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The doctor called out the obvious signs of pneumonia

Doctor Zvonkov: during pneumonia the temperature does not drop and sputum appears
Photo: TASS/ITAR/Mitriy Rogulin
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Therapist, transfusiologist, author of the book "While the ambulance is coming" Andrey Zvonkov reminded on Monday, January 20, about such a term as "influenza pneumonia", which is a frequent cause of death. In addition, he told by what signs you can independently identify pneumonia.

"This is a non-passable temperature, constantly recurring: you knock it down, and it rises again to 38-39 degrees. Further pneumonic cough - this is when there is sputum, inflammation. The fluid is already directly in the smaller bronchi, and a person wants to get rid of it. The cough turns out to be unproductive, that is, it does not come out of the depths. Or when coughing out comes out something red with impurities and even with blood", - said the expert in conversation with "Radio 1".

He emphasized that sputum is a sign that you need to do an X-ray of the lungs.

"Only a specialist can make a diagnosis. Inflammation of the lung leads to a thickening of the tissue, which changes the conduction of sound and allows us to make a diagnosis. We can percussively tap out the focus of inflammation," concluded Zvonkov.

In turn, virologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, chief researcher of the N.F. Gamaleya Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology. N.F. Gamalei Anatoly Altstein said that regular hand washing and wiping surfaces can help reduce the risk of influenza. In addition, it is important to try not to be in crowds and wear masks (especially for elderly citizens, people with immune problems or chronic diseases), reports NSN.

Earlier in the day, Olga Karpova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Virology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, told RT that this season the Northern Hemisphere of the planet expects the arrival of the Thai strain of influenza A (H3N2).

On January 10, Vitaly Zverev, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and scientific director of the Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, said that metapneumovirus is dangerous for children and the elderly.

Earlier, on January 5, China's Department of Disease Control and Prevention, citing the results of respiratory samples that were analyzed from December 23 to 29, 2024, reported an outbreak of human metapneumovirus in the country. It noted that it is actively spreading throughout the territory of China and mainly children under 14 years of age are exposed to the disease. People living in the northern provinces of the country are most often infected.

Later, Rospotrebnadzor reported that specialists are monitoring the epidemiological situation related to the increase in the number of metapneumovirus diseases in the PRC.

On the same day, Georgy Vikulov, candidate of medical sciences, director of the Research Center for Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections, head of the herpes center of Moscow State University, immunologist-allergologist, infectious disease specialist, told Izvestia who is most at risk of infection with metapneumovirus and what is its incubation period.

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