The Central Bank noted a steady trend towards the use of biometrics
The Central Bank sees a steady trend towards the use of biometric technologies, the regulator's press service told Izvestia. It noted that payment preferences of citizens are changing, and the share of non-cash payments is redistributed in favor of alternative (non-card) methods of non-cash payment, including bio-acquiring.
"The Bank of Russia notes a steady trend towards the use of biometric technologies," the Central Bank's press service said.
The Central Bank supports the initiative of Sber and the National Payment Card System (NPCS) to create a single service for payment by biometrics, the regulator's press service specified.
The launch of cross-bio-acquiring is scheduled for the second half of 2025, Dmitry Malykh, senior vice-president of Sber, told Izvestia. Market participants are developing a standard of payment by biometrics, based on which other banks will be able to launch their biometric services.
Now, in order to connect to the face-to-face payment service, a client needs to register his/her data in the Unified Biometric System (UBS) via the "Gosuservices Biometrics" application or in bank branches. After the data are linked to the system "Sber" or NSPK, respectively, and then you can attach a card of any credit organization - the money will be deducted from it.
Read more in the material "Izvestia":
It is necessary to watch: a unified face payment service will be created in the Russian Federation