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Fines for violating part of the traffic rules have increased by 1.5 times. On Thursday, December 12, such amendments to the bill were adopted in the second and third readings by the State Duma deputies. Russians will pay more for "popular" violations of traffic rules - speeding, driving on the oncoming lane, ignoring road signs and drunken driving. Inaddition, the discount for timely payment will be reduced to 25%. However, such measures are unlikely to radically solve the problem of non-compliance with traffic rules, experts believe. Avid offenders will adapt to the new amounts, the bulk of drivers will still behave more carefully on the roads, but it will be a temporary effect. About how much and for what now violators will have to pay - in the material of "Izvestia".

What violations will "go up in price"

Changes approved during consideration in the second reading of the bill on the introduction of sanctions for repeated driving without an MTPL policy. Additions to increase fines for other offenses in the document introduced after its adoption in the first reading in November 2023.

From January 1, 2025, on average, fines will increase by 1.5 times. In particular, it's about the violation of speed limits by 20-40 km/h. Now for this you will have to pay 750 rubles instead of 500. The maximum fine for speeding at 80 km/h and above will increase from Br5 thousand to Br7.5 thousand. For driving through a red traffic light - from Br1 thousand to Br1.5 thousand. For driving on the roadside - from Br1.5 thousand to Br2.5 thousand, for failure to comply with the requirements of markings and signs - from Br500 to Br750, for turning left or turning in the wrong place - from Br1-1.5 thousand to Br1.5-2.5 thousand.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

The monetary penalty for unfastened seat belt will now amount to Br1.5 thousand instead of Br1 thousand. For driving under the influence of alcohol, the fine will now amount to Br45 thousand instead of Br30 thousand.

The fine for causing minor harm to health in violation of traffic rules will increase from Br2.5-5 thousand to Br3.7-7.5 thousand. As for medium harm to health, the fine will increase from Br10-20 thousand to Br15-30 thousand.

Separate innovations will affect Moscow and St. Petersburg. Thus, for driving on the dedicated lane will be fined Br4.5 thousand instead of Br3 thousand. The same amount is provided for non-compliance with the requirements of markings and signs prohibiting parking or stopping.

In addition, the rules of payment of a fine with a discount will also change. Now it can be done within 30 days, not 20, but the discount will be only 25%, not 50%, as it was before the innovations.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergei Konkov

In total, according to the text of the bill, 13 articles of traffic rules will become more expensive. At the same time, as the authors emphasize, the innovations will not affect those who violate before the entry into force of the amendments.

As told in an interview with "Izvestia" head of the Russian State Automobile Inspectorate Mikhail Chernikov, at the end of last year on Russian roads there were 132.5 thousand accidents, which is 4.5% more than in 2022. He emphasized that the problem of accidents involving drivers with signs of intoxication remains relevant, as such accidents account for more than a tenth (10.5%) of the total number of accidents, and those killed in these accidents - almost a quarter of the total number (23.5%).

- Therefore, we will always pay special attention to the fight against drunk drivers, - emphasized the head of traffic police.

Speeding is the most common violation of traffic rules, which accounts for more than 70% of the 240 million rulings issued by the traffic police in 2023.

Will the increase in the cost of fines affect drivers?

The main purpose of the adopted amendments is to increase discipline among drivers and reduce the number of offenses on the roads, believes practicing lawyer Ekaterina Kutuzova.

- It is expected that the increase in fines will not only improve the road situation, but also reduce the number of road accidents," she believes. - At the same time, it is important that lawmakers pay attention to developing a fair and proportional approach to each type of offense.

Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev

The increase in administrative fines is considered an example of the usual legislative logic, said Vladimir Kuznetsov, deputy head of the Federal Mediation Center.

- Usually fines are increased by multiples for the purpose of general prevention of offenses - this was the case with the recent tightening of liability in the field of personal data, - explained the expert. - But in this case there is simply an actualization of sanctions of the CAO RF.

Auto expert Yulia Miloslavskaya believes that with the increase in fines by one and a half times, the bulk of drivers will drive more carefully to avoid financial losses. But the other part may perceive the situation as inevitable expenses, which will not radically change the traffic situation.

- After the increase in fines, we can expect a temporary decrease in the number of violations, but soon drivers will get used to the new conditions," she emphasized. - This is due to the fact that many of them ignore fines and perceive them as a way to replenish the state budget.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

The last time, according to Yulia Miloslavskaya, fines were raised in 2021 and concerned serious violations, such as speeding 40-60 km/h and driving without a license.

- But the increase in fines does not serve as a universal solution to all issues related to road safety, so there was only a short-term decrease in some types of violations," the auto expert added. - The central goals of increasing fines are to reduce the number of accidents and improve safety on the road. Inflation and the rising cost of living also require an adequate response in legislation.

Reducing the discount percentage, in her opinion, may be related to the desire to increase the financial responsibility of drivers and encourage them to be more conscious of both the payment of fines and their behavior on the road.

Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev

Alexey Kolosov, head of the VGV brand marketing department, added that an effective way against violators on the roads could be an increase in the number of tools for fixing violations, as well as the inevitability of punishment, i.e. the ability to quickly find the culprit. He believes that the size of the fine is secondary in this case, as law-abiding citizens knowingly violate traffic rules and do not pay fines.

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