Volgoneft-212 tanker owner violated maritime laws in 2019
In the summer of 2019, the company-owner of the tanker Volgoneft-212 violated maritime legislation in the transportation of dangerous goods, Izvestia found out.
Now the investigation has transferred to experts technical information about the ships that crashed in the Kerch Strait in December 2024. It is about tankers undergoing routine maintenance work, said a source close to the investigation. So far, only the captains of the ships have been charged with violating the rules of safety of movement and operation of maritime transport.
"Several technical examinations have been appointed, including examination of the level of wear and tear of the vessels' hulls. It is quite possible that questions will appear to the shipowners," the editorial interlocutor said.
At the same time, the prosecutor's office had claims against the owners of the Volgoneft-212 LLC Kama Shipping back in 2019, it follows from open source data. It was about violations of maritime legislation, in particular, in the transportation of dangerous goods. So, in 2019, the Motovilikhinsky district court of Perm fined the firm 400 thousand rubles for the fact that from May 1 to July 23, 2019, the company transported dangerous cargo "without a special permit for the right <...> to transport dangerous goods by sea".
"Kama Shipping" has a license for inland water and sea transportation of dangerous goods, follows from the data of the website of Rostransnadzor. The document was issued to the company in 2016, and it is valid indefinitely.
The company was a defendant in more than 12 arbitration cases. Most often - for non-fulfillment of obligations under contracts. Also in 2020, claims to "Kama Shipping" arose and the tax authorities - according to the version of the fiscal authority, the company underpaid 15 million rubles to the budget, follows from the decision of the 17th arbitration court of appeal.
Izvestia correspondent visited the Perm office of Kama Shipping, but the company's head and co-founder Konstantin Selkov refused to comment.
"I have a ban on giving out interviews from the investigator," he said.
Read more in the exclusive material "Izvestia":
What tarnished: the prosecutor's office had claims to the owners of Volgoneft-212 back in 2019