Exact horoscope for 2025: by date of birth, for women and men
On the eve of the New Year holidays, many people want to look into the future and find out what awaits them next year. Usually horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac cope with this task. However, no less interesting and numerological calculation, which allows you to determine the possible events with the help of numbers. "Izvestia" publishes the numerological forecast for 2025 and tells how to find out your personal number of the year by date of birth.
Numerological forecast for 2025
According to numerology, the coming year will be the last in the nine-year cycle. Its number will be "nine". This value is formed by adding all the digits present in the ordinal number of the year, that is: 2+0+2+5=9. The number nine closes the nine-year numerological cycle and means the completion of an important life stage.
And if in 2024 human relations and emotions were at the head, in 2025 the key theme will be the possibility of applying the accumulated knowledge and experience.
In this regard, the year of the nine will be a period of deep self-discovery, reflection on the past and a good time for personal growth. It is likely that you will have to revise your priorities, set new goals, and somewhere - turn the page to start a new chapter.
Some may think about advancing their career or changing jobs, especially if they have long wanted to try themselves in another field. Big changes are expected in personal life as well. Some will be able to enter a new stage of development, strengthening their union, others, on the contrary, will want to complete the relationship, which no longer brings joy.
But at the same time, you should be prepared for the fact that the release from the past and building a new one will be associated with certain difficulties. Many obstacles and obstacles may be encountered along the way, which will require determination, patience and flexibility. Meanwhile, the main message that carries the "nine" - do not be afraid to part with what has already outlived its time, and boldly go towards their dreams.
Accurate horoscope for 2025 by date of birth: what awaits the signs of the zodiac
To make a more accurate prediction, you need to find out your personal number of the year. It is based on the date of birth and the year to learn about. For example, if a person was born on December 31, then his individual number will be seven: 3+1+1+1+2+9 (the number of 2025) =16. The result must be reduced to a single-digit number: 1+6=7. Now it remains to find out what this number promises.
Personal number of the year 1
One is the number of the leader, symbolizing independence, new beginnings and opportunities. It is with it that the nine-year numerological cycle begins. This is a great time to start in any sphere - study, career, business, love. The main task is just to define your goals and direct all efforts to achieve them. But to succeed, you need to believe in your potential, take initiative more often and not be afraid to take responsibility. The financial side too has chances to get a new impetus. There will be opportunities to increase your income and pay off existing debts and loans. Therefore, it is worth considering 2025 as a starting point for long-term prospects.
Personal number of the year 2
For those who have the number two, 2025 will be a year of waiting. Plans, hopes and dreams will be realized extremely slowly, which can lead to stress and nervous breakdowns. However, you should not rush things. You need to be patient and enjoy what you have now. Moreover, it is likely that the owners of the "two" will be rewarded for their labors and efforts in the previous year. Some cases will develop without their participation, being as if the logical conclusion of the year, so you can not hurry anywhere. During this period it is better to emphasize family and friendship relations. The New Year will be an ideal time for joint travels, holidays and other events, which will strengthen relationships.
Personal number of the year 3
For the owners of the "three", the new year will be a real holiday. It will bring a lot of joy and entertainment. In addition, the year promises romantic acquaintances and important meetings. At the forefront of the creative will come to the forefront. You should not deny yourself anything, because self-expression in all areas - the main motto of the year. Ideas born during this period will be appreciated. It is important to remain open and share your ideas with colleagues. It is quite possible that such an approach will lead to new career opportunities. But you should not take on everything at once. It is better to engage in things that bring pleasure, keeping a balance. The year is also favorable for various changes, such as changing your image, updating your closet or home.
Personal number of the year is 4
The number four symbolizes hard work and hard work. So, there will be plenty of work in 2025. There is a possibility that you will have to work for two, without counting on any incentives. Because of this, there may be a feeling of oppression and hopelessness. But not everything is so bad. Intensive work even without proper material reward will allow you to gain invaluable experience and knowledge, which will certainly be useful and will be appreciated in the future. Now you can make plans, slowly moving in the chosen direction. And do not forget about rest. In the sphere of love and relationships there is an opportunity to strengthen ties with loved ones, making them more stable and harmonious. In general, the Four will bring more maturity and responsibility, which will contribute to further growth.
Personal Number of the Year 5
For the owners of the "five", this is a time of change. One should be prepared for a lot of amazing events to start happening in life. The energy of the year promotes innovation and creativity. Therefore, do not be afraid to take risks and make unconventional decisions, success will accompany in all endeavors. In the personal sphere there may be a need to reconsider your relationships with loved ones. New acquaintances are possible, which will give a lot of bright and unforgettable impressions. Financial situation in 2025 may be unstable. It is important to be cautious and avoid impulsive spending. But investments made in your own development and new knowledge will pay off a hundredfold. It is also worth paying attention to physical activity. This will allow you to remain productive and energetic throughout the year.
Personal number of the year 6
For people who have a six, the year will bring many opportunities for new romantic relationships, starting a family, planning and having children. There will be a need to pay more attention to the home, create coziness and take care of loved ones, strengthening family ties. Another important part of the year will be to resolve old conflicts and restore trusting relationships. Beneficially the influence of the number will affect communication with colleagues. The energy of the "six" contributes to the creation of a comfortable atmosphere in the workplace and teamwork. This will strengthen interaction with employees and achieve successful results. In addition, creative potential may be unleashed. For example, you will want to create something with your hands or write poetry. It is worth listening to your desires and live in harmony with your inner needs.
Personal number of the year 7
In numerology, "seven" represents a spiritual search. This means that in 2025 you will have to rethink and realize a lot of things. First of all, your own actions and thoughts. The energy of the number will help to cope with accumulated problems and find answers to the questions that concern you. To do this, it is important not to detach yourself from your worries and spend more time alone with yourself. The year should be perceived solely as a turning point to determine your true desires and spread your wings. The same applies to your personal life. If everything is not smooth in a relationship, now you can sort out your feelings and come to an understanding with your partner. Also "seven" will lead to a rethinking of your priorities at work. It is possible that in the future there will be a desire to improve your skills or take on projects that really inspire.
Personal number of the year 8
The number eight is associated with success and material wealth. Therefore, those who get an "eight" have every chance to achieve advancement at work, improve their financial situation and achieve recognition. However, it is necessary to show determination and perseverance, as well as be prepared for the difficulties that will accompany the path to success. Big wins are expected on the personal front. Self-confidence and pressure will attract the attention not only of business partners, but also dispose of representatives of the opposite sex. But for the harmonious development of relationships should maintain a balance between career ambitions and personal life. You should also take into account that the year will require a lot of strength and energy, so it is important to devote time to your physical and emotional health.
Personal number of the year is 9
If the personal number of the year was the number nine, then it is time to take stock. It's time to get rid of everything unnecessary that prevents you from moving towards your goals and developing in the right direction. The energy of the number calls for the finalization of old commitments and affairs that it's time to put behind us. It may be necessary to say goodbye to some people and free yourself from toxic connections in order to pave the way for more harmonious relationships. This stage should be accepted as a natural part of life, without cutting off what is of real value. The main thing is to prepare the space for new beginnings and accept the coming changes with an open heart. Thus, by summarizing the results, you can create a solid foundation for future achievements.
In addition, to make the year a success, you can use your lucky numbers, which each zodiac sign has. You can find them out in your horoscope. It is believed that they bring good luck if you use them in everyday life. For example, to appoint a meeting at this time or date.
Earlier "Izvestia" told what is mundane astrology and how it is used to predict the future.