Forecasters predicted wet snow and icy conditions in Moscow on January 18
Cloudiness, light precipitation, moderate precipitation in some places in the region, wet snow and ice - such weather is expected by residents of the capital region on Saturday, January 18. The corresponding forecast is published on the website of the Hydrometeorological Center.
The air temperature in Moscow during the day will vary from +2 to +4 degrees. At night, the thermometer columns will drop to -2.
In the Moscow region during the day forecasters promise from -1 to +4 degrees, at night the temperature may fall to -4.
West and north-west wind with a speed of 6-11 m/s is expected, wind gusts up to 15 m/s are possible.
Atmospheric pressure will be 741-742 mm of mercury column.
On the eve, January 17, it became known that on the weekend, January 18 and 19, Muscovites are expected cloudy weather. On Sunday, rain with snow is possible. On Saturday, January 18, in the capital will be cloudy, during the day precipitation is not expected.
Before that, on January 10, leading specialist of the information agency "Meteonovosti" Tatyana Pozdnyakova told "Izvestia" that the second half of winter in the capital will be warm. At the same time, she noted that the lowest temperature in the current month will be observed in the last five days. In addition, the expert suggested that, most likely, the baptismal frosts in the city will not take place.