Estonia's Operail resumes cargo transportation linked to Russian Federation
After privatization, Estonian company Operail AS has resumed transportation of cargoes related to Russia, which it was previously prohibited from doing by the country's authorities. This was reported by the ERR portal on January 17.
"If we take into account that Operail is an Estonian carrier and an important employer, in this way we improve the lives of our employees and increase tax revenues to the state budget," - said a member of the board of Operail Merle Kurvits.
It is noted that the actions of the trucking company do not fall under the sanctions, as the goods are delivered to the border with the Russian Federation, where they are picked up by a Russian carrier.
Operail AS is engaged in cargo transportation, rent, construction and repair of rolling stock.
In December 2022, it became known that the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications banned the state-owned railway company Operail from transporting goods from Russia and Belarus from January 1, 2023.