Forecasters predicted cloudy skies and up to +4 degrees in Moscow on January 20
Cloudiness with clearings, light precipitation and icy conditions in some places - this is the weather expected by residents of the capital region on Monday, January 20. The corresponding forecast is published on the website of the Hydrometeorological Center.
The air temperature in Moscow during the day will vary from +2 to +4 degrees. At night, the thermometer columns will drop to -8.
In the Moscow region during the day forecasters promise from -1 to +4 degrees, and at night the temperature may fall to -10.
A northwest wind with a speed of 7-12 m/s is expected.
Atmospheric pressure will be 747-755 mm of mercury column.
Earlier, on January 16, the scientific head of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand during a press conference in the MIC "Izvestia" said that spring in Moscow may be early. In addition, Vilfand noted that no matter how much snow falls in the remaining month and a half of winter, it will still be less than normal against the background of the current weather. At the same time, despite the almost absence of snow, January and February may be cold, the most accurate forecasts can be made later.