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The long-term savings program attracted 216 billion rubles in 2024

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov
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At the end of 2024, 216 billion rubles were attracted to the Long-Term Savings Program (LTSP), the Ministry of Finance told Izvestia. The program was launched at the beginning of this year and was supposed to attract 250 billion rubles on the instructions of the President. Thus, the PDS fell short of Br34 billion.

According to the Ministry of Finance, of the attracted 216 billion the volume of new contributions (what citizens brought themselves, from their own funds) - 99 billion rubles, the projected volume of transferred pension savings (funds that people transferred from the mandatory pension system) - 96 billion, and the projected volume of co-financing (state investment on the contributions of citizens) - 21 billion.

"250 billion rubles is a benchmark. It should be taken into account that, although the PDS has been in effect since January, the most active phase began much later, after the approval of amendments to the Tax Code and the President's decision to increase the terms of co-financing contributions from three to ten years," said the press service of the Ministry of Finance.

The Central Bank told Izvestia that financial organizations believe that the PDS can organically fit into the line of financial products. Therefore, many financial groups began to create their own funds.

Now 33 pension funds out of 37 carry out PDS activities. During the period of the program 2.9 million contracts have been concluded.

"This is a very good result for a new product. When individual investment accounts appeared in 2015, the results of the first year were much more modest: about 100 thousand such accounts were opened, and the amount of investments amounted to about 5 billion rubles," - said the press service of the regulator.

Read more in the exclusive material "Izvestia":

Half a pancake: the authorities missed 34 billion in the long-term savings program

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