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For astronomers and just fans of the starry sky 2025 promises to be a busy year. Thus, in the second half of January, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to observe a unique phenomenon - a parade of planets. Six of the seven planets of the Solar System will line up in a conventional line, creating a mesmerizing spectacle in the night sky. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible to the naked eye, while a telescope or binoculars will be needed to see Uranus and Neptune. Read more about how long the parade of planets in January and where is the best place to observe the astronomical phenomenon - in the material "Izvestia".

Parade of planets: what it is, the nature of the phenomenon

Parade of planets is called an astronomical phenomenon when several space objects line up in a conventional row on one side of the Sun. The spread from a straight line is 20-30 degrees. Sometimes even the Moon takes part in it - for example, so it was in 2020.

Note that the "parade of planets" is considered an unofficial definition. In the scientific world, this phenomenon is called the alignment of the planets. However, recently in the works of NASA more and more often you can see the use of the colloquial term, which is firmly established in the media.

Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

Depending on the number of participating planets astronomers distinguish several types of this phenomenon. Thus, the convergence of three planets is called a mini-alignment, four planets - a small alignment, and if we are talking about five or six planets, it is called a large alignment. When seven planets line up (along with Pluto), a grand, or full, alignment happens. Parades of three or four celestial bodies are quite common, and the convergence of a large number of planets is considered rare.

In addition, a distinction is made between visible and invisible parades: the latter occur if the position of the planets in the sky is close to the Sun.

According to astronomers' observations, in reality the planets will not be perfectly lined up, as is often shown in various illustrations. However, they can be connected by an imaginary chain, as they will be located along the ecliptic - the plane along which all the planets of the solar system rotate. The orbits of some of them are slightly inclined relative to this plane, while the planets themselves are at the same level.

How the parade of planets looks like on January 21, 2025

A unique astronomical phenomenon - a great alignment - will occur on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. On this day, six planets of the solar system - Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus and Saturn - will simultaneously appear in the night sky. Mercury will be an exception due to its orbital position.

Saturn and Venus will approach each other on January 17 and 18. After that, other planets will begin to line up. Reddish Mars, with a stellar magnitude of -1.3, will shine in the eastern sky in the constellation Gemini. Jupiter will be a little higher, with a magnitude of -2.6. If the sky is clear, a cluster of stars called the Pleiades, as well as the Gaias and Alderaban around the planet, will also be visible at this time.

Photo: TASS/Egor Aleev

Uranus will be located in the constellation of Aries, near the border with Taurus, the stellar magnitude of this celestial body will be 5.7. The next three planets will be closer to the western sky. Neptune, with a magnitude of 7.9, will be found in the constellation of Pisces. Saturn with a magnitude of 0.6 and the "evening star" Venus with -4.7 will be visible not far from each other in the constellation Aquarius.

Mobile apps such as Stellarium and Sky Tonight can help you check. They allow you to determine the location of celestial bodies in real time, based on geolocation data. To find out the name of any astronomical body, you just need to open the application and point your device at the sky: the name of the planet and additional information about it will be displayed.

How to see the parade of planets in January 2025

The alignment of the planets will be visible from almost anywhere in the world during the evening hours. However, January 21, 2025 is considered an average date: the ideal time for observation may vary depending on where a person is located. "Izvestia" offers a list of different cities around the world and the dates when the parade of planets there will be seen best:

- Abu Dhabi - January 18;

- Hong Kong - January 18;

- Moscow - January 19;

- Tokyo - January 21;

- New York - January 22;

- Athens - January 23.

As astronomers note, in the case of cloudless skies, most of the planets can be observed without special equipment. To consider Uranus and Neptune, you will need a home-level telescope.

Photo: RIA Novosti/Ilya Pitalev

Specialists warn that the light noise from cities will also be an obstacle for star lovers. For observation, it is better to choose a place outside of large population centers.

What portends the parade of planets on January 21: whether the Day of Judgment will come

At the moment it is unknown whether the parade of planets has any effect on the human body. Some experts say that during this period, especially sensitive people can change their mood and deteriorate.

Astrologers and esotericists, as a rule, go even further. At different times soothsayers assured that the parade of planets brings troubles and misfortunes. For example, with the astronomical phenomenon of 1962, they associated the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world was on the brink of nuclear war. And the parade of planets in 1989 allegedly became a harbinger of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Photo: IZVESTIYA/Andrei Ershtrem

According to astrologer Alena Nikolskaya, each of the planets has its own energy. If in normal times the forces of celestial bodies are dispersed in different signs of the zodiac, now it all sums up, as if a great cosmic catalyst will be turned on.

However, critics of such versions are sure that all fears about Judgment Day are groundless. They explain people's belief in supernatural forces by the Barnum effect, when some general statements are interpreted by a person as accurate. For the same reason, the phenomenon of astrological predictions has such wide popularity.

What can and cannot be done during the parade of planets

Our ancestors also believed in the great power of the parade of planets. In different cultures, this phenomenon was given a significant place.

Many peoples conducted magical rituals on this day, as it was believed that the conjunction of celestial bodies enhances the effect of witchcraft. Some legends speak about the awakening of ancient evil - creatures that wake up under the influence of the great parade of planets. We are talking about birds, dragons and demons that control the fate of man.

Photo: TASS/Egor Aleyev

However, there are also still inhibitions and superstitions in the modern world. During this astronomical phenomenon, you cannot borrow or lend money. It is believed that after the alignment there is a risk of being in debtors. It is not recommended to make changes in appearance: haircut, makeup, manicure and so on. It is also important in this period to protect yourself from all sorts of conflict situations.

In astrology, a rare astronomical event is a great chance to earn yourself good karma for the future. They advise January 21 to help the needy, do charity and show sensitivity. It is worth being alert, because on this day the Universe can give very important signals.

Small parade of planets: what lunar day, horoscope for January 21

Astrologers believe that the parade of planets has a certain impact on all people, regardless of the sign of the zodiac. However, each representative in the period of alignment should adhere to certain rules.

So, Aries, Lions, Sagittarians may have a significant burst of energy, as well as the intention to realize projects, plans. At the same time, it is important to exercise caution to avoid injuries and rash actions.

Representatives of earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn may find themselves in a difficult financial situation. It is recommended to be cautious and avoid dubious deals. In spite of this, unexpected pleasant surprises await them in matters of the heart.

Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius should not make rash career decisions. During the January parade of planets, the main rule for representatives of these zodiac signs should be "measure seven times, cut once". At the same time, they may feel a strong urge to study and socialize.

The period of the parade of planets will be especially successful for the water signs of the zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. A strong creative outburst awaits them. The end of January will be an ideal time to start new projects and realize ideas. However, it is important for "aquatic" representatives to keep a balance between work and family relations.

When will be the next parade of planets

The next great alignment will take place on February 28, 2025. Seven planets, including Mercury, will line up in one row at once. The celestial bodies will also be visible to the naked eye for several hours after dusk.

However, for an absolute complete picture of the starry sky will need a telescope. Thus, Saturn, Mercury and Neptune will be close to the Sun and will be lost in its glow. The other planets will be clearly visible. Venus will be the brightest, followed by Jupiter, then Mars and Uranus.

Photo: Getty Images/adventtr

In addition, a parade of six planets can be observed in the summer of August 11, 2025.

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