Almost 40% of Russians have changed their profession in three years
Over the past three years, 38% of Russians have learned a new specialty, according to calculations (Izvestiya has it). Car washers, couriers, seamstresses, directors and technical directors most often chose another profession from 2022 to 2024. At the same time, doctors, geologists, accountants, agronomists and programmers left the "old" profession less often.
According to, residents of the Far Eastern regions were the fastest to learn new professions, and the least often - in Kabardino-Balkaria, St. Petersburg, Dagestan, Moscow and Chukotka.
The majority of citizens chose the job of administrator for transition. Also in the top specialties in terms of staff inflow were the positions of manager, analyst, accountant and project manager. Meanwhile, every fifth retrained citizen preferred working and production specialties.
"Professional mobility is on the rise, as salaries in the manufacturing industry (mainly in the defense sector) started to rise from the beginning of 2022 due to the increase in the volume of government contracts. Subsequently, this caused an overflow of personnel to the relevant industry," explained Natalia Milchakova, lead analyst at Freedom Finance Global.
GDP is also growing and, as a consequence, salaries are increasing across the market as a whole, the expert said. However, in some spheres and regions it was slower. Therefore, workers preferred higher-paid professions, especially in the context of rapid inflation.
Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia:
Thirst for switching: 40% of Russians have changed professions in three years