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Weddings in 2025 - beautiful dates, auspicious days, wedding calendar

Russians were told about favorable dates for weddings in 2025
Photo: Izvestia/Andrei Ershtrem
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For many couples, choosing a wedding date is a significant event in which every detail matters. For some, the beauty of numbers is important, while others look for deep meaning in them or check the lunar calendar. What days in 2025 will be ideal for marriage in terms of tradition, numerology and religious customs, read in the material "Izvestia".

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2025

"Beautiful" dates are especially popular among couples when planning celebrations. They look aesthetically pleasing on wedding invitations, they are easier to remember. In addition, mirrored or repeated combinations of numbers give the ceremony a special symbolism.

In 2025, the greatest interest is caused by the repetition of twos and fives. For example, 05.05.2025 or 20.05.2025 can be associated with harmony and balance in relationships, carrying a powerful positive charge, which will be a good start for the beginning of married life.

In the first month of the year beautiful dates for marriage will be January 5 (05.01.2025), January 11 (11.01.2025), January 15 (15.01.2025) and January 25 (25.01.2025).

In February the combination of numbers 05.02.2025 and 25.02.2025 will look beautiful, in March - 03.03.2025 and 25.03.2025, in April - 04.04.2025 and 25.04.2025.

The fifth month of the year is especially generous for the attractive combination of numbers, despite the superstitious opinion that to marry in May means to spend a lifetime in May. May 2 (02.05.2025), May 5 (05.05.2025), May 15 (15.05.2025), May 20 (20.05.2025) and May 25 (25.05.2025) will look beautiful.

There are other unusual dates in the coming year. For example, June 6 and 26 (06.06.2025 and 26.06.2025), July 7 (07.07.2025), August 8 (08.08.2025), September 9 (09.09.2025).

In October, the 5th,10th and 25th numbers will look beautiful (05.10.2025, 10.10.2025, 25.10.2025). In November - 05.11.2025, 11.11.2025 and 25.11.2025. And December 12.12.2025 and 25.12.2025 will complete the year.

It is important to remember that because of the abundance of those who want to register a marriage on the "beautiful" date will have to take care in advance, booking it several months before the celebration.

Symbolic dates for a wedding 2025

In addition to beautiful combinations of numbers in the calendar, there are dates that traditionally attract future newlyweds, as they carry additional meaning due to their cultural or religious significance.

For example, February 14 is Valentine's Day, the patron saint of lovers. In 2025, it falls on a Friday, which makes the date not only symbolic but also convenient for organizing the celebration.

Another popular date among newlyweds is July 8, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, dedicated to the patron saints of marriage Peter and Fevronia. It is believed that the union concluded on this holiday will be strong and happy.

October 14 - the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Russia with it traditionally began the fall wedding season. It was believed that marriages concluded on this day will be strong and full of love, as the spouses are protected by the Mother of God.

The symbolic dates of the year are the days of the summer and winter solstice - June 21 and December 21. The first in 2025 falls on Saturday. In Russia believed that at this time nature reaches the peak of its blossom, which means that a wedding can be an auspicious event that promises happiness and prosperity to the new family.

The day of the winter solstice marks the end of astrological winter and the beginning of the sun's turn to summer. It is a great opportunity to spend the longest night with family and friends. In 2025, it falls on Friday.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2025 according to the lunar calendar

For centuries, people have believed that the Earth's satellite influences the natural rhythms. The lunar calendar helped people grow crops, determine the dates of religious holidays and important events, including weddings. In 2025, each month has several favorable "lunar" dates for weddings.

It is believed that the best time to conclude new unions is on the waxing Moon, that is, in the first 12 days after the new moon. Therefore, in 2025, the most favorable periods for weddings will be January 1-13, January 30-31, February 1-11, March 1-13 and 30-31, April 1-12 and 28-30, May 1-11 and 28-31, June 1-10 and 26-30, July 1-9 and 25-31, August 1-8 and 24-31, September 1-6 and 22-30, October 1-6 and 22-31, November 1-4 and 21-30, and December 1-4 and 21-31.

The day when the full Moon is closest to Earth is called a super moon. Some believe that positive energy is so strong at this time that its vibrations help strengthen family bonds. In 2025, two super moons fall on November 5 and December 4.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2025 according to the Eastern calendar

The Eastern, or Chinese, lunar-solar calendar is based on a 12-year cycle (with each year patronized by a particular animal) and the doctrine of the five elements that make up life (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water).

According to this philosophy, 2025 will be under the sign of the Wood Snake, a symbol of wisdom and depth. It is considered favorable for the creation of stable and harmonious unions, if you approach the choice of date thoughtfully.

In China and other East Asian countries, the wedding date is usually chosen individually, based on the calculations of horoscopes of future spouses. However, there are also general principles that are associated with the values of each figure.

For example, the unit in China is associated with loneliness, so the 1st number is considered not too suitable for a wedding. Also in the East try to avoid the number 4, which in Cantonese dialect is consonant with the word "death".

Favorable numbers are considered 5 and 6, and especially happy - eight, a symbol of wealth, consonant with the word "prosperity" in Chinese. Favors marriage and nine, as in Cantonese dialect it sounds like the word "long-term".

Therefore, according to general recommendations, the most favorable dates for a wedding in 2025 on the Eastern calendar will be August 8 (08.08.2025) and September 9 (09.09.2025).

Favorable dates for wedding in 2025 - numerology

According to numerology, each number carries a certain meaning. So, the number of the new year 2025 is nine (2+0+2+5=9), which symbolizes the beginning of a new stage, as well as the achievement of goals and fulfillment of desires. Therefore, the year is perfect for the completion of single life and marriage.

Numerology suggests that future spouses, when choosing a wedding date, calculate their own auspicious numbers by adding up the full dates of their birth in such a way that a single-digit number is obtained. For example, for a person born on January 15, 2002 is considered a lucky number 2 (1+5+0+1+1+2+0+0+0+2=11, 1+1=2). In the same way it is necessary to calculate the number of the partner. By adding up the results, you can get a "lucky" number, which will be the basis of the cherished date.

In addition to individual formulas in numerology, there are other special numbers. For example, combinations of three or four identical numbers, i.e. "angel numbers". In 2025 there are four of them: 11.01.2025, 22.02.2025, 11.11.2025 and 12.12.2025.

Also in 2025 wedding dates that include the number of the year - nine - are considered favorable.

Orthodox calendar of weddings in 2025

The Orthodox calendar traditionally recommends days for the wedding ceremony based on church holidays and fasts. In 2025 there will be 119 of them.

In January, seven days are suitable for weddings: 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29 and 31. And in February there are twelve: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 17.

In April it is allowed to get married only three days: April 27, 28 and 30, and in March the ceremony is not held at all because of Lent.

In May there are fourteen suitable days for weddings: 2, 4, 5, 7, 7, 9, 11, 12, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23 and 25.

In June there are six: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9, in July there are eight: 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23 and 25, and in August there are nine: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 29 and 31.

Especially rich on the dates of wedding according to the Orthodox Church calendar, the fall. In the first month there are twelve suitable dates for the sacrament: September 1, 3, 5, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21 and 22. In the second, there are fourteen: October 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24 and 26. And in the third - eleven: November 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17 and 19.

In December, weddings are not held, as the Christmas fast begins, which lasts the whole month.

Earlier "Izvestia" told when in 2025 comes the Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated.

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