the importance of a social package when choosing an employer
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- Every fifth Russian stated the importance of a social package when choosing an employer
For every fifth Russian respondent (21%), the content of the social package is one of the decisive factors in choosing an employer. This is stated in the results of a survey conducted by the insurance company Rosgosstrakh Life and the recruiting platform hh.ru, which were presented to Izvestia on January 22.
Every eighth respondent (13%) is ready to accept a less interesting job if the corporate package will include bonuses and a guarantee of protection for both the employee and his family.
Experts found out that a package that employees would consider a real competitive advantage of the employer should include not only standard options such as travel or VHI, but also a wider range of services and facilities. For example, insurance programs for critical illnesses, as well as those that help with long-term care for both family members and the employee themselves, have become relevant.
Thus, 13% of respondents have relatives who need constant care. At the same time, the vast majority (80%) care for them themselves and sometimes have to give up their favorite job or significantly reduce their working hours and change their lifestyle. As support from their employer in such situations, Russians would like to receive a more flexible schedule (63%) and the possibility of a remote work format (62%). Half of the respondents would also appreciate financial compensation (50%), and 30% would appreciate additional days off.
"Today, a social package is not just a nice bonus, but a strategic tool that affects the attractiveness of an employer. That is why its filling depends both on the loyalty of current employees, and the ability to attract new employees and quickly fill vacancies if necessary," - said the director of social projects development IC "Rosgosstrakh Life" Ellie Dolganova.
Earlier, January 15, it was reported that every third Russian respondent (28%) planned to change jobs in 2025. This is stated in the results of the study of the Russian School of Management. Respondents who are thinking about such changes, told about the reasons. Among the most frequent ones: low salary (47% of respondents said so), lack of opportunities for professional growth (45%), lack of career prospects (39%), dissatisfaction with management (24%), dissatisfaction with the team (8%).