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The widespread use of AI technologies has led to new employment opportunities for those of us who have difficulty finding a job, as well as for gaining initial work experience. Employers are interested in employees with AI competencies, as the effects of neural networks and work time savings are as high as 35%. According to SuperJob, the number of vacancies for specialists who use neural networks in their work, as well as programmers and analysts who train AI, has grown 3.5 times in the last two years. However, it's far from just programmers that it makes life easier. How to find your career path with the help of AI - in the material of "Izvestia".

Generated resume

BCG's analysis confirms the wide interest in artificial intelligence. Thus, more than 75% of respondents to the Global Consumer Survey 2023 have already used ChatGPT or other similar AI-based tools. According to the National Agency for Qualifications Development (NARC), more than 30% of organizations in the Russian Federation are now using AI.

- Now you can create and adapt your resume for different purposes and formats, generate cover letters, set up e-newsletters or respond to vacancies on various websites and forums," says Margarita Patrusheva, Head of Organization and Personnel at Reksoft Consulting. - AI can also be useful for analyzing the labor market, collecting information about specific employers and preparing for interviews.

Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

Also, according to her, it is possible to customize the search for suitable vacancies comprehensively, taking into account geolocation and individual characteristics of candidates, obtained not only from resumes, but also from other available sources (social networks, etc.).

Interestingly, there is also a trend on the part of employers to use algorithms to handle incoming inquiries. Advanced executives in IT companies carefully customize their bots and digital avatars. Thus, a job seeker will not be able to attract the HR manager's attention at the first attempt, so he or she needs to be patient and actively participate in a dialog with a digital assistant, Patrusheva notes.

Now it is important to learn how to write effective prompts (queries) to chatbots, so that they in turn help to compose a so-called Boolean query for an in-depth job search to then insert it into the browser. Such a query allows you to target your search - for example, to specify some websites, to include or exclude a whole set of conditions, but it requires some skills in working with logical operators. Of all groups of applicants, young people are likely to have an easier time learning new skills, as they tend to be more active and motivated to learn.

In fact, says Oksana Dmitrieva, a State Duma deputy and former Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation, the impact of AI on employment is ambiguous.

Photo: Izvestia/Anna Selina

- AI is replacing middle- and low-skilled office workers, so we may not be talking about an increase, but rather a decrease in opportunities," she believes. - This is especially true for office workers, dispatchers 50+ and 70+. And in general, we should not expect tectonic shifts in the labor market from the introduction of AI, rather it will have an impact on the competitive environment and the demand for skills.

According to the Superjob research center, if knowledge of neural networks increases a programmer's salary, then a designer's salary, on the contrary, decreases. While the developers of IT companies are busy with machine learning, the Internet is flooded with texts, pictures, videos and fakes generated by neural networks. Employers have decided that there is no point in paying more to the same marketers and designers, since artificial intelligence works for them: average salary offers for them are lower than for specialists working without the use of neural networks.

Oleg Nikolaev, a member of the general council of Delovaya Rossiya, adds that the active economic impact of artificial intelligence will not be to help those who work today to retrain, but to remove unnecessary jobs in conditions of labor shortage.

Don't be afraid of AI

Stanislav Pavlov, director of artificial intelligence and research at Positive Technologies, notes that AI can help prepare job seekers for job interviews and develop the necessary job skills. With the help of generative AI systems, it is possible to create training materials, simulations and trainings that are adapted to individual needs and level of training. This is useful, for example, for young mothers who may have limited time or for older people who may find it difficult to learn new technologies.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

- Generative methods of artificial intelligence open up new horizons for employment in creative professions such as design, copywriting and illustration," says the expert.

The available free services based on generative AI, he says, offer the opportunity to improve skills based on experience, making AI a valuable resource for anyone looking to develop both in their profession and through self-education.

How to change careers with AI

If you want to learn a new profession, ask a neural network to create a personalized course for you for two weeks, a month or six months, recommends Boris Ryzhkov, HR Director of Softline Digital (Softline Group). It doesn't matter whether you want to become a Java developer or an Internet marketer, the AI is capable of creating a course for any specialty. It will select the necessary literature, recommend thematic videos, draw up a detailed lesson plan, and even assign homework.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

- As for workers with zero experience or ageing employees who find it difficult to adapt to modern technologies, AI can become a wand for them, capable of answering any question and explaining any phenomenon, technology and process in detail," says the expert. - With the help of a neural network it will be possible to understand different topics - both specialized and not.

If there is a desire to leave employment for entrepreneurship, with the help of AI you can study the market that attracts and ask to create a business plan.

Neural network vs. labor discrimination

Artificial intelligence can become an assistant and mentor for those who plan to learn a new profession or fear that they will face discrimination in the labor market, notes Sergey Golitsyn, head of T1 AI (T1 IT Holding).

- Today, AI can be used to personalize the learning process through platforms such as Coursera or Udemy, where algorithms adjust the complexity and pace of courses to the user's level of knowledge," says the expert. - With the help of services such as Duolingo or ChatGPT, it is easy to learn foreign languages or acquire basic programming and data analysis skills.

Photo: Izvestia/Anna Selina

The labor market is changing rapidly, and promising professions directly related to artificial intelligence are emerging. Some of them can be mastered independently, such as prompt engineering - creating queries for optimal operation of neural networks and other AI solutions.

Evgeny Osminin, Director of Development and Digital Transformation at RDTECH, explains that generative AI services make it relatively easy to work without special training and, as a rule, remotely in the following areas: creating images, illustrations and designs (for example, with the help of DALL-E, Midjourney, Kandisky services), generating video content, including animation and editing, composing music and creating sound effects (for example, with the help of OpenAI MuseNet services), and others.

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