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- Important church holiday on January 8 - the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary: strong prayer, omens and prohibitions

Important church holiday on January 8 - the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary: strong prayer, omens and prohibitions

Every year on January 8, Orthodox Christians celebrate an ancient holiday - the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It comes immediately after the Nativity of Christ. On this day believers turn with grateful prayers to the Mother of God, who gave life to the Savior. Catholics celebrate the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary on December 26. History and traditions of the ancient holiday, as well as strong prayers - in the material "Izvestia".
Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the history of the church holiday on January 8
The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary - one of the great Orthodox holidays, which is celebrated on January 8 (the day after Christmas). It is dedicated to honoring the Mother of God and - indirectly - other personalities associated with the earthly life of Jesus Christ. The celebration was officially established at the Sixth Ecumenical Council in 681.
The parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary were St. Joachim and St. Anna. The place of her birth is considered to be Jerusalem, however, according to some versions, Mary was born near Nazareth, in Sepphoris. When the Archangel Gabriel announced to her that she would become the Mother of God, Mary was already engaged to Joseph the Betrothed.
The man was stunned by this news, but the angel said to him, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take your wife Mary into your house, for she is pregnant by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus, because he will save your people from their sins." Joseph eventually welcomed the virgin into his family and completed the wedding ceremony. However, the man did not have physical intimacy with her. When the Son of God came into the world, he was named Jesus.
When the Evangelists describe the events of the life of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary is mentioned as being present at the marriage in Cana of Galilee. For some time she was together with the son and in Capernaum. On Golgotha, the Virgin Mary stood near the cross. Dying Christ entrusted his mother to the care of Apostle John. According to some legends, the Virgin was also present at the Ascension of the Lord.
"Sobor" means assembly - it is a day when the faithful come together for common prayer in honor of the Mother of God. The feast also emphasizes the unity of all those associated with the earthly life of Jesus Christ and praises the Blessed Virgin Mary for her role in the incarnation of the Son of God. At the center of the event is the Blessed Virgin Mary, who from the Annunciation to the birth of Christ and beyond fulfilled her mission as the mother of the Savior. She is called the most honorable of the Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison of the Seraphim for her humility, faith and fulfillment of God's will.
On this day, January 8, other personalities are also honored. Among them is the Virgin Mary's husband Joseph the Betrothed, who cared for her and the infant Jesus. King David, Christ's ancestor in the earthly line, a symbol of the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. And also James, the brother of the Lord - the son of Joseph from the first marriage, apostle and the first bishop of Jerusalem.
Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary: traditions and powerful prayer
In the Orthodox tradition on this day, a festive liturgy is held in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Special prayers and hymns are read, glorifying the Theotokos and the events of her life. The faithful turn to the Mother of God with requests for intercession, help in life's difficulties, healing from illnesses and family well-being.
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin occupies a special place in the Orthodox tradition. She is considered the main intercessor and patroness of the Christian world, who constantly intercedes before God for people. Believers turn to the Mother of God with requests for help, comfort, protection and salvation.
The Blessed Virgin is often called the Mother of God, as she quickly responds to the prayers of the faithful. They ask her for protection from enemies and evil people, from disasters, natural disasters and wars.
People also turn to the Mother of God for healing from bodily and mental illnesses. She is called Healer and Comforter, as her intercession helps to alleviate suffering. The Mother of God is asked for help in preserving the family, strengthening love between spouses, and the birth of children. They also pray for deliverance from conflicts, misunderstandings and temptations.
Often in prayers to the Mother of God they ask for health, prosperity, the right life path for children. Infertile spouses turn to her with requests for the granting of a child. The Mother of God is honored as an intercessor for pregnant women.
Travelers also turn to the Mother of God, asking for protection on the roads, safe return home and help in overcoming dangers. She is asked for forgiveness of sins, strengthening of faith, deliverance from doubts, temptations and despondency.
The intercession of the Mother of God is especially important for those who struggle with sinful habits. In their prayers, the faithful not only ask the Virgin Mary for help, but also thank her for her intercession. A prayer of thanksgiving can be said after the fulfillment of petitions or as a sign of gratitude for the well-being in life.
In the Orthodox tradition there are hundreds of miracle-working icons of the Mother of God, each of which is associated with special events. Here are some of them:
- "Skoroposlushnitsa": for speedy help in difficult circumstances;
- "Kazan": for the protection of the family and children;
- "Vladimirskaya": for the strengthening of faith and peace;
- "Troeruchitsa": for healing from illnesses;
- "Indeepirable Cup": to get rid of addictions (e.g., alcoholism);
- "Helper in childbirth": for the safe birth of children.
