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The new year of 2025 has just begun, but it may already become one of the most difficult for those who are meteorologically dependent. Especially bad condition in people predicted in the spring and summer, because it is in the year of the Snake, the Sun will reach the peak in the current cycle of activity. The exact forecast of magnetic storms in advance is not made, it appears for a maximum of three weeks, but by events on the Sun can be roughly understand what will be this year. Read more about magnetic storms in 2025, their impact on humans and their psyche, as well as how to cope with them - in the material "Izvestia".

Geomagnetic storms in 2025: schedule and strength

Geomagnetic or, what sounds more familiar, magnetic storms, are perturbations of the geomagnetic field of the Earth. They are conditioned by flares occurring on the Sun, which are accompanied by plasma ejections. This gas, traveling great distances, reaches our planet and causes magnetic storms of varying power.

Flares on the Sun are divided into five classes depending on the power: A, B, C, M, X, where A has minimum values, and each subsequent one is ten times stronger than the previous one.

Various designations are used for magnetic storms on Earth. One of them is the K-index, which has values from 0 to 9. In everyday life, more familiar are the values with the letter G and a scale from one to five, where 1 is the weakest storm and 5 is the strongest.

- Weak storm (G1). Can cause minor errors in the operation of artificial satellites of the Earth, people usually do not feel them. During the cycle of the Sun, which lasts 11 years, such fluctuations occur about 1.7 thousand times.

- Moderate storm (G2). It can cause voltage fluctuations, interference in radio communications and damage to transformers. It affects spacecraft, as well as the frequency and power of auroras: they can be seen farther away from the poles than usual. Occur approximately 660 times per cycle.

- Severe Storm (G3). Occurs about 200 times in 11 years and can cause disruption to satellite navigation.

- Very strong or severe storm (G4). At this level, electrical currents may be generated in metal objects and wires, and protective devices may malfunction. Occurs about 100 times per cycle.

- Extremely strong storm (G5). Such geomagnetic disturbances are extremely rare and can occur no more than four times in 11 years. They cause serious disruptions in the operation of satellites and power grids, up to complete shutdowns. Polar lights can be seen in subtropical belts.

The frequency and strength of solar flares, as scientists have found out, obey the average 11-year cycle. However, sometimes it can last both nine and 12 years. The time when the Sun is in the most active phase, called the solar maximum: then the star can observe the greatest number of spots and flares. It is then followed by a solar minimum.

The activity of the star is not static, because of which it is difficult to predict exactly when the solar maximum. So, last year, the peak of activity was expected at the beginning of the year, but some scientists and researchers even then warned that we can talk about 2025 year.

According to the latest data, as stated by the head of the laboratory of solar astronomy IKI RAS Sergei Bogachev, the maximum activity on the Sun may occur in the summer of 2025. The scientist emphasized that it is impossible to accurately predict the dates of the period, but the level of solar activity in the beginning of 2025 will resemble the end of 2024, by the beginning of summer the power will gradually grow, and then the activity will decline. At the same time, the level of activity above average will be maintained until 2026, and according to other estimates - until 2028.

Magnetic storms in 2025: impact on equipment

With a magnetic storm on the Sun, a stream of particles is released, which subsequently affects the Earth's atmosphere. Then there is heating of the upper layer and its expansion, due to which the passage of satellite signals is hampered. It is important to note that the failure of small equipment does not occur, it concerns only equipment in space and base stations of operators. Because of this, problems with mobile communications, satellite TV and navigators can be observed.

In addition, the result of the impact of the magnetic storm can be the appearance of external electrical charges on the surface of pipelines and transformers. This also negatively affects their operation.

The most famous case, which caused the disconnection of telegraph communication in Europe and North America, occurred on September 1, 1859. At that time, the aurora borealis could be observed even in the tropics. In 1921, because of the strongest solar flare, about half of the equipment of the New York Central Railroad was out of service. The next powerful magnetic storm knocked out all transatlantic radio communications for 12 hours. Powerful storms were repeated later: in 1967 (radio communication in the USA was disrupted, observation radars were disrupted); in 1989 (in the USA a transformer at a nuclear power plant was disrupted, in Canada a high-voltage power line was damaged, in the USSR radio communication was disrupted) and others.

Unfavorable days in 2025: the impact of magnetic storms on humans

The question, whether magnetic storms affect the human condition, worries many people. In particular, there have been many studies, but they did not give unambiguous results. In order to understand this topic, Izvestia interviewed experts in the field of medicine and psychology.

