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January 15 - Sylvester's Day: history, traditions, omens of the folk holiday

Folk holiday Silvestrov Day will be celebrated in Russia on January 15
Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov
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Every year on January 15, Orthodox believers honor the memory of St. Sylvester, who lived in Rome in the fourth century. In the folk calendar, the holiday is called Sylvester's Day, or Chicken Holiday. In 2025 it falls on Wednesday. About its history, traditions and omens read in the material "Izvestia".

Sylvester Day - 2025: the history of the holiday

Sylvester was born in the IV century in Rome in a Christian family. He lost his father early, but he received a good education and was brought up in piety. After coming of age, the young man decided to open his house for wanderers, providing them with shelter and help.

During the reign of Emperor Diocletian in Rome, persecution of the followers of Jesus Christ was organized. One of the believers to whom Sylvester gave refuge was Bishop Timothy. For about a year the holy confessor took refuge in his house, converting many pagans to Christianity.

However, the authorities still managed to capture Timothy. After torture, he was executed. Sylvester secretly took and buried the body of the bishop with honor, which incurred the wrath of the town governor Tarquinius. He was seized and put on trial. However, the saint remained firm in his confession of faith, for which he was imprisoned.

Soon Tarquinius died, and Sylvester received freedom and began to actively preach Christianity. At the age of 30 he was ordained a deacon, then - presbyter of the Roman Church. And after the death of Pope Melchiades was elected to the office of bishop of Rome, which he held until 335.

Sylvester was famous for his profound knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. One of the legends connects his activity with the conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity. At one of the disputations with the help of the books of the Old Testament the saint proved to the emperor, his mother and the Jews that the prophets had predicted the birth of Jesus, his sufferings and death. Be that as it may, during the reign of Constantine the persecution of the followers of Christ in the Roman Empire ceased.

According to another legend, Sylvester defeated the Old Testament sea monster Leviathan. It was believed that the biblical monster would break free in the year 1000, after which the end of the world would come. However, through the efforts of the saint this did not happen.

Traditions and customs of Sylvester's day: what you can and can not do on January 15

In Russia, Sylvester Day falls on Svyatki, one of the most important periods of the winter calendar, full of traditions, rituals and omens.

People believed that on the tenth day of Christmas "rampant" unclean force tends to penetrate into the human dwelling, so in the house tried to put in order, sweep and wash all the dark corners, burn old things filled with "negativity". To protect against evil spirits, the walls were sprinkled with holy water, and chalk crosses were drawn on the doors.

In Russia, St. Sylvester was considered the patron saint of chickens, so January 15 was also called Chicken Holiday, the day of Kur and Kurka. It was customary for peasants to clean up the hen houses, fumigate them with resin and elecampane, repair feeders, lay clean straw, feed poultry with good grain, and feed wild birds. It was believed that this ritual helps to placate nature and gain its favor.

Also in poultry houses hung stones with holes - protective amulets called "chicken god". It was believed that they protect from kikimora, who at night strangle poultry.

The holiday was to be spent in the family circle, to plan the future, to set a rich table. Bread baked on this day was considered a protection. But conflicts and quarrels on January 15 were forbidden, as people believed that they could bring bad luck throughout the year. Also on Sylvester could not borrow money, it was believed that this leads to losses.

Folk omens on Sylvester's day on January 15

On Sylvester Day people observed nature and judged the future harvest and weather. Thus, a frosty and sunny day promised a productive year, and thaw - the early arrival of spring. Magpies circling around the dwelling heralded a blizzard.

Also in the old days on this day they used to guess about the weather on bulbs. They cleaned 12 heads and left them on the stove overnight, sprinkling them with salt. Which bulb will be wet - such a month and will be rainy.

Earlier "Izvestia" told about the traditions and omens of Anisyin day.

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