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- From two to ten: applications for disposal of maternity capital will be considered twice as fast
From two to ten: applications for disposal of maternity capital will be considered twice as fast
The timeframe for considering an application for the disposal of matkapital will be reduced from ten to five days, with interdepartmental interaction taking 48 hours. Thedraft law developed by the Ministry of Labor has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, "Izvestia" found out. The document appeared as part of the plan to transfer social support measures in the format of "social treasury". Also defined the grounds for the transition of the certificate from one owner to his successor. On what difficulties arise in the provision of matkapital and why the system needs more careful control - in the material "Izvestia".
What will change in the receipt of matkaptal
The terms of processing applications for the disposal of maternity capital may be reduced. The Ministry of Labor proposed to reduce these terms from ten to five days. Such amendments on Monday, January 20, approved the Government Commission on Legislative Activity (the document is at the disposal of "Izvestia"), said the sources of the editorial board in the Cabinet.
The bill is designed to fulfill the measures of the plan-schedule of transferring social support measures into the format of "social treasury", Vladimir Gruzdev, chairman of the board of the Russian Bar Association, told Izvestia. According to him, since 2021 there is a gradual creation and implementation of the Unified Centralized Digital Platform in the social sphere (GIS UTP).
- In 2023, the execution of the state contract for the creation of the first stage of the Unified Centralized Digital Platform was completed and work on the creation of the second stage is underway," he explained. - In 2024, activities were carried out to create automation of the full cycle of the processes of granting maternity capital, i.e. decision-making on the issuance of the certificate and on the disposal of maternity capital funds.
The terms of sending an interdepartmental request by the Pension and Social Insurance Fund and its consideration by bodies and organizations will also be reduced, follows from the explanatory note. Now it takes 48 hours, although previously the term was five working days.
Also, according to Vladimir Gruzdev, the changes in connection with the introduction of the GIS of the Unified State Pension Fund concern the provisions on the transfer of the right to additional measures of state support to the legal successors in a non-applicable procedure in the event of termination of the certificate holder's right to such measures. The basis for such transition can be death, deprivation of parental rights or restriction in parental rights of the certificate holder.
What problems are there with the receipt of matkapital?
Thematkapital program has existed since 2007, and during this time about 14 million families have received certificates, recalled Andrei Girinsky, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics of PFUR. In 2025, the amount of matkapital for the first child is Br677 thousand, while for the second - Br894 thousand.
Associate Professor of Plekhanov Russian Economic University Yulia Kovalenko noted that the use of the certificate requires detailed control and clearly defined steps for its disposal, as fraudulent schemes arise when new measures are introduced.
As for the unified digital platform to support citizens, such a system contributes to a more thorough control over the movement and issuance of matkapital, believes Andrei Girinsky. In addition, it allows you to quickly issue various payments, added Yulia Kovalenko. However, according to her, the possibility of submitting documents in "manual" mode should not be canceled.
Experts also note that it is necessary to prevent and misunderstanding of how and to whom to provide it locally.
Questions with the transition of maternity capital from mom to dad should not arise, assured "Izvestia" first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family Protection Tatyana Butskaya. These are isolated cases, for the regulation of which the relevant laws have been adopted, she said.
However, a number of unresolved issues remain in the use of matkapital, she noted.
- There is still the issue of apartments, purchased with maternity capital. If there is no mark anywhere that it was purchased with maternity capital, then no shares are not allocated to the children," she explained. - If someone bought such an apartment sold without the consent of the guardianship authorities, then there are questions. They are in urgent need of a solution, which we are now looking for. Now there are no appropriate registers of such housing.
Now, according to her, the deputies are introducing a clause in the legislation that in the apartments purchased with maternity capital funds, it is necessary to allocate shares to children.
The maternity capital program should be indefinite and progressive, believes the chairman of the Duma Committee on Family Protection Nina Ostanina. The lawmaker believes that it should be prolonged as far as the federal budget allows. In conditions when the program is limited, it is more difficult for families to plan the birth of children, she stressed.