Allergies to cold: who in the cold is better not to go outside
Crisp snow and bracing frost are not everyone's cup of tea. The winter fairy tale turns into a real nightmare for patients with cold allergies. Rashes, itching, blisters, tachycardia and headaches accompany those who can not tolerate low temperatures. Is it possible to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon, which patients are at risk and how to minimize the external manifestations of the disease - in the material "Izvestia".
Cold reception
Doctors characterize cold allergy as a pathological response of the body to the impact of low temperatures. Alina Kirichenko, a therapist at the polyclinic of the national medical research center "Treatment and Rehabilitation Center" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, emphasizes that this is a rare disease that is accompanied by skin rashes, itching and other inflammatory reactions. An abnormal immune response occurs in contact with cold air, icy water, cold objects and food.
Svetlana Mekhrenigina, head of the Department of Pediatrics, allergist of the clinic "Bud Zdorov" in St. Petersburg, emphasizes that the symptoms appearing on the skin and mucous membranes are identical to allergic symptoms. Allergy to cold can manifest itself in both adults and children.
- The risk group includes people with pre-existing allergic diseases, as well as those who have a family predisposition to allergies, patients with weakened immunity and autoimmune diseases,- says Alina Kirichenko.
Alla Rafaelian, pediatric allergist of the clinic "Be Healthy", doctor of the first category, also emphasizes that the formation of cold allergy is possible at any age, but it is most dangerous for patients with identified allergic pathology.
According to Rafaelian, the rash in cold allergy usually occurs in a few minutes on different parts of the body. In heat, such manifestations pass in the interval from an hour to a day, but can persist for up to several days. In severe forms of allergy, there is swelling of the lips, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, there is itching in the mouth and pharynx. The trigger factor for this type of allergy is not only cold air, but also immersion in icy water, cold food and drinks, as well as penetrating wind.
A type of cold allergy is cold urticaria. According to Svetlana Mehrengina, with this condition, itching, redness and blisters occur on certain areas of the skin due to the cold.
The peak of manifestations of this type of urticaria falls in the fall and winter. But, according to Mehrengina, it can occur at any time of the year. For example, when swimming in cold water, drinking cold drinks, ice cream and taking contrast showers.
The terms "cold allergy" and "cold urticaria" are often used synonymously, but there are some clinical differences, Kirichenko notes.
- Cold urticaria is a specific form of physical urticaria. Cold allergy is a broader term and includes various immune reactions to low temperatures. Both conditions are characterized by similar symptoms, but may have different mechanisms of development, - explains Kirichenko.
The insidiousness of an allergic reaction to cold is that it can masquerade as symptoms of a cold. According to Svetlana Mekhrengina, patients get runny nose, cough and tearing. But as soon as a person returns to the warmth, these symptoms disappear.
Is it possible to get rid of allergies
There is no unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is possible to get rid of cold allergies or whether it is realistic to achieve only remission. Much depends on the individual. Expert Svetlana Mehrengina notes that if the problem is genetically conditioned, then even if remission is achieved, the symptoms can reappear at any time.
- But it happens much more often that cold allergy is an independent disease, the causes and mechanism of which are not known. Predisposing factors can be autoimmune diseases, viral infections, stress," comments Svetlana Mehrengina.
According to the doctor, cold allergy can be part of the underlying disease, which usually worsens under the influence of cold. We are talking about such problems as atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma.
It happens that cold allergy torments a person constantly and in a severe form - with swelling of soft tissues, difficulty breathing, blisters, headache, tachycardia and nausea. In such cases, it makes sense to consider moving from a region with a harsh climate to a warmer region.
- Moving to a warmer climate should be considered when the course of the disease cannot be controlled. Prevention is aimed at eliminating contact with the provoking factor - cold. Indeed, it is recommended to refuse cold drinks and dishes, avoid prolonged exposure to air conditioning, - advises Svetlana Mehrengina.
If a person reacts badly to cold, he may even get anaphylactic shock while bathing in icy water.
To protect yourself from cold allergies, Svetlana Mehrengina advises to follow important rules.
- At low temperatures, refrain from long walks. When leaving the house, cover your skin as much as possible: use scarves, warm hats and gloves, wear a hood that protects from the wind. 15 minutes before going out in the cold, apply a protective cream to the skin and a nourishing balm to the lips. Do not eat food immediately from the refrigerator, do not drink cold drinks, - comments the expert.
Alla Rafaelian advises to limit the stay outside in the cold for those who suffer from cold allergies.
- In cold weather, protect the exposed parts of the body. Support the body with warm drinks, such as tea. It is recommended to use cosmetic products that prevent skin cooling (cold creams). If necessary, connect second-generation antihistamines, - suggests Alla Rafaelian
According to Mehrengina, during the period of exacerbation of cold allergy should also limit the use of foods with a high content of histamine - salty and smoked foods, spices, sweets, citrus fruits. In most other cases, treatment can be carried out with antihistamines, but the drugs should not be used without the advice of an allergist.
In order to diagnose cold urticaria, a special "provocation" test is carried out.
- An ice cube is applied to the inner surface of the patient's forearm for five minutes and the reaction is evaluated. If a blister or swelling of the skin appears, the test is considered positive," says Svetlana Mehrengina.
According to doctors, such an allergy test should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
Well-groomed hands
Such an unpleasant reaction to cold as irritation and redness of the back skin of the hands used to be called chicks. And in this case, unpleasant symptoms do not always indicate an allergic reaction. Exposure to low temperatures in general adversely affects the skin if the hydrolipidic barrier was initially broken, emphasizes dermatologist Natalia Zhovtan.
Insufficient or too aggressive care harms the beauty and health of hands. For example, the frequent use of antibacterial soap, antiseptic wipes or liquid antiseptics, emphasizes the expert.
- With excessive exposure to these products violates the hydrolipidic mantle - a thin layer on the skin. This is the primary barrier that protects us from negative factors, including low ambient temperature," Zhovtan says.
If you neglect to wear gloves, the poor condition of the skin can be considered as a disease to which people with atopic dermatitis and allergic reactions to chemicals are prone, emphasizes Natalia Zhovtan.
In addition to cold air, the enemy of beautiful, smooth skin is considered to be a sharp icy wind - it also dehydrates and damages the skin. Patients who develop a negative reaction to the cold, the doctor advises to follow simple rules, in addition to the mandatory wearing of gloves.
- Hands before going outdoors should be dry - it is inadmissible exposure to cold and wind on wet skin after washing. In the winter windy period, use products that may contain lanolin, urea, cotton extracts, oils, herbs and moisturizing components such as panthenol, allantoin, - says Natalia Zhovtan.
The doctor advises to apply these products to the sensitive skin of the hands and even the face immediately 10-15 minutes before going out. A protective film is formed on the skin, which additionally helps to resist negative environmental factors.