The strength will remain: the premiere of "Finist. The First Bogatyr
On the evening of December 24, the family secular Moscow celebrated the premiere at the movie theater "October" - the first audience was shown a fairy-tale blockbuster "Finist. Thefirst bogatyr", a prequel about the most successful and strongest bogatyr Belogorye performed by Kirill Zaitsev. On the red carpet - there were as many as three - appeared not only actors and crew, but also real bogatyrs. Actors in chain mail and armor offered the audience to be photographed in a special photo booth. And from the stage of the first hall of "October" general producer of "Finist" Eduard Iloyan congratulated the audience not only with the premiere. With a new release studio Yellow, Black and White, which he heads, celebrates a decade since the beginning of the release of feature films.
Kirill Zaytsev met with fans
The premiere of one of the most anticipated films of the upcoming New Year vacations began with a half-hour delay. Probably its culprit was the actor Kirill Zaitsev. The performer of the main role this evening literally torn between the press, which did not let the artist without comment, friends-colleagues who came to congratulate the premiere, and fans who tried to snatch a photo with the idol. Zaitsev justified the title of the most dexterous and lucky bogatyr Belogorya: this evening no one was left without attention from his side.
For seven years of its successful existence, the franchise "The Last Bogatyr" has grown to three films and one TV series. The year 2025 will begin with a prequel to the whole story: in wide hire will be released fabulous blockbuster "Finist. The First Bogatyr." In the center of the plot - Finist, who, along with his assistant Melekha and rejuvenated Baba Yaga goes on a difficult journey to the mysterious lands of the East. Here the hero will have to realize one simple truth on his own experience: one is not a warrior in the field.
- I like this clash of two worlds, it was also in "The Last Bogatyr", when our world collided with the Old Russian one. Here it is already a clash with the Eastern world. My hero, for example, does not know about the existence of some fruits or about the Eastern character, does not know about the Eastern cunning. Bogatyrs are usually with a fairly open Russian soul, in some ways even simple-minded ," Zaitsev told Izvestia.
The role of the magical East in the new picture was performed by Kazakhstan. Filming took place on the Singing Barkhan, in the Charyn canyon, the vicinity of the fortress Nomad, the cities of Konaev and Almaty, as well as in national parks and steppes of Kazakhstan. The performer of the role of Melekha Sergei Lavygin in conversation with "Izvestia" admitted that visited Kazakhstan for the first time. "Finist" Lavygin characterized as a fabulous blockbuster in the style of road-movie.
- Our film expedition to Kazakhstan was like the journey of Finist, Melekha and Baba-Yaga in the movie. We spent a lot of time there, I was there 41 days, longer movie expedition in my life was not. A great journey, - shared the artist.
The original Baba Yaga in the universe of "The Last Bogatyr" played Elena Yakovleva, it can also be seen on the poster "Finist". However, at the premiere of the actress was not seen, instead of her attention of the press and viewers attracted the attention of the press and audience Julia Peresild in a luxurious emerald dress. In "Finist" she performed the role of Yaga in her youth.
- Baga Yaga is such a character, it is unclear what to expect from her. She comes on her own, when she thinks it is necessary. This is a woman-paradox. This is the origin, the character from which Russian folklore was created. Baba Yaga is a bone leg. She stands with one foot in the world of the living, with the other foot in the world of the dead. Connects both of these worlds, - so the actress told how she understands her heroine.
According to Peresild, who quoted the director of the movie Dmitry Dyachenko, her character combines the greatest aristocrat with a merchant from the Cherkizovsky market. This combination is necessary, but it, added the actress, occurs in her character at the most unexpected moments.
Peresild also shared that during the filming the team had time to work in completely different weather conditions - in the early morning the temperature was about zero, and in the afternoon could warm up to +30 degrees. But more than the weather conditions, the actress was struck by camels. The scene of Baba Yaga racing on a camel, the artist called one of the most fun in her life, but all the details did not disclose. On the role of the camel Jamal was a real casting, but voiced it Pavel Priluchny.
"Finist" will be released in preview format
Introducing the crew from the stage of the first hall of "October", the general producer of "Finist" Eduard Iloyan noted that with this premiere his company Yellow, Black and White enters its new decade. The studio released the first movie from the franchise "The Last Bogatyr" in 2017.
- Yellow, Black and White studio has been making feature films for 10 years this year, 100 million movie tickets we have sold during this time. I want to say a big thank you to all those who started in 2014, that was our movie "Kitchen in Paris". Symbolically, the director then was also Dima Dyachenko, who is on the scene today as already the director of "Finist". It was a long way, and I believe that the movie you will see has taken a step forward," he said.
General producer echoed and Dmitry Dyachenko - director of all full meters of "The Last Bogatyr". According to him, the prequel creators aimed at a new height. The director promised that the new picture will be brighter, funnier, livelier and larger. Whether it is so, we will know very soon. The film will be released in theaters on January 1, but for those who can not wait, "NMG Kinoprokat" will open limited paid previews of the film in some cinemas before the official release date, from 29 to 31 December. Viewers who come to theaters to see the film by Dmitry Dyachenko will be able to see the New Year's Eve story about Cheburashka exclusively before the screenings.