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The expressions "hits the kidneys", "strain on the heart", "crumbled liver" are more relevant than ever when it comes to improper nutrition. Harmful products literally destroy vital organs. "Izvestia" analyzed what dishes to exclude from the diet, and what can not be refused, so that the heart worked like clockwork, and the skin for many years remained young and beautiful.

Sugar, fast food and alcohol

Improper diet can harm vital organs, emphasizes the therapist of the polyclinic of the National Medical Research Center "Treatment and Rehabilitation Center" of the Ministry of Health of Russia Alina Kirichenko. The health of the liver, kidneys, heart directly depends on a varied, balanced diet.

Photo: Global Look Press/Annette Riedl

- For example, high sugar content in products can contribute to the development of diabetes and obesity. This negatively affects kidney health and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Excessive sugar consumption can also lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease," comments Alina Kirichenko.

Food with high salt content is also unhealthy, emphasizes the therapist. Such food can cause an increase in blood pressure and increase the load on the kidneys and heart.

The expert pays special attention to the harm of excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol negatively affects the work of all vital organs.


Gastroenterologist-dietologist Elvira Beleva calls alcohol one of the main enemies of the liver. Alcohol abuse causes its toxic damage, hepatitis and cirrhosis.

- Products with a high content of saturated fats are harmful to the liver- they can contribute to the development of fatty hepatosis, - says the doctor. - For the sake of the health of this important organ, exclude sweets and sweet carbonated drinks from your diet: increased sugar consumption can cause fatty liver degeneration.

Photo: Global Look Press/Ralf Ibing

Elvira Beleva draws attention to the fact that excessive burden on the liver can so-called fast carbohydrates. These are foods with a high glycemic index, such as white bread and sweet snacks. Exclude from the diet should be and salty food - excess salt can increase the risk of fatty liver disease.

Some supplements and uncontrolled medications, such as excessive vitamin A, also increase the risk of disease. Fat-soluble vitamin D also passes through the liver. According to Beleva, uncontrolled intake of it can lead to hepatitis.

- Green leafy vegetables are good for liver health. They are rich in antioxidants that protect the liver, help to remove excess cholesterol from the body, - comments Elvira Beleva.

But sweet fruits are not shown - in large quantities of fructose settles on the liver, again leading to obesity of the organ.

Important antioxidants and useful unsaturated fats are rich in nuts, especially walnuts. But the doctor advises to limit the use of such products in the exacerbation of pancreatitis or cholecystitis. Nuts should not be carried away and abdominal bloating.

- Seafood and fish with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids (e.g. salmon and sardines) support liver health. However, you should pay attention to the way fish is cooked. It is better to cook it on steam or in the oven," comments Elvira Beleva.

Photo: Izvestia/Anna Selina

The important organ should be "fed" with citrus fruits, berries, broccoli and spinach. According to gastroenterologist, whole-grain products such as brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, amaranth, will also help to adjust the liver due to the high content of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

- Unsaturated fats, which are found in vegetable oils (rapeseed, walnut oil, olive oil), help reduce bad cholesterol, improve bile flow, which in turn has a positive effect on the health of the liver, - says Beleva.

According to the therapist, detoxification of the liver is promoted by cruciferous vegetables such as white cabbage or broccoli. And to protect the important organ from harmful effects, it is recommended to drink green tea, rich in antioxidants.


When complaining about the work of the kidneys, the diet should be coordinated with specialists. It is necessary to refrain from fried, fatty and sweet foods, with caution, use canned foods and pickles, as well as rich meat broths, fast food.

Experts remind that it is important to observe moderation and balance in nutrition.

Photo: Izvestia/Zurab Javakhadze

- For example, foods high in protein do not seem dangerous to many people. But if you eat a lot of meat or fish every day, the load on the kidneys increases. This is especially bad for people with related diseases," warns Alina Kirichenko.

It is also impossible to go to the other extreme and completely remove protein food from the diet. According to the therapist, omega-3 fatty acids help reduce kidney inflammation. They are found in large quantities in salmon and mackerel, for example.

- If you eat only vegetables or only whole grain products, you will lose other important micronutrients. Excluding meat completely will lead to the loss of animal protein, which is very important for the formation of all processes in the body, - adds Beleva.