Alexei Vasilevsky, candidate of medical sciences and chief physician of the clinic "Bud Zdorov" in St. Petersburg, also drew attention to the scientific studies conducted on the impact of magnetic storms on humans and their mixed results. Nevertheless, in general he considers this information important against the background of high solar activity.

- It is important to be attentive to one's well-being during periods of magnetic storms, especially for those who suffer from various diseases," the expert said.

Sergey Zinin, a candidate of psychological sciences at the N.A. Dobrolyubov Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University, noted that against the background of geomagnetic fluctuations there are more cases of worsening depression and anxiety in people who suffer from them.

- If a person at some point feels some "setback" in his condition, it may well be a consequence of continuing magnetic disturbances, - says the professor.

The impact of magnetic storms on a person can be different, but Sergei Zinin singles out the following:

- increased anxiety. This is due to changes in the geomagnetic field, which can affect the neurochemical processes in the brain. It is important to try to survive this period as ecologically as possible. To do this, the professor advises to provide yourself with quality sleep and rest;

- deterioration of mood, increased irritability, depression. Many studies speak about this. Those who are struggling with depression and already see certain results, but feel that progress has stopped, it is worth thinking about this reason and do not hurry to engage in self-mutilation. Such a state can be explained by the geomagnetic situation on the planet;

- sleepiness and fatigue. This may be due to a violation of normal circadian rhythms and changes in the level of melatonin in the body. Those who feel weak and malaise, it is better to start taking contrast showers and walk in the fresh air;

- headaches and migraines. This is due to changes in brain activity and the reaction of blood vessels to changes in the magnetic field. Massage and timely referral to a specialist who will prescribe treatment for the time of deterioration of the condition will help here;

- increased stress. This can be associated with a general feeling of discomfort and inability to cope with normal daily activities. You should not engage in self-analysis and blame yourself for the inability to arrange life. It is better to listen to yourself and the body's signals, trying to give yourself what you need in this difficult period - quality rest, proper nutrition and positive emotions.

The expert draws attention to the fact that not all people are sensitive to the psychological impact of magnetic storms, so the reaction may differ.

- However, for some people these changes can be very, very noticeable. Those who have significant symptoms at the level of psychology and physiology should discuss their condition with a doctor or psychologist to get additional support," warns Sergey Zinin.

Olga Berezkina, a neurologist at Moscow MRI Centers, does not confirm the impact of magnetic storms on humans.

- People still have not established a clear connection between the reaction to magnetic fields and their impact. Abrupt changes in the Earth's magnetic field do not generally have a significant effect on people's well-being. However, some patients with high individual sensitivity to magnetic fields may react to them in combination with other factors," emphasizes the expert.

The neurologist also notes that "magnetic fields do not act as a cause, but rather as a "trigger" that provokes the body's reaction to changes in the conditions of accumulated psycho-emotional tension.

- In addition, many people have a false impression about the effect of magnetic storms on health. This may be due to suggestibility and public opinion, as well as our tendency to link events to each other. For example, if a person felt bad before or after a magnetic storm, they may remember this particular combination. However, "after" does not always mean "because of", it is easier for our brain to have a predictable idea of the world around us, - explains the expert.

Alexei Vasilevsky gave recommendations to follow if a person feels the influence of magnetic storms or is sensitive to weather changes. According to the expert, such people should pay attention to their condition and consult a doctor if necessary. Nevertheless, this is not all.

- It is necessary to reduce stress levels. The expert advises practicing yoga at this time, meditate and relax. All this, according to him, will help to reduce stress levels and improve overall health.

- You should not violate the sleep schedule. The chief physician recommends a regular and sufficient sleep schedule, which will help the body better cope with the changes associated with magnetic storms.

- You need to keep active. Moderate physical activity, such as walking outdoors or light exercise, can improve mood and overall health.

- It is worth avoiding increased consumption of alcohol and caffeine. These substances can increase negative feelings and make you feel worse.

- It is important to keep an eye on the forecast. Meteosensitive people should follow the schedule of magnetic storms to prepare for them in advance and take measures to protect themselves from the negative impact.

- Limit time in front of a screen. During periods of strong magnetic storms it is better to limit the time in front of the computer or with the phone to reduce the strain on the eyes and nervous system.

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