Prayers for the Sobor of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
"Come and let us magnify the Mother of the Savior, who even at Christmas remained a Virgin. Rejoice, O living city of the King and God, in which Christ abiding, who accomplished salvation. Let us praise with Gabriel and glorify with the shepherds, saying, O Virgin, pray from thee incarnate for our salvation."
"O my beloved Queen, my hopeful Theotokos, companion of the strong and the strange, intercessor for the poor, joy for the sorrowful, protector of the afflicted! See my trouble, see my sorrow, help me as weak, feed me as strange. Weigh my affliction, solve it as You will: for I have no other help but You, no other intercessor, no other good comforter, but You, O Theotokos, who preserve me and cover me for ever and ever. Amen."
"O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the All-Good Son, Mother of the All-Good, Protectress of the reigning city and of this holy temple, faithful Protectress and Advocate to all who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and diseases! Do not despise the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, and beseech Thy Son and our God, that all of us who worship before Thy miraculous image with faith and supplication may be granted joy according to every need: to those who are in sorrow and grief comfort, to those who are in distress mercy, to those who have many ailments, and to those who are in infirmity healing and strengthening. O Most Holy Lady, have mercy on all who honor Thy all-honoring name, and reveal Thy almighty protection and intercession to all: to every work pleasing to Thy Son, promote it; to every evil work destroy it; in perplexity and difficult and dangerous circumstances, send down invisible help and guidance from heaven to those who are in need. Nurture the infants, make the young wise, open their minds to receive every useful teaching. Protect and preserve them from domestic strife and from enemies visible and invisible. Preserve the spouses in love and unanimity, and protect them from the enmity of their kindred by peace and love. And grant us all love, peace and piety, and health with long life. Thou hast departed in faith and repentance from this life with the angels and all the saints, that all in Heaven and on earth may lead Thee as our firm and unashamed Protectress of the Christian race, and, leading, glorify Thee and Thou Thy Son, with His Immaculate Father and His Indivisible Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."
Weather omens and superstitions on the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary
As with any other festive event, on this day there are many folk omens and superstitions, preserved in the Russian tradition from ancient and sometimes pre-Christian times, when people believed in natural spirits and magic.
The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) does not support following pagan omens and superstitions, as they contradict the essence of faith. According to the teachings of the Church, omens are a form of idolatry because they distract man from the true God.
However, many Orthodox Christians continue to believe superstitions and omens that were formed hundreds of years ago. Weather omens are especially popular.
It is believed that if the weather is warm and clear on the feast day of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then the whole of January will be like that. Snow on this holiday heralds a productive year. Frosty weather promises wealth and prosperity to the family. If many stars are seen at night, the year will be rich in berries and mushrooms.
On the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary traditionally prepared a rich table, because the Christmas fast was over by that time and believers could eat frugal food. One of the main dishes of Orthodox Christians was and still is kutya with the addition of butter, cream and honey. An important part of the festive table was baked poultry (chicken, duck). They were stuffed with apples or buckwheat.
As a sweet treat on the table served gingerbread, honey cake or Christmas cake. In addition, pies with meat or sweet stuffing, cholodets, pork stew can be served on the table today.
The holiday emphasizes the importance of the Virgin Mary as an intercessor for the entire Christian world. The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary reminds us of the importance of family, love and care for each other. Folk traditions add a special flavor to this feast, combining spiritual customs with everyday life.
Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary: folk omens
It is believed that children born on this day will be under the special protection of the Virgin Mary. Such children are likely to become wise and merciful. On this day, families try to be together, avoiding quarrels and conflicts. It is believed that peace in the house on the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary brings good luck for the whole year.
In the olden days it was believed that the first person to enter the house on the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary would bring happiness. Guests tried to make them feel welcome in order to attract prosperity. A generously laid table could bring prosperity to the family. People believed that abundant food on the holiday will multiply family prosperity.
It was believed that any conflicts on this day could bring misfortune. Nowadays, as before, it is not recommended to do heavy physical work on the holiday. The day should be devoted to prayer and rest. Our ancestors believed that violating this prohibition could lead to illness or other difficulties. Despite the popularity of fortune-telling on Christmas Eve, on this day, as on Christmas Day, fortune-telling was strictly forbidden, so as not to desecrate the holiday.
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