We will now live in a new way: "automobile" legislative changes in 2025
Simultaneously with the chimes in Russia, fines for traffic violations are raised, the tricolor on registration plates becomes compulsory, and a single MTPL policy for Russia and Belarus is introduced. New rates of utilization fee also come into force. In addition, at the beginning of 2025, new tariffs for CMTPL insurance are introduced. And since spring, the rules of vehicle registration in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are changing. During the year, motorists expect other changes. Details - in the material "Izvestia".
New fines
From January 1, 2025 will come into force amendments to the CAO, establishing increased fines for traffic violations. Thus, for speeding at 20-40 km / h (this is the most common violation of the rules) the fine will be 750 rubles instead of 500 rubles. The maximum fine for speeding (80 km/h and above) will increase from Br5 thousand to Br7.5 thousand. The penalty for driving through a red traffic signal will amount to Br1.5 thousand (previously Br1 thousand). Driving on the roadside will be penalized with a fine of Br2.5 thousand instead of the previous Br1.5 thousand. The penalty for failure to comply with the requirements of road signs and markings will be increased from Br500 to Br750, while for turning left or turning in the wrong place - from Br1-1.5 thousand to Br1.5-2.5 thousand.
The fine for unfastened seat belt or lack of a motorcycle helmet will be increased from Br1 thousand to Br1.5 thousand. Drivers who drive drunk or refuse medical examination will have to pay Br45 thousand (previously Br30 thousand) in addition to deprivation of license for 1.5-2 years, while the fine for failure to comply with the rules of seat belt use will increase from Br1 thousand to Br1.5 thousand. If a violation of traffic rules caused minor injury, the violator will be fined Br3.7-7.5 thousand (previously - Br2.5-5 thousand). If the matter concerns the infliction of medium harm to health as a result of a car accident, the sanction will increase from Br10-20 thousand to Br15-30 thousand. A new fine is also introduced: a motorist will have to pay Br3-5 thousand for repeated driving without a MTPL policy. Previously, regardless of repetition, drivers without a policy were fined Br800.
At the same time, the amount of discount for prompt payment of some fines is reduced. If before it was 50% of the amount specified in the resolution, then from January 1, 2025 only 25%. However, the time limit for the discounted payment of fines is increased from 20 to 30 days. At the same time, the mechanism of distribution of funds received from fines for traffic violations is also changing. If before all of them went to the regional budgets, now the regions will receive only 75% of the amount. The remaining 25% will go to the federal budget.
Also, from January 1, 2025, changes to GOST will come into force, according to which the Russian tricolor on the registration plates of vehicles becomes mandatory. If the car is registered before the new requirements come into force, the owner will not face any sanctions. However, if the car is registered after January 1, and the license plates do not bear the tricolor, the driver will face a warning or a fine of 500 rubles according to Part 1 of Article 12.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation.
MTPL will expand, merge and become more expensive
On the first day of 2025, MTPL insurance policies become mandatory in new regions - in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as in the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions. The introduction of this insurance was originally planned for 2024. However, at the end of the year before last, car owners were allowed to drive within the boundaries of the new regions without car insurance until 2025 (when traveling to other regions of the country, this insurance was mandatory). According to the instruction of the Central Bank, the territorial coefficient for LNR, DNR, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions will be 0.68.
Also from January 1, 2025 between Russia and Belarus a single MTPL insurance policy will be introduced. It will be issued electronically as a supplement to the main policy of motor liability insurance. In this case, customs authorities will have the right not only to monitor the presence of such a policy in a driver crossing the border by car, but also to check the contract data in the AIS Insurance system.
The Russian Union of Auto Insurers emphasizes that insurance for Belarus is voluntary, is issued separately and will not affect the cost of conventional CMTPL insurance policies.
The expansion of the tariff corridor by 11-20% for some types of transport and new coefficients (they are used to calculate the final cost of insurance), which are introduced in early 2025, will significantly affect the price of CMTPL insurance. "Fork" tariffs for motorcycles will be 259-3043 rubles (previously 324-2536 rubles), and for trucks up to 16 tons - 930-11,921 rubles (now 1163-9934 rubles). For buses, the corridor increases to Br2,700-10,202 (instead of Br3,053-9,144), for trolleybuses - to Br1,475-5575 (now Br1,668-4,997), and for streetcars - Br921-3477 against the existing Br451-3,198. Tariffs for passenger cars will remain the same.
At the same time, additional gradations of power are introduced for motorcycles, while motorcyclists are set different coefficients "age - experience" from other categories of drivers. In the vast majority of cases, they are noticeably higher than for motorists.
Territorial coefficients in a number of subjects of the Federation are also being changed. In 21 regions they will decrease (the maximum reduction will be 6%), and in 18, where its current value does not correspond to the increased losses, on the contrary, will increase (by a maximum of 10.5%).
On March 1, cameras across the country will start to record cars whose owners have not issued a CMTPL insurance policy. It is assumed that for the first time such motorists will not receive fines, but warnings on "Gosuslugi" about the need to purchase insurance.
Salvage tax again
From January 1, 2025, the amount of the utilization fee will be increased again. The basic rate remains the same - 20 thousand rubles, but the coefficients depending on the engine volume and the age of the vehicle are increased. Thus, for new (up to three years) models of cars with internal combustion engine up to 1 liter the size of the utilization fee will amount to Br180.2 thousand, and for cars older than three years - Br460 thousand. For models with engine capacity up to 2 liters, it rises to Br667.4 thousand and Br1.174 million, respectively, while for cars with 2-3 liters engine - up to Br1.875 million and Br2.839 million. If the car has an engine of no more than 3.5 liters, then now the amount of scrappage duty is Br2.153 million for a new model and Br3.297 million - for a used one. For cars with an engine of more than 3.5 liters, the fee is Br2.742 million and Br3.605 million, respectively.
For the first time, the increase in the utilization fee affects electric cars and successive hybrids. In October, "utilization" rates for these types of cars were not increased. But from January 1, 2025, they are raised significantly: from Br32.6 thousand (for models up to three years old) and Br122 thousand (for cars older than three years) to Br667.4 thousand. and Br1.174 million, respectively.
It is expected that the indexation of the utilization fee in 2025 will bring about Br1 trillion to the budget.
Registration without insurance
On March 1, new rules for registration of vehicles with the State Automobile Inspectorate come into effect in Russia. From this date, the MTPL insurance policy is excluded from the list of documents required for the state registration of the car. In addition, the car can be deregistered right on the day of sale (now only after 10 days). But to do this, the seller and buyer must draw up a contract via "Gosuservices" or with the help of a notary. A new item will be added to the list of grounds for refusal to perform registration operations - non-payment by the owner of a utilization fee.
From September 1, the marking of motor oils and other lubricants will become compulsory.
A number of other bills concerning motorists are under consideration in the State Duma. For example, during the year amendments establishing responsibility for "dangerous driving", mitigating sanctions for leaving the scene of an accident, if the perpetrator of the accident left his data, may be adopted. In addition, amendments to the traffic rules are expected to increase to 16 the age from which it is allowed to drive a SIM, as well as to presuppose registration of SIM and establish additional prohibitions and restrictions for electric scooters.