Laptops ranked in the top 3 in price growth among electronics products
Laptops are among the top 3 gadgets in terms of the rate of price growth - on average, by the beginning of 2025, they have increased by 15%. For comparison, smartphones went up in price by 16% and desktop PCs by 21%, Eldar Murtazin, a leading analyst at Mobile Research Group, told Izvestia.
But these figures are less than, for example, for large household appliances, the expert notes. At the same time, laptops, following smartphones, are the most popular category of portable electronics, he added.
"Prices for laptops are growing unevenly. For example, the cost of gaming devices has increased by 25%, which makes them the leaders in terms of the growth rate of this indicator," Murtazin noted.
Electronics manufacturers and sellers told Izvestia that laptops could go up in price by at least another 10% this year.
"During the year, prices will continue to rise under the influence of a standard set of factors - first of all, currency fluctuations, which are reflected in the cost of logistics and the purchase price of the devices themselves. Also affects the key rate, the increase in which is reflected in the "cost of money", - said in the press service of electronics manufacturer Fplus.
Perhaps the low and medium segment gadgets will be less affected by the price increase, says the head of the Content-Review project Sergei Polovnikov. But as for the premium (from 100 thousand rubles), the increase may be 10-20%, he agrees.
Read more in the exclusive material "Izvestia":
PCs are not getting cheaper: laptops are in the top 3 in terms of price growth among electronics