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After the annual indexation of insurance pensions from January 1, it became known about a possible second indexation in February. It will take place if the inflation rate at the end of last year is higher than forecasted. In addition, from April 1, the annual indexation will affect social pensions. Read more about what will change in the lives of Russians in 2025 and what may be the second indexation of pensions - in the material "Izvestia".

Indexation from February 1: pensions in 2025

Insurance pensions of Russians may be additionally indexed from February 1, 2025, said a member of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Svetlana Bessarab.

"If annual inflation exceeds the forecast value (and everything shows that it will), the government is just empowered to conduct additional indexation. And the Labor Ministry has already stated that this may happen. The decision should be made by February 1. It will be announced," - said Bessarab in an interview with "Moscow 24".

Recall, from January 1, insurance pensions were increased by 7.3% - the amount of the forecast inflation for 2024. Moreover, for the first time since 2015, the increase affected working pensioners.

However, if the actual inflation for last year is higher than the forecast, insurance pensions will be indexed for the second time from February 1, retroactively by the missing amount. The indexation percentage will be determined after the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) releases the consumer price index for goods and services for last year. This information is expected to be available by the end of January.

пенсионный фонд
Photo: RIA Novosti/Evgeny Odinokov

The Ministry of Labor estimates that additional indexation will affect about 37 million people. According to Alexander Safronov, professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the repeated increase in insurance pensions may be about 2.3-2.5%.

In addition, according to the plan from April 1, 2025 there will be an increase in social pensions. The indexation percentage will amount to 14.75%. These payments are intended for disabled citizens who are unable to receive an insurance pension. Also, the pension provides a minimum level of income for those who have no other sources of livelihood, for example, due to disability or loss of breadwinner.

After indexation, the average size of the social pension will amount to 15,456 rubles. At the same time, it should not be lower than the regional subsistence minimum, so if necessary, pensioners will receive an additional payment from the region.

What will be the indexation in 2026-2027

In the next two years, the Russian authorities plan to carry out several indexations of pensions. So, from 2026, the indexation of pensions will be held in two stages: from February 1, payments will increase by 4.5%, and from April 1 - by 5.5%.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

According to the Deputy of the State Duma Nikita Chaplin, in 2027 it is planned to apply a similar mechanism of indexation. Pensions will grow by 4% from February 1 and by 4.1% from April 1. For working pensioners, the indexation process will be automated, and repeated applications to the Social Fund will not be required.

Note that in 2025, the average old-age insurance pension will amount to Br24,059.

Living wage in 2025

From January 1, the subsistence minimum was increased by 14.48% and amounted to 17,733 rubles. For able-bodied citizens - 19,329 rubles, for pensioners - 15,250 rubles, for children - 17,201 rubles.

Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

The size of the subsistence minimum is used in assessing the neediness of the population. In addition, the levels of social payments depend on it. With the increase of this value, payments for needy families with children, the volume of the social contract in a number of areas, as well as the federal and regional social supplements to pensions increase.

In 2024, the subsistence minimum per capita amounted to 15,453 rubles.

Changes in the rules for calculating pensions in 2025

From 2025, pensioners who have reached the age of 80 and people with disability group I will receive an additional payment of 1.2 thousand rubles. This compensation is automatic - the pensioner will not need to submit an application, as the Social Fund of Russia will independently process data from federal databases.

Another significant innovation concerns insurance pensions for loss of breadwinner: widows and widowers of servicemen raising their children will be entitled to this pension. This expansion of the categories of recipients is aimed at strengthening social support for military families.

In addition to changes in pension payments, in 2025 the process of receiving supplements and recalculations of pensions became simplified. Pensioners will no longer be obliged to apply for recalculation - all procedures will be carried out automatically on the basis of data that are already available to social security agencies.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Finally, the residents of Donbas should also feel the changes. During a combined large press conference and a direct line on December 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to solve without bureaucracy the issue of length of service for the calculation of pensions in Donbas. So he reacted to the appeal of a pensioner from Donetsk, who cannot receive a pension because he lost his labor book in a fire.

Putin agreed that this is an important problem for people, which until recently was difficult to solve. At the same time, not so long ago a federal law was adopted to take into account the length of service received by a person in previous years and decades, the president recalled.

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