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"Talking About Important Things" January 20 - topic and lesson program

"Conversations about important things" on January 20 will be dedicated to Student's Day
Photo: Izvestia/Pavel Volkov
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At the end of January, Russia celebrates Student Day, or Tatiana's Day. This holiday will be dedicated to the next lesson of the cycle "Talks about Important", which will be held in schools and colleges on January 20. "Izvestia" tells what will discuss with students and what program prepared for different classes.

"Conversations about important" on January 20 - the theme of the lesson

The tradition of celebrating Student Day appeared in our country at the end of the XIX century. Every year the celebrations are held on January 25. It was on this date in 1755 that the Moscow State University (MSU) - the first higher educational institution in Russia - was opened. Also on this day, the church remembers the holy martyr Tatiana of the Epiphany, who is considered the patroness of students.

The history and traditions of the holiday will be discussed with the students within the framework of the topic "Student's Day". The main goal of the lesson is to form students' perceptions of studenthood as an important stage of growing up and the need for education. Besides, during the lesson students will learn many interesting facts about student life.

The lesson will last 30 minutes. Interactive presentations, videos and team games will help school and college students to master the material. Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy will be the federal speaker.

The lesson script and methodological materials for teachers are published on the project website.

"Conversations about important things" on January 20 - lesson program

First and second graders will be told who are called students, where they study and how they differ from schoolchildren. As the conversation continues, students will look at pictures of students and familiarize themselves with monuments dedicated to studenthood in different cities, and try to imagine how they would portray a typical student. In the final part, they will have a fun interactive assignment.

In third and fourth grades the lesson will be supplemented by a story about the students of besieged Leningrad, who continued to study despite the bombardment, combining their studies with work at the defensive lines and factories of the city. Then schoolchildren will be offered to tell about the student years of their parents and grandparents, including how studying at an institute or technical school helped them to find their vocation in life.

In grades five through seven, students will learn how vocational education is organized in our country and where they can go to study after school. After that they will start to fulfill the interactive task "Student Life". A list of words will be shown on the screen, some of which are taken from the student's everyday life, and some of which do not refer to student life. The children will have to choose the correct words. This will help to find out to what extent pupils' ideas about studenthood correlate with reality.

In grades eight to nine, the teacher will organize an interactive quiz "Students and Studenthood". Pupils will have to answer quiz questions dedicated to the Day of Russian Students. In continuation, the pupils together with the teacher will discuss the most popular areas of study in universities and colleges. And, perhaps, someone will already decide what specialty they want to study in the future.

In 10-11th grades the choice of profession will be given more attention. Besides, personal qualities necessary for successful obtaining of higher or specialized secondary education will be discussed separately. Pupils who have made their choice will tell where they plan to go and why they have chosen this particular direction. At the end they will learn about young scientists, winners of the national award "Russia - the Country of Opportunities".

Students of colleges and technical schools will also talk about the Student Day and the role of education and science in the life of modern society. The conversation will be inextricably linked to the theme of knowledge, education and science. The lesson will start with congratulating the students on the coming celebration, as the Student Day is their full-fledged holiday.

"Talking about important things" January 20 - about the project

"Talking About What Matters" is an after-school series launched by the Department of Education in 2022. Students are told about the history, state structure and culture of Russia. A number of topics are devoted to family values, topical issues of daily and school life.

Lessons are held every Monday in schools, colleges and technical schools. The last lesson was held on January 13, it was dedicated to the Day of the Russian Press. The children learned the name of the first Russian newspaper, discussed the role of the printed press and professions related to the production of newspapers and magazines.

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