According to the therapist, for the sake of kidney health diet should be diversified with fruits and vegetables. Rich in antioxidants and fiber fruits help to reduce the level of toxins in the body. This has a positive effect on kidney function.

Alina Kirichenko notes that fiber helps to improve metabolism and maintain normal blood sugar levels. And this is also good for the kidneys. Fiber, in particular, is contained in whole-grain products - bread made from whole wheat or rye flour, porridge.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Nutritionist, nutritionist Angelique Duval recommends twice a week to include in the diet salad, which contributes to the health of the kidneys.

To prepare a healing treat will require a sprout of fresh fennel (100 g), pumpkin (100 g), 50 grapefruit, a tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of ground cumin, a tablespoon of microgreens radish. The doctor strongly advises replacing grapefruit with orange if the person is taking any medications.

- Finely chop the peeled pumpkin and fennel. Peel off the white skin of the grapefruit and divide the pulp into small pieces. Mix everything together, add the cumin and oil. Then mix again and add circles of thinly sliced radishes," says the nutritionist.

Angelique Duval recommends eating the healing salad separately from other dishes. For example, use it as a snack between main meals. Such a dish serves as a preventive measure against kidney inflammation and stone formation.


The work of the cardiovascular system is negatively affected by fast carbohydrates, fatty foods, preservatives, salt. Cardiac patients are recommended to exclude from the menu processed foods and semi-finished products. It makes sense to refuse marinades and pickles. Excess salt increases blood pressure, which gives an additional load on the heart.

Photo: Global Look Press/Julian Stratenschulte

- Products containing trans fats (for example, fast food, pastries), can increase the level of "bad" cholesterol and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, - comments Alina Kirichenko.

Doctors advise to emphasize healthy food. And here, too, fruits and vegetables play a great role. According to Alina Kirichenko, they contain vitamins and minerals that help normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which improves heart function.

- It is also possible to reduce cholesterol levels and, consequently, maintain heart health by eating whole grain products," Alina Kirichenko comments. - It is useful to add nuts and seeds to the diet, which contain healthy fats and antioxidants.

By the way, in the last century, the most popular remedy for maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system was considered the so-called Amosov's paste. It was called heart porridge. Doctor of Medicine, cardiac surgeon Nikolai Amosov recommended his patients to include in their diet a mixture of apricots, prunes, walnuts, figs and honey in equal proportions (200-250 g each) and one crushed lemon. Such a paste - a source of potassium, magnesium, dietary fiber, B vitamins, healthy fats, pectin substances and other valuable components necessary for the heart.


The largest organ of the human body is the skin. Improper diet immediately affects its beauty and health.

Photo: Global Look Press

- Useful products for the skin are those that help to preserve its moisturization, elasticity and protection from age-related changes,- comments Elvira Beleva. - For example, omega-3 fats included in oily fish and flaxseed reduce inflammation and help moisturize.

Gastroenterologist and nutritionist refers to the beauty diet as products containing antioxidants, such as berries, dark chocolate, nuts, whole-grain products. They protect the skin from free radicals, saturate it with vitamins and trace elements and help slow down the aging process.

- For example, perlovka contains zinc, B vitamins. As a child, my father used to tell me: "Eat peppercorns if you want to have clear skin without pimples". I was convinced of his rightness when I became a doctor," says Elvira Beleva.

Gastroenterologist and nutritionist emphasizes that vitamins A, C, E are also very important for the skin. They are contained in carrots, citrus fruits, olive oil. These substances not only maintain the health of the skin, but also stimulate the production of collagen.

Photo: Izvestia/Alexei Maishev

According to Beleva, products that can cause irritation, acne or swelling are harmful to the skin.

- Sugar and high-glycemic foods (sweets, white bread, flour) can provoke inflammation, insulin resistance, and promote acne. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, makes it pale, provokes premature fading, - warns Elvira Beleva.

Doctors call chips and fast food the enemies of firm, smooth skin. Nutritionist warns that frying on low-quality oil can lead to an excess of bad fats and trans fats in such products. This in turn leads to fatty liver, chronic inflammation, clogged pores and acne. In addition, it is important to consume enough water and take good care of yourself, emphasizes the expert.

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