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The most powerful prayers for Epiphany: before the water, for health, for the house

"Izvestia" publishes the most powerful prayers for Epiphany of the Lord
Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev
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Every year on January 19, Orthodox believers celebrate an important bipedal feast - the Epiphany of the Lord. The feast was established in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River and the miracle that took place on the same day - Epiphany. Traditionally, on the holiday in the churches are held in the consecration of water and solemn services, during which special prayers are read. "Izvestia" publishes the most powerful prayers for Epiphany in 2025.

Akathist to the Epiphany of the Lord for the church holiday on January 19

No liturgy on Epiphany of the Lord is without the Akathist - a church hymn through which the faithful praise and express gratitude to the Lord. It consists of 25 hymns: 13 kondaks and 12 ikos.

The recitation of the Akathist on the Feast of the Epiphany recalls both the proclamation of Christ as the Son of God and the subsequent salvation of the human race. It also commemorates John the Baptist, one of the most revered Christian prophets and seers, who foretold the coming of the Savior.

The full Akathist can be found on many Orthodox sites, as well as in special collections - Akathistniki. "Izvestia" cites only the most popular kondak at number 13, which is read three times during the service:

"O Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, who came to the Jordan to take away the sins of the whole world! Accept this little prayer which we offer to You from all our souls, and enlighten us in the darkness of our sins by Your saving Baptism from John, so that we who have been redeemed by You from sicknesses of body and soul may begin to walk in newness of life, and with all the saints we may sing to You: Alleluia.

Prayer for the Epiphany of the Lord before the water

As on Christmas, on the day of Epiphany there are special prayers that are read on this date. So, before immersing in the baptismal water and drinking holy water, the following prayer is usually recited:

"In the Jordan, Lord, to You who are being baptized, the Trinitarian worship has appeared: the voice of the Parents testifies to You, naming the Son, who loved You, and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, announces the words of the affirmation. Appear, O Christ God, and the world is enlightened, glory be to Thee".

However, one prayer before bathing is not enough. In addition, it is necessary to observe a strict fast on Epiphany Eve, which is celebrated the day before, and to make the rite of communion.

Prayer on the Epiphany of the Lord for health

In addition, on the day of the holiday, believers offer prayers to the Lord for help in worldly affairs, finding family happiness, the appearance of children in families. But first of all on Epiphany pray for spiritual cleansing from sins. It is also possible to ask for purification of the body - deliverance from diseases and granting health.

Here are some short prayers that can be read on the holiday:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. On the holy feast of Epiphany I pray to you for spiritual health. Cleanse me from bodily diseases and demonic seduction. May the baptismal water wash away my sins, committed by malice and forgetfulness. Thy will be done, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

"Heal, O Lord, my soul and body, for I am a sinner(s), and in sin my soul and body ache. Please, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of our Precious Father in Heaven, heal my body from sickness, from dryness, brokenness, pain and blood. Heal my soul from malice, envy and hatred. On this day the heavens open upon us sinners, please, Lord Jesus Christ, fill my body with health and strength, and my soul with tranquility. To the glory of your heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

What prayer to read on Epiphany at home

The main prayer for Epiphany is read during the church service. But you can read it at home in front of the icon, having previously put candles in front of the image.

Since the text of the prayer is quite voluminous, we publish its shortened version:

"Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages! For this reason, on the bright day of Your Epiphany, You came to the Jordan to sinners and tax collectors to be baptized by John, and that You might take away in the waters of the Jordan the sins of the whole world, as the Lamb of God. For this cause, when Thou hast immersed Thyself in the waters, the heavens opened to Thee, which were made by Adam, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Thee in the form of a dove, bringing enlightenment and deification to our nature, and Thy divine Father proclaimed His favor to Thee with a heavenly voice.

For this cause all the powers of heaven rejoice, and heaven, earth, and the whole world rejoice now, because by the Divine Baptism their nature is sanctified this day. As we celebrate the remembrance of this divine sacrament, we pray earnestly to Thee, O Lord: grant that we who thirst at Thy voice may come to Thee, the fountain of life-giving water, that we may drink the water of Thy grace and remission of our sins, and live righteously and godly in this present age, awaiting the blessed hope and the manifestation of Thy glory. Wherein, with all the saints, grant that we may glorify Thy holy Name with Thy Immaculate Father and with Thy Most Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Earlier "Izvestia" told what prayers are read on Christmas Day.